Biden; "The Great Real Estate Developer That Didn't Build A Damn Thing"

Don't you love when these leftwingers like Biden, 0bama, and Clinton who never have had a real job or accomplished a damn thing attack wildly successful billionaires like the great President Trump?

A presidential candidate should always be a great businessman. That's what leads to great presidents like Trump

None of those 3 have ever had an actual job.
Crazy who Democrats aclaim.

Trump converted the bankrupt Commodore Hotel at Grand Central into the Grand Hyatt, the first Hyatt in NY.
do the toilets at trump tower work properly pt do they still beed 16 flushes? ? a great developer should be able to get the proper toilets installed in his building?

Are those the toilets mandated by government to be low flush or did he choose them 100% entirely himself?
“Guess what? The great real-estate builder, the last guy here, he didn’t build a damn thing,” the 80-year-old president said during a Labor Day rally in swing-state Pennsylvania.

“Under my predecessor, ‘Infrastructure Week’ became a punchline,” Biden said, referring to the dayslong Trump initiative in which his administration touted its national development plans.

“On my watch, infrastructure means a decade, and it’s a headline,” the president said, adding that $10 billion was committed to Pennsylvania so far from the federal government’s 2021 bipartisan infrastructure law.

Yes we know the Biden cult master speaks lies

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