Biden/Democrats Lying about Trump Plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.
When Bush Jr. invaded Afghanistan it was absolute realistic for USA to succeed nation-building in Afghanistan.
What happened in meantime is USA despite growing economically (with exception of Lehman brothers+Covid which is true for other countries as well) lost power.
Biden is the poor guy admitting defeat, and he looks very horrible at that as well.
The other aspiring Superpower (China) and many regional powers acted more smart than the incompetent Washington swamp.
Today USA has nowhere near the power in the international system it had when it invaded Afghanistan, hence we're moving to a multipolar world where USA is declining and not the only Superpower around.
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When Bush Jr. invaded Afghanistan it was absolute realistic for USA to succeed nation-building in Afghanistan.
What happened in meantime is USA despite growing economically (with exception of Lehman brothers+Covid which is true for other countries as well) lost power.
Biden is the poor guy admitting defeat, and he looks very horrible at that as well.
The other aspiring Superpower (China) and many regional powers acted more smart than the incompetent Washington swamp.
That's what's being conflated here.

Democrats and Media are trying to deflect and make it about whether we should still be there at all. That's a different discussion.

The actual discussion is how Biden abruptly pulled all support and cover for friendly, innocent Afghanis to be slaughtered by the Taliban, and how Joe's actions has allowed the Taliban to take over an entire nation and inherit hundreds of millions of dollars of our military equipment.. Apache helicopters, missiles, humvees, etc. All in the hands of 8th century Taliban terrorists.

What a massive F up.
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.
More revisionist history from the pathological treasonous trumpkins?
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.
Bidumb fucked this six ways to Sunday. Which should have been expected. He’s been a foreign relations retard for 50 years. Anyone that expected he would suddenly get something, anything, right is a moron.
Reported. Go troll somewhere else please. You have nothing intelligent to offer.

You are a liar.

Trump Strikes a Deal​

Feb. 29, 2020 — U.S. and Taliban sign an agreement that sets the terms for a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, but do not release two classified annexes that set the conditions for U.S. withdrawal. At the time of the agreement, the U.S. had about 13,000 troops in Afghanistan, according to a Department of Defense inspector general report.

The withdrawal of U.S. troops is contingent on the “Taliban’s action against al-Qaeda and other terrorists who could threaten us,” Trump says in a speech at the Conservative Political Active Conference. (U.S. withdrawals, however, occurred despite the fact that the Defense Department inspector general’s office repeatedly reported that the Taliban worked with al-Qaeda.)

The pact includes the release of 5,000 Taliban fighters who have been held prisoners by the Afghanistan government, which is not a party to the agreement.

March 1, 2020 — Afghan President Ashraf Ghani objects to a provision in the agreement that would require his country to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners. “Freeing Taliban prisoners is not [under] the authority of America but the authority of the Afghan government,” Ghani says. “There has been no commitment for the release of 5,000 prisoners.”

March 4, 2020 — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley tells the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Taliban pledged in the classified documents not to attack U.S. troops and coalition forces or launch “high-profile attacks,” including in Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals. “[T]he Taliban have signed up to a whole series of conditions … all the Members of the Congress have all the documents associated with this agreement,” Milley says.

Despite the agreement, the Taliban attack Afghan forces in Helmand province, and the U.S. responds with an air strike.

March 10, 2020 — Under pressure from the U.S., Ghani orders the release of 1,500 Taliban prisoners, but at the rate of 100 per day.

May 19, 2020 — In releasing its quarterly report on Afghanistan, the DOD inspector general’s office says the U.S. cut troop levels in Afghanistan by more than 4,000, even though “the Taliban escalated violence further after signing the agreement.”

“U.S. officials stated the Taliban must reduce violence as a necessary condition for continued U.S. reduction in forces and that remaining high levels of violence could jeopardize the U.S.-Taliban agreement,” according to the report, which covered activity from Jan. 1, 2020, to March 31, 2020. “Even still, the United States began to reduce its forces in Afghanistan from roughly 13,000 to 8,600.”

Aug. 18, 2020 — In releasing a report that covered activity in Afghanistan from April 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020, the Defense Department inspector general’s office says, “The Taliban did not appear to uphold its commitment to distance itself from terrorist organizations in Afghanistan. UN and U.S. officials reported that the Taliban continued to support al-Qaeda, and conducted joint attacks with al-Qaeda members against Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.”

Sept. 3, 2020 — Afghanistan releases the final 400 Taliban prisoners, as required under the U.S.-Taliban agreement, clearing the way for intra-Afghan peace talks to begin.

Sept. 12, 2020 — After seven months of delays, Afghanistan government officials and Taliban representatives meet in Qatar for peace talks. The U.S.-Taliban agreement called for the first peace talks to begin on March 10.

Sept. 16, 2020 — The Taliban continued attacks on government forces. The Voice of America reported that “Taliban attacks in three provinces across northern Afghanistan since Tuesday killed at least 17 people, including six civilians, and wounded scores of others even as a Taliban political team was negotiating peace with Afghan government representatives in Doha, Qatar.”

Sept. 18, 2020 — At a press conference, Trump says, “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban. They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp. But, you know, it’s been 19 years, and even they are tired of fighting, in all fairness.”

Nov. 16, 2020 — Congressional Republicans, responding to news reports that the Trump administration will rapidly reduce forces in Afghanistan, warn of what Sen. Marco Rubio calls “a Saigon-type of situation” in Afghanistan. “A rapid withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan now would hurt our allies and delight the people who wish us harm,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says.

Nov. 17, 2020 — Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller formally announces that the U.S. will reduce U.S. forces in Afghanistan to 2,500 by Jan. 15, 2021.

On the same day, the Defense Department IG’s office released a report for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2020, that said the peace negotiations between the Afghan government and Taliban representatives had stalled and violence increased. “At the same time, the Taliban increased its attacks against Afghan forces, leading to ‘distressingly high’ levels of violence that could threaten the peace agreement,” the report said.

Dec. 2, 2020 — After past false starts, Afghan and Taliban negotiators agree on a framework to govern peace negotiations. “At the same time, the Taliban continued its ‘fight and talk’ strategy, increasing violence across the country to increase its leverage with the Afghan government in negotiations,” the Defense Department IG’s office said a quarterly report covering this period.

The IG report also continued to warn that the Taliban was apparently violating the withdrawal agreement. “This withdrawal is contingent on the Taliban abiding by its commitments under the agreement, which include not allowing terrorists to use Afghan soil to threaten the United States and its allies,” the report said. “However, it was unclear whether the Taliban was in compliance with the agreement, as members of al-Qaeda were integrated into the Taliban’s leadership and command structure.”

Jan. 15 — “Today, U.S. force levels in Afghanistan have reached 2,500,” Miller, the acting defense secretary, says in a statement. “[T]his drawdown brings U.S. forces in the country to their lowest levels since 2001.”

Afghanistan’s First Vice President Amrullah Saleh tells the BBC that the Trump administration made too many concessions to the Taliban. “I am telling [the United States] as a friend and as an ally that trusting the Taliban without putting in a verification mechanism is going to be a fatal mistake,” Saleh says, adding that Afghanistan leaders warned the U.S. that “violence will spike” as the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. “Violence has spiked,” he added.
The left is lying about what this plan is all about.

They're portraying it that it was set in stone, and that we were late already, so Joe only did what Trump was supposed to do, and we can't back down on an agreement...

The actual reality is, the Trump plan involved withdrawal provided the Taliban meet certain criteria, which they weren't meeting. So, we were under no obligation to pull our troops out.

Obama and Trump, especially Trump, wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but they listened to their military intelligence and realized it was a very very very stupid thing to do that would cause lives lost and give the Taliban a nation along with hundreds of millions in Grade A military weapons.

Biden? He just goes and does it with no plan whatsoever. People are being slaughtered in their homes that were supporters of the Afghan regimes that fought the Taliban. Biden left them to die. Blood is absolutely on his hands. What.. an.. idiot.

And yet, he has the gall to lie that he was just following Trump's plan. He didn't follow it, because if he had, he wouldn't have left Afghanistan, because the Taliban didn't do jack to fulfill their end of the deal.
What in the agreement did the Taliban break?

I won't deny it was a crap deal but the President of the US signed at the time... Biden was duty bound to fulfil it, Presidents do that..
That's what's being conflated here.

Democrats and Media are trying to deflect and make it about whether we should still be there at all. That's a different discussion.

The actual discussion is how Biden abruptly pulled all support and cover for friendly, innocent Afghanis to be slaughtered by the Taliban, and how Joe's actions has allowed the Taliban to take over an entire nation and inherit hundreds of millions of dollars of our military equipment.. Apache helicopters, missiles, humvees, etc. All in the hands of 8th century Taliban terrorists.

What a massive F up.

It's a massive debacle, no doubt.

From the outside I don't sense American national will to be top-dog anymore.
There were times when Americans shot people onto the moon and the whole world was sharing American excitement on the radio.
Nowadays, most of the world is rejecting what Americans champion these days as USA might field its first first fully gay/LGBTI battalion in near future.
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What in the agreement did the Taliban break?

I won't deny it was a crap deal but the President of the US signed at the time... Biden was duty bound to fulfil it, Presidents do that..
Xiden reversed every other Trump EO or agreement, so why didn't he revise this one? I call bullshit on your "duty bound" deflection attempt.
The AFG withdrawal fiasco is 100% Xiden, period.
Based on the February 2020 deal it was between the U.S. and Taliban, which protected the international forces but didn't provide any concern for the Afghans. Saw news yesterday that the Taliban security checkpoints were letting only foreigners through to get to the airport. I have no problem with the agreement other than the delay at getting Americans out, first by Trump and then by Biden. As for the Afghans themselves, it seems they were never anything more than a last minute item for any of us.
When Bush Jr. invaded Afghanistan it was absolute realistic for USA to succeed nation-building in Afghanistan.
What happened in meantime is USA despite growing economically (with exception of Lehman brothers+Covid which is true for other countries as well) lost power.
Biden is the poor guy admitting defeat, and he looks very horrible at that as well.
The other aspiring Superpower (China) and many regional powers acted more smart than the incompetent Washington swamp.
Today USA has nowhere near the power in the international system it had when it invaded Afghanistan, hence we're moving to a multipolar world where USA is declining and not the only Superpower around.

It was not possible to nation build afghanistan with those borders....Part of afghanistan yea

How the fuck were you going to nation build with the pashtuns? lol
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