Biden FBI Plant at Twitter fired for secretly censoring Twitter Files before being released

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
FBI Employee (former) Jim Baker served as general counsel at Twitter & should have been fired in the first round of firings but actually I am really happy the way this went down. He was caught red handed trying to protect Joe Biden and the Corrupt and Politicized & Weaponized FBI by sanitizing and removing all references to Biden and FBI corruption and the Hunter Biden Laptop from the Twitter Files before releasing them and did so secretly and without permission. Jim Baker was involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax as well as other nefarious activities. There was also a back door channel directly to The FBI and Biden Administration that was used to censor and ban Twitter users, including arguably President Trump and many other conservative leaders and Twitter users.

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I wonder to which country JD sent the bribery money.
From what I read and heard, Dorsey was paid Millions by our own Government to protect The Deep State at all costs. Hard telling where he deposited all that money though. That would be a good question. Wonder if he claimed it officially as income?
FBI Employee (former) Jim Baker served as general counsel at Twitter & should have been fired in the first round of firings but actually I am really happy the way this went down. He was caught red handed trying to protect Joe Biden and the Corrupt and Politicized & Weaponized FBI by sanitizing and removing all references to Biden and FBI corruption and the Hunter Biden Laptop from the Twitter Files before releasing them and did so secretly and without permission. Jim Baker was involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax as well as other nefarious activities. There was also a back door channel directly to The FBI and Biden Administration that was used to censor and ban Twitter users, including arguably President Trump and many other conservative leaders and Twitter users.

It must have worked...the "bombshell" was a dud.
Wow, could you imagine if that had really happened?
It did happen just like The FBI and Democrat Party and Russia as well as the Media and Social Media Platforms like Twitter Colluded together to attempt to remove President Trump from office, overthrow our Republic and overturn our Election with False Claims and Accusations, and False Investigations i.e. COUPS.


You are a traitor too.

Oh wait, you have to be an American Citizen to betray America, right DimTard?
It did happen just like The FBI and Democrat Party and Russia as well as the Media and Social Media Platforms like Twitter Colluded together to attempt to remove President Trump from office, overthrow our Republic and overturn our Election with False Claims and Accusations, and False Investigations i.e. COUPS.


You are a traitor too.

Oh wait, you have to be an American Citizen to betray America, right DimTard?
And zero evidence of any such nonsense exists...anywhere. That must be frustrating for you.

Your Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP was more than enough evidence to stand all the people up who participated in it in front of a firing squad.
That the Trump campaign met repeatedly with Russian Intel officials is well documented and proven. Unlike whatever this stuff about twitter you're regurgitating.
Well, you could post some proof. But you won't.

All you guys have and have ever had was just speculation

It's rather sad to watch...or it would be if it wasn't so hilarious.
Claims he was abducted by aliens and anally probed and liked it

Your denial of massive corruption in our government as they attempt to destroy Democracy, and subjugate us to a Global Government and force us into The State Religion of The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg is what is laughable!

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