Biden Calling For More Mask Mandates While He's Conducting Super-Spreader Events At The Border...Is This Guy Trying To Cause Another COVID Outbreak?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Biden mumbled something yesterday that states should re-institute mask mandates while he's allowing COVID positive migrants free run of the country. Meanwhile......Democrats are attempting to create a COVID card for US citizens that haven't been vaccinated. We won't be able to go to the store or drive a car without putting their poison into our bodies. But their illegal Democrats are going where ever they want. Seriously, do these people really think we're this stupid?

If you talk to Biden supporters....yes....they are that stupid. But everyone else isn't this stupid. We can see what they're doing. The trick is stopping them without taking things into our own hands.

This is part of the plan. They rig the system so that the only answer to their insanity is violence. Then when it happens they clamp down on everyone. So essentially, Biden is the crazy totalitarian that will eventually cause so much violence that Democrats institute fascism. He isn't the solution. He is the means to an end. The Transformation of America. So-what if it ruins the economy and kills millions of Americans in the process......they will get their Socialism.

Let's face it....the only purpose for those masks is to piss us off. Without them we wouldn't have enough going on in our community to be upset about. All economies are local. Eventually you can get used to just about any living conditions....but that mask is a constant reminder that the government controls us.
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
Biden's CDC Director is acting like Chicken Little.
She broke down the other day and said she has this horrible feeling of impending doom.

I wonder how many liberals will commit suicide after hearing this Drama Queen:


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director became emotional Monday while speaking about “the recurring feeling I have of impending doom.”
“When I first started at CDC about two months ago, I made a promise to you. I would tell you the truth even if it was not the news you wanted,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said.
“Now is one of those times when I have to share the truth and I have to hope and trust you will listen. I’m gonna pause here, I’m gonna lose the script (while she continues to read from a script) and I’m gonna reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” she said.
“We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now I’m scared.”

What is she scared of? 4 years of Biden policies?

The CDC director further empathized with “that feeling of nausea when you read the crisis standards of care and you wonder whether there are gonna be enough ventilators to go around and who’s gonna make that choice.”
“I know what it is like to pull up to your hospital every day and see the extra morgue sitting outside,” Walensky said.
“I didn’t know at the time when it would stop, we didn’t have the science to tell us. We were just scared. We have come such a long way, three historic scientific breakthrough vaccines and we are rolling ’em out so very fast.”
“So I’m speaking today not necessarily as your CDC director and not only as your CDC director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer,” Walensky said.
“I so badly want to be done. I know you all so badly want to be done. We are just almost there, but not quite yet.”
Jesus Christ.....this sounds like the crap they were saying over a year ago when they started the lock downs.

Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474176

Biden mumbled something yesterday that states should re-institute mask mandates while he's allowing COVID positive migrants free run of the country. Meanwhile......Democrats are attempting to create a COVID card for US citizens that haven't been vaccinated. We won't be able to go to the store or drive a car without putting their poison into our bodies. But their illegal Democrats are going where ever they want. Seriously, do these people really think we're this stupid?

If you talk to Biden supporters....yes....they are that stupid. But everyone else isn't this stupid. We can see what they're doing. The trick is stopping them without taking things into our own hands.

This is part of the plan. They rig the system so that the only answer to their insanity is violence. Then when it happens they clamp down on everyone. So essentially, Biden is the crazy totalitarian that will eventually cause so much violence that Democrats institute fascism. He isn't the solution. He is the means to an end. The Transformation of America. So-what if it ruins the economy and kills millions of Americans in the process......they will get their Socialism.

Covid has been great for injection of debt into the economy and businesses. A better earner than climate change ever could be.

It's up to politicians and citizens to demand accountability, but we've all long lost this battle. Everyone loves to spend as it's good for votes and keeps donors happy.

How many Cuban spies are crossing the border into the U.S illegally? Venezuelans?
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.

You better hurry and get a double dose.

No time to waste.
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.
I'm not a "Rumpster", assclown.

And don't stop licking until you can see yourself in the reflection from those boots.
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.
I'm not a "Rumpster", assclown.

And don't stop licking until you can see yourself in the reflection from those boots.

Sure, Judas., Sure.
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.
I'm not a "Rumpster", assclown.

And don't stop licking until you can see yourself in the reflection from those boots.
Somebody needs to invent "Biden-Boots". You can only wear one at a time tho....


fret not, cyberbuddies----There is such a THING as
medical contraindication to flu shot. -----for various actual reasons. Count on some enterprising slobs
selling such cards on DA NET
View attachment 474176

Biden mumbled something yesterday that states should re-institute mask mandates while he's allowing COVID positive migrants free run of the country. Meanwhile......Democrats are attempting to create a COVID card for US citizens that haven't been vaccinated. We won't be able to go to the store or drive a car without putting their poison into our bodies. But their illegal Democrats are going where ever they want. Seriously, do these people really think we're this stupid?

If you talk to Biden supporters....yes....they are that stupid. But everyone else isn't this stupid. We can see what they're doing. The trick is stopping them without taking things into our own hands.

This is part of the plan. They rig the system so that the only answer to their insanity is violence. Then when it happens they clamp down on everyone. So essentially, Biden is the crazy totalitarian that will eventually cause so much violence that Democrats institute fascism. He isn't the solution. He is the means to an end. The Transformation of America. So-what if it ruins the economy and kills millions of Americans in the process......they will get their Socialism.

They are either running free or overflowing in detention camps, which is it?
Biden doesn't have to do a thing in creating the Covid 19 cards. It's already being done. I have mine and so does the majority of the rest of America. You get the card when you get the shot. Not when you don't get the shot, stupid. And it very well could be used by an HR to determine who works at a given company or not. Or if you can attend an enclosed concert, attend almost anything that will require close proximaty.

Hate to break it to you, Rump lost and he's gone. Never to even visit the White House ever again. America is moving on. So stop being such a damned Karen.
View attachment 474184

That's a picture of you Rumpsters at your masters feet. Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on. And it's an Employers duty to make sure that his workers are working in a safe working place. Requiring all workers to be vaccinated by showing their Vaccine Cards to HR isn't just safety, it's Capitalism at it's best.
I'm not a "Rumpster", assclown.

And don't stop licking until you can see yourself in the reflection from those boots.

Sure, Judas., Sure.
Here's a free clue for you, assclown:

Opposing and mocking overwrought, hysterical, pearl clutching, bootlicking fascist proles like you, doesn't automatically make that individual a supporter of the reputed opposite number as a matter of course.

Now here's a little bootblack to mix in with that spit....Get to it.
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Even your master secretly received the corona virus vaccine very early on.
You idiots still believe this?
Why would he need it when he had the WuFlu?

Good question. But being the coward he is, he's just stacking the deck in his favor. Sort of like carrying a cross, 4 leaf clover and a star of david just to cover all the bases.

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