Biden using your money for hotels for illegals while homeless Vets sleep on the streets. Is that the new American Way?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Bidens Mexico First agenda is in your face and on the surface...they don’t try to hide it do the “save the homeless, save the poor blacks” Left feel about this?
Many of us have championed help for the homeless but are rebuffed.
How much was spent, per person, keeping people locked up at the border by the prior administration? $750 a day?
They're probably registering them to vote.

We know that Democrats gave a welcome package to refugees that contained a voter registration form. They got caught that time.

What exactly is there to explain? If I would post an article concerning helping the homeless many posting here would dismiss it as Communism. The complaints here ring hollow.
That's my point, you're idea of "helping" our veterans involves spending other people's money, not yours.
That's my point, you're idea of "helping" our veterans involves spending other people's money, not yours.

Right, the homeless are just being used by you. There is no concern for them here.
What exactly is there to explain? If I would post an article concerning helping the homeless many posting here would dismiss it as Communism. The complaints here ring hollow.

You're as hollow as a dried up walnut

I have no interest in subsiding illegals....why do you?

We have the homeless, veterans needing help and you advocate helping border jumpers?

You really are a sad Nincompoop
That's my point, you're idea of "helping" our veterans involves spending other people's money, not yours.

Using tax dollars to help veterans means using everyone's money to help those who served, and to keep the promises we made.

How many time have we seen "No money spent on ___________ as long as our veterans are homeless"? And yet, whether we spend money of refugees, drug addicts, immigrants or whatever, somehow there never seems to be enough money to keep our promises to those who served. The Wounded Warrior Project was created by veterans who saw that the US was not keeping their promise. The fact that a private charity had to be started to take care of our veterans is an embarrassment. Not because someone stepped up, but because someone had to.

We always have enough money to send troops someplace, but never enough to take care of them when they come back.
You're as hollow as a dried up walnut

I have no interest in subsiding illegals....why do you?

We have the homeless, veterans needing help and you advocate helping border jumpers?

You really are a sad Nincompoop

I addressed the homeless. Those complaining here are not interested in helping the homeless.
Using tax dollars to help the homeless means using all our money to help those who served, and to keep the promises we made.

How many time have we seen "No money spent on ___________ as long as our veterans are homeless"? And yet, whether we spend money of refugees, drug addicts, immigrants or whatever, somehow there never seems to be enough money to keep our promises to those who served. The Wounded Warrior Project was created by veterans who saw thatthe US was not keeping their promise. The fact that a private charity had to be started to take care of our veterans is an embarrassment. Not because someone stepped up, but because someone had to.

We always have enough money to send troops someplace, but never enough to take care of them when they come back.
Why is *biden letting this happen? He's been there 50 years, why isn't it fixed yet?

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