Biden publicly insults Pennsylvanians and African Americans


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
While holding a rally in PA, Biden calls Pennsylvanians who don't support him “chumps", and in his very next sentence says “Look, we got to come together”.

And, let us not forget when Biden asserted if Blacks don’t vote for him, then they are not Black!

And if that is not enough insulting of Americans and the African American Community, Biden also insulted Blacks by asserting, “… unlike the African American community” . . . , “the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community”.

Why on earth would anyone believe Joe Biden sincerely intends to bring the American People together?


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
Trump voters are Chumps?

Works for me

There's no such things as African-Americans. Not really. What few there are would be those who hold dual citizenship between Africa and the United States.

Pretty much every other black individual in the American electorate has more in common with a white guy from Cleveland than he or she does with an African.

Should stop referencing them as African-Americans, it's political mumbo jumbo and effectively meaningless.

But, yeah, he called the Trump folks who were trolling his little rally chumps, that's true.
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While holding a rally in PA, Biden calls Pennsylvanians who don't support him “chumps", and in his very next sentence says “Look, we got to come together”.

And, let us not forget when Biden asserted if Blacks don’t vote for him, then they are not Black!

And if that is not enough insulting of Americans and the African American Community, Biden also insulted Blacks by asserting, “… unlike the African American community” . . . , “the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community”.

Why on earth would anyone believe Joe Biden sincerely intends to bring the American People together?


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

For 47 years, he was marginal AT BEST. Now with his advanced age and obvious brain problems, he is a screaming moron.
There's no such things as African-Americans. Not really. What few there are would be those who hold dual citizenship be Africa and the United States.

Pretty much every other black individual in the American electorate has more in common with a white guy from Cleveland than he or she does with an African.

HEY! I resent that. :auiqs.jpg:
Today at a micro-rally.... this incoherent old fart cracks me up... part of me wouldn't mind making fun of this stuttering fuck for the next 4 years.... a small part of me.

But, yeah, he called the Trump folks who were trolling his little rally chumps, that's true.

This is about Biden’s inbred racism and his racist past, e.g.


And isn’t that Joe Biden calling Robert Byrd, a former KKK member, a friend, mentor & guide?

And, what about Biden’s racist speech made on the Senate Floor?


Our communist/socialist domestic revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.
Trump voters are Chumps?

Works for me

Hunter Biden has sex?
I am shocked

And Rudy Giuliani tried to pick up a 15 year old
While holding a rally in PA, Biden calls Pennsylvanians who don't support him “chumps", and in his very next sentence says “Look, we got to come together”.

And, let us not forget when Biden asserted if Blacks don’t vote for him, then they are not Black!

And if that is not enough insulting of Americans and the African American Community, Biden also insulted Blacks by asserting, “… unlike the African American community” . . . , “the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community”.

Why on earth would anyone believe Joe Biden sincerely intends to bring the American People together?


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK

I was born in the Tremendous State of Ohio, but moved several years to the tremendous Shenango Valley of Pennsylvania, and I take objection to Biden's statements. No, I'm not a "chump" because I don't support Sleepy Joe.

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