Biden's Attack On Landlords Continues.....


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"When Engineered Tax Services CEO Julio Gonzalez set out to write an op-ed for Business Insider on how landlords are “suffering” under Biden’s eviction moratorium, he probably should’ve sent a long a different photo. The egregiously tone-deaf photo did not go over well on Twitter where people couldn’t resist dunking on the audacity of a wealthy CEO asking for sympathy. Twitter users also latched onto Gonzalez’s own admission that out of his 24 properties, only four of his tenants are using the moratorium to help with rent. Via Business Insider:
The moratoriums have led to a significant and negative impact in profitability — for me, it’s been a 15% loss in profit.
Even further into the piece, Gonzalez openly confirms that “we’ve been fortunate to be in a position where we can sustain no income,” but he argues that other landlords might not be. Granted, that could be a compelling argument, but not coming from the millionaire CEO of a tax company who’s smiling in front of his own personal airplane.

Maybe this guy isn't the poster child that encourages sympathy for landlords, but the fact remains.... he is right about one thing, since Biden has been in office, he has declared war on successful hardworking people.....The fact is, landlords are hurting more than the renters can possibly imagine.....The system is rigged against landlords, the system is rigged against people who have worked hard to be able to own property...

It's about time they are fully compensated for that hard work...not have what they worked for stolen away by lazy moochers who want government handouts. The system is basically controlled by the people who least deserve it (the bottom 50%) -- when will the system finally start looking out for the "powerless" (the top 10%) among us and push back against these moochers??

"When Engineered Tax Services CEO Julio Gonzalez set out to write an op-ed for Business Insider on how landlords are “suffering” under Biden’s eviction moratorium, he probably should’ve sent a long a different photo. The egregiously tone-deaf photo did not go over well on Twitter where people couldn’t resist dunking on the audacity of a wealthy CEO asking for sympathy. Twitter users also latched onto Gonzalez’s own admission that out of his 24 properties, only four of his tenants are using the moratorium to help with rent. Via Business Insider:

Even further into the piece, Gonzalez openly confirms that “we’ve been fortunate to be in a position where we can sustain no income,” but he argues that other landlords might not be. Granted, that could be a compelling argument, but not coming from the millionaire CEO of a tax company who’s smiling in front of his own personal airplane.

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Maybe this guy isn't the poster child that encourages sympathy for landlords, but the fact remains.... he is right about one thing, since Biden has been in office, he has declared war on successful hardworking people.....The fact is, landlords are hurting more than the renters can possibly imagine.....The system is rigged against landlords, the system is rigged against people who have worked hard to be able to own property...

It's about time they are fully compensated for that hard work...not have what they worked for stolen away by lazy moochers who want government handouts. The system is basically controlled by the people who least deserve it (the bottom 50%) -- when will the system finally start looking out for the "powerless" (the top 10%) among us and push back against these moochers??
That's true. I remember my first house and how I rented out the upstairs to help with the mortgage. If some asshole like Biden would have told me I had to give my tenants free rent, I would have freaked out.
Now that I find myself in a position where I'm not dependent on the success of the economy or my investments to maintain my simplified lifestyle, I might actually enjoy watching the entire thing burn to the ground.

Hopefully something good will grow again from the scorched earth.
Landlords should not be expected to give out welfare to those affected by COVID

Stopping evictions does not stop rent from being owed. A renter running up a rent bill of over $10,000 will just skip out on the bill and move elsewhere.
Landlords should not be expected to give out welfare to those affected by COVID

Stopping evictions does not stop rent from being owed. A renter running up a rent bill of over $10,000 will just skip out on the bill and move elsewhere.
wow...we agree....

Yep, this is simply screwing over property owners. Another bright move by Xiden and the Dems
but not coming from the millionaire CEO of a tax company who’s smiling in front of his own personal airplane.

No one should own their own airplane UNLESS they are willing to tell the common folk they shouldn't own their own car.

Gore 1013.jpg
My tenants have all paid me. One was about 4 months late but that isn't unusual. They are every year, but they also pay me the whole year in one check. That is usually why they are late. They forget until they do their taxes since they are not in the habit of sending monthly checks. On that particular out of state property, I wouldn't care that much if they hadn't paid me just as long as they keep it maintained so I don't have to pay anybody to do it or mow the grass.

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