Biden will go after your retirement accounts, and here's how it starts...

Is there nothing that Joe Biden is actually doing, and planning to do, that is worthy of your criticism? Do you have to make shit up that he hasn't even talked about or discussed doing?

Well congratulations Joe Biden!! The idiots are now making up shit like Critical Race Theory, and this crap to attack Democrats. Because they have nothing real to attack you on.

Get back to us when there's a serious proposal on the table.
You stupid fuck. It’s so easy making you look stupid. CRT is not made up. And Xiden has already talked of taxing 401K accounts. Don’t come back until you learn to tell the truth. Oh wait, that means we’ll never see you again.....
I was told you are not a Democrat but an independent. Is this true? If so, how can you make such a statement, when we have millions of people who don't want to work at all?
Democrats want Medicare For All.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.
Social security is one of the greatest things this nation has ever done. Go ahead and run on getting rid of it. End it and mass chaos ensues. It would be historical horrific.
Cat and dogs! Living together!!!
Brilliant, absolutely BRILLIANT! Just think, if you elected him for 4 more years, you would actually have a case. Now that you have Biden, it is on YOU PEOPLE!

You as a party are screwed. I know it, you know it, and so this conversation has ended, since I can see you are totally off the deep end because we both know it is true, lol!
And yet, I've never been a Democrat, and have disagreements with them on virtually every issue.

So, what you "know" is fantasy, provided to you by shysters you choose to trust.

And that doesn't change the fact that the man you adore did and said exactly what I pointed out.
Hey dummy, raising the payroll tax is a tax increase. Not surprised you and g0000 don’t understand that. Just hike everybody’s taxes. This is why you get laughed at.
You chose one out of five. I was asked a question, and I answered it with facts most people know (outside of MAGA world).

The actual point -- which went right over all the MAGA heads, as usual -- was that retirement accounts won't be a target.

Go ahead and cut Social Security. Run on that. You'll do great, Einstein.
You freaking hit and run artist....You constantly complain that there is no debate around here, yet when I give you a post deserving of such, what do you do?

Call names, throw out some bs and run....You're pathetic.
I've told you more than once: You bore me. I have no interest in your opinion of me. Maybe you thought I was kidding.

All you do is bitch about me. To me, you're just an old Trumpster Karen. Keep bitching, but I don't have to enable you.
I've told you more than once: You bore me. I have no interest in your opinion of me. Maybe you thought I was kidding.

All you do is bitch about me. To me, you're just an old Trumpster Karen. Keep bitching, but I don't have to enable you.
So, you throw out four items, I answered them, and that bores you eh? Well, what in the hell are you doing in here then, if not to debate your ideas?
So, you throw out four items, I answered them, and that bores you eh? Well, what in the hell are you doing in here then, if not to debate your ideas?
I come here for two things: To observe beliefs, opinions and behaviors, and to occasionally belch out my opinion when the mood strikes.

I do not come here for predictable, asymmetrical, shallow conversation. If that's something you like, I support your right to engage in it.
I come here for two things: To observe beliefs, opinions and behaviors, and to occasionally belch out my opinion when the mood strikes.

I do not come here for predictable, asymmetrical, shallow conversation. If that's something you like, I support your right to engage in it.
Ah, so what are you going to do with your observations? Anything? Or just take pleasure at wasting time and bandwidth?
There are several tweaks that can be made to Social Security that can "save" it just fine.

Silly paranoia is not one of them.
Naah...we're long past the tipping point. The only way to "save" it would be to make things like they were when it started: you can start collecting, on average, two years after you die.
I come here for two things: To observe beliefs, opinions and behaviors, and to occasionally belch out my opinion when the mood strikes.

I do not come here for predictable, asymmetrical, shallow conversation. If that's something you like, I support your right to engage in it.
"Occasionally?" have made more than nine THOUSAND posts a year! You have made, on average, twenty five posts a day, every day for ten years!
Then cut benefits. Or end Social Security. Run on that. Go ahead.

Or, just keep bitching.
It is going to end. The chance of that is-exactly-one hundred percent. It's WAY past the tipping point already, it's not sustainable. Without having my money taken for it, I expect I'd be retired by 50.
It means nothing to you. This is the closing of a loophole which the one percent use.

What needs to be done to save Social Security and Medicare is that the eligibility age needs to be raised to 70 and then indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.
Or just make it like it was originally: Social Security should start paying out when a person reaches the average lifespan in the country, plus two.

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