Biden/Harris are not fielding questons from reporters. (Video)

That Karen they've hired to shoo away the reporters is hilarious. A voice that's like a fucking nail in your head and the shooing motions like it's herding kindergartners to nap time. I want to see that runt acosta being shooed away..... humor me.
They must have reasons... There is plenty of time....

It is a busy day and they probably want to keep the news cycle for policy agenda.

Biden's campaign knows the less he talks the better. The press also knows Kamala isn't the moderate they are trying to portray her as. She's an extreme leftist. The more these two talk the more they know they can damage the campaign. Keeping Joe in the basement and not fielding questions while Trump self destructs has worked in their favor so far, but they probably can't do that until Election Day.

Seriously Bernie isn't "extreme leftist"... Bernie wants to model more on a Scandinavian or German model... Harris is to the right of that...

Biden doesn't need to speak... Trump is doing a great job digging his own hole...
Harris is to the left of Commie Bernie. She is the most extreme libtard in the Senate.

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