Biden Is Lying-US Economy In Serious Condition

These idiots see a BS inflation rate of over 7%, spike the ball & declare victory.

We are not dealing with the best & brightest here

When a NaziKaren talks about "the economy".........they are talking about THEIR PERSONAL economies of THEIR party members.....NOT the economy of this nation.

They more they STEAL from us, the BETTER THEIR ECOMONY IS!!!!

The DNC doesn't give a flying rats ass about the American citizens they are continually creating new "laws" to steal our money from us, money launder, and syphon into their PERSONAL bank accounts!!!
We are just batteries providing power in the form of never ending tax increases for congress to piss away.....And even that's not enough for them.


US Population:



That's a 132 million net increase in population in just 52 years folks, not even counting the millions of illegals.

More laws every year to "govern" them and 87K new IRS agents to keep them providing "power" to DC.

Enjoy your 1099s.

BTW.....Nobody even has a clue about the number of federal laws, rules, and regulations that are currently on the books and in force....That by itself should tell you something on how fucked we are.
The economy is fine, unless you factor in the fed

Unless you factor in the masses of people who could previously buy groceries and fill their gas tanks without a struggle - and now cannot. Or the millions who aren’t working due to all the government handouts. Or an inflation rate still at a 40-year high.

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