Biden Is Being Set Up As The Scapegoat For The Coming Economic Collapse....And He Knew It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

When the people who got Biden elected are done...somebody is going to be tagged with bringing down the strongest economy on Earth.
It's no small wonder Obama asked him if he was up for it before he decided to throw his hat in the ring again.

"Joe.....are you sure you want to go thru with this?"

" I president yet?"

"But Joe....millions of people are going to die....whole families wiped out.....people eating out of'll make Venezuela look like a picnic. Are you sure you want to be labeled as the biggest f**kup since Jimmy Carter or Herbert Hoover?"

"I just want to be president and get a bunch of mansions like you, Barack!!"

"Okay, Joe, but you may end up not having a funeral like mine....millions of people crying over me, even though I helped murder many of their family members......but this is the revolution that had to happen to turn America into less of a threat to the rest of the world.....they'll blame you for everything that's about to happen."

"I really don't care at this point.......I'll just claim I'm suffering from Dementia.....and much of America will give me a pass out of pity.....the media will make the rest look like shameless asshole Trump supporters!"


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Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
And yet anyone with money up there wants to spend the winter in Florida? The quality of life must not be all THAT great! Just saying...
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Are rankings based on whether or not you can get arrested for holding church services in your home?
Yes...China is #1......Canada is a distant 3rd.
America will never be #1 but they want to become a close #2.
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Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy? What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!
I don't know if there is going to be an economic crash --- at least maybe not in Biden's term. So far, despite the COVID catastrophe, not really.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
And yet anyone with money up there wants to spend the winter in Florida? The quality of life must not be all THAT great! Just saying...
Even the people without money up here, want to spend the Winter, in Florida!!! :)

But all of us can't wait to get back up here, Spring, Summer, and Fall!!!
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Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy? What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!
Communists have been using that tactic for 100 years.
It's a common populist tactic that has gotten alot of incompetence people elected to office.
It mostly works on people who never had a pot to piss in.
Nor worked worked hard to get a pot to piss in.
That includes limousine liberals and trust-fund babies.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy?
The link I posted shows how America is failing the working classs. Americans not wanting to accept the truth is beside the point.
What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!

It won't be completely taken down but if Biden isn't stopped he's going to do some serious damage to the establishment status quo and the American way. It will undoubtedly bring short term pain for some of the very wealthy, but long term positive change for the vast majority.

The political fight that has taken America close to a fascist coup was only possible because of the people waking up and trying to do something about the ripoff of the working class.
Trump used that dissatisfaction for his own personal gain, but narrowly failed.

If Biden isn't stopped, the people will begin to reap the rewards and that will spell the end of Trump.

If Biden fails then the people will be ready and willing to give Trump and fascism a try.
I don't know if there is going to be an economic crash --- at least maybe not in Biden's term. So far, despite the COVID catastrophe, not really.
I think you're probably right, but if he isn't stopped there's going to be a pretty substantial overhaul of the American political system that only works for the very wealthy.

There's a reason for the discontent in America that's already come close to a political coup. It's didn't just come out of thin air for no reason.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy? What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!
Communists have been using that tactic for 100 years.
It's a common populist tactic that has gotten alot of incompetence people elected to office.
It mostly works on people who never had a pot to piss in.
Nor worked worked hard to get a pot to piss in.
That includes limousine liberals and trust-fund babies.
You're at least understanding the issue when you suggest 'commies' at work. In fact it's 'socialists' trying to bring 'social' change for the benefit of the long suffering American people.

None of the top ten countries named in my link are socialist countries. They're all capitalist countries that have maintained 'socially' responsible government for the majority of their people.
Even the people without money up here, want to spend the Winter, in Florida!!! :)
Many Canadians in the colder regions of Canada travel to warmer climates for part of the winter.
Personally, I live in what is widely known as the most desirable climate in the world.

None of which changes the facts shown in my link, no matter if you try to avoid it.

America's working class people are very angry because they're being cheated out of their piece of the American pie.

15th. on quality of life.

Americans are reduced to comparing their country against 3rd. world countries. America has long ago departed from the ranks of the modern first world.

And touting of comparible wealth index is dependent on a few billionaires holding more than half the country's wealth.
It's obvious that this forum isn't here for the sake of having a frank discussion. It's become all about ignorant no-minds screeching their insults and obscenties back and forth at each other like petulant children.

America is obviously about to see great change, because it's system can't survive much longer with the way it's been going.
Be that change by Biden or change by Trump or a wannabe fascist like him.

The rest of the world most likely doesn't give a fk, and will have to be content with sitting back and watching the political sideshow.

Maybe even a big shootout slaughter of Americans by their fellow Americans??
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
How long is it going to take you to pay off your $70K in average Canadian consumer debt per capita? Keep your nose on your face--you communists have done enough to fuck up our economy.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
And yet anyone with money up there wants to spend the winter in Florida? The quality of life must not be all THAT great! Just saying...
Even the people without money up here, want to spend the Winter, in Florida!!! :)

But all of us can't wait to get back up here, Spring, Summer, and Fall!!!
I just gave golf lessons to two couples from Maine who made the decision not to be in Maine anymore, Care. They want to be somewhere that their rights aren't taken away from them at the whim of politicians.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy?
The link I posted shows how America is failing the working classs. Americans not wanting to accept the truth is beside the point.
What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!

It won't be completely taken down but if Biden isn't stopped he's going to do some serious damage to the establishment status quo and the American way. It will undoubtedly bring short term pain for some of the very wealthy, but long term positive change for the vast majority.

The political fight that has taken America close to a fascist coup was only possible because of the people waking up and trying to do something about the ripoff of the working class.
Trump used that dissatisfaction for his own personal gain, but narrowly failed.

If Biden isn't stopped, the people will begin to reap the rewards and that will spell the end of Trump.

If Biden fails then the people will be ready and willing to give Trump and fascism a try.
What rewards do you see "the people" reaping under a Biden Economy, Donald? We're on a path to serious inflation and rather than dealing with that the Biden team is calling for even more Government spending. Anyone who took entry level Macro Economics can tell you what putting more money into an economy that is already suffering from inflation will lead to.

So when our gas is more expensive...our electricity is more expensive...our food is more expensive...our housing is more expensive...why do you think the average American is going to send Democrats to Washington to do more of the same?
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy? What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!
Communists have been using that tactic for 100 years.
It's a common populist tactic that has gotten alot of incompetence people elected to office.
It mostly works on people who never had a pot to piss in.
Nor worked worked hard to get a pot to piss in.
That includes limousine liberals and trust-fund babies.
You're at least understanding the issue when you suggest 'commies' at work. In fact it's 'socialists' trying to bring 'social' change for the benefit of the long suffering American people.

None of the top ten countries named in my link are socialist countries. They're all capitalist countries that have maintained 'socially' responsible government for the majority of their people.
Socialism is only one step from communism. All it takes is putting the wrong people in charge and they begin oppressing people.....which they're already doing. Socialists try to convince people......communists persuade them at the point of a gun. Both need a totally disarmed public to force the change they want.

Obama grew up a communist. His mother was studying it in the Unv Of Hawaii......that's where she met his father. Her parents are dyed in the wool communists. If any of this had been known....he never would have been elected to office. He's bad news.
Why try to uphold an economy that doesn't serve the interests of the ordinary working people.

Even Trump's pretend coup attempt on Jan. 6th. was declared to be against bad government. The rioters conned into taking part were being directed by Trump to kill Republican congress members too. "Hang Mike Pence".

Biden can do no harm to the ordinary working American by having a hand in taking down an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

It's not important that Canada is #1, it's important that the US is #15!
And China is catching the US fast!
Why is it you think our economy only serves the very wealthy?
The link I posted shows how America is failing the working classs. Americans not wanting to accept the truth is beside the point.
What makes you think "taking it down" is going to help the ordinary working American? You sound incredibly naive, Donald!

It won't be completely taken down but if Biden isn't stopped he's going to do some serious damage to the establishment status quo and the American way. It will undoubtedly bring short term pain for some of the very wealthy, but long term positive change for the vast majority.

The political fight that has taken America close to a fascist coup was only possible because of the people waking up and trying to do something about the ripoff of the working class.
Trump used that dissatisfaction for his own personal gain, but narrowly failed.

If Biden isn't stopped, the people will begin to reap the rewards and that will spell the end of Trump.

If Biden fails then the people will be ready and willing to give Trump and fascism a try.
No offense...but when the economy suffers.....the poor suffer the most.
And clearly you have no f**king clue what fascism is if you think Trump represented it. He's not the cancel-culture dipshit going around ruining lives and destroying families.
It's obvious that this forum isn't here for the sake of having a frank discussion. It's become all about ignorant no-minds screeching their insults and obscenties back and forth at each other like petulant children.

America is obviously about to see great change, because it's system can't survive much longer with the way it's been going.
Be that change by Biden or change by Trump or a wannabe fascist like him.

The rest of the world most likely doesn't give a fk, and will have to be content with sitting back and watching the political sideshow.

Maybe even a big shootout slaughter of Americans by their fellow Americans??
Is it considered an insult to say that you're obviously brainwashed?

Once again.....note to all of the socialists on this's one thing to watch socialism take root and destroy a country on the TV. What happens to the sorry lot that have to live thru it is totally different. I've seen both....and been to 3rd world countries that have leaders like our Democrats. It's not gonna be pretty. I wonder what Canada will do when they turn America into a 3rd world shithole and people start trying to illegally immigrate to their country. I seriously doubt Canada could handle the massive influx of poor and oppressed people pouring over their borders.
It's obvious that this forum isn't here for the sake of having a frank discussion. It's become all about ignorant no-minds screeching their insults and obscenties back and forth at each other like petulant children.

America is obviously about to see great change, because it's system can't survive much longer with the way it's been going.
Be that change by Biden or change by Trump or a wannabe fascist like him.

The rest of the world most likely doesn't give a fk, and will have to be content with sitting back and watching the political sideshow.

Maybe even a big shootout slaughter of Americans by their fellow Americans??
Is it considered an insult to say that you're obviously brainwashed?

Once again.....note to all of the socialists on this's one thing to watch socialism take root and destroy a country on the TV. What happens to the sorry lot that have to live thru it is totally different. I've seen both....and been to 3rd world countries that have leaders like our Democrats. It's not gonna be pretty. I wonder what Canada will do when they turn America into a 3rd world shithole and people start trying to illegally immigrate to their country. I seriously doubt Canada could handle the massive influx of poor and oppressed people pouring over their borders.
Canadians think they control their destiny--WRONG. If the US falls to the communists, Canada will capitulate the very next day unless they fall first.

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