Biden administration wants to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
From the 'label anyone with a differing political opinion an extremist for poltical gain' department...

Apparently, left-wing extremists with political bias will be who he employs.

It's still unconstitutional in scope.


''The Department of Homeland security lacks the authority to spy on right-wing dissidents, but the Biden administration has reportedly found a workaround: using third-party researchers to snoop on so-called “domestic terrorists.”

The DHS is limited in how it conducts surveillance, the report explains. It cannot, for example, impersonate right-wingers on forums and chat rooms. However, a panoply of researchers, journalists and nonprofits have been doing this for years. According to DHS officials who spoke to CNN, the agency wants to use research firms to gather the data it’s forbidden from gathering itself. The FBI and National Security Council are reportedly coordinating on the effort, a source added.

It is unclear who these firms could be. However, some of the biggest names in the area include so-called anti-hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, and ‘fact checking’ firms like Bellingcat. All three of these organizations and others have been accused of pro-liberal, pro-Democrat bias, and have been extensively criticized.

The federal agencies would be entering a legal gray area. Many of the individuals spied-on would not be guilty of any crime, and their online activity may not meet the level of proof that the FBI would have to show to obtain a surveillance warrant.

Third-party organizations would bypass this bothersome roadblock. Furthermore, these organizations are not constrained by an institutional commitment to impartiality, and could engage in the sort of politically-motivated snooping that the FBI is, at least nominally, forbidden from doing.''

Continued - Biden administration wants to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans
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Wow, this is even more onerous than the citizen infiltration they did in the sixties.

I think the left would be deluding themselves to think it will be restricted to right-wing and conservative groups though.
Also from the report...

''The Atlantic Council, a weapons industry-backed think tank that already helps Facebook fight “misinformation and foreign interference,” is fully on board.''

Relevant reading with regard to that outfit....

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

What's more is that the team of four total individuals running the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab) is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder.

Facebook is now itself a top donor to the Atlantic Council, alongside Western governments, Gulf autocratic regimes, NATO, various branches of the US military, and a number of major defense contractors and corporations.
Too many people don't realize just how much of their civil rights will be violated if the Democratic Party ever gets full control of the federal gov't enough to abolish the filibuster. Meaning all they would have to do is get a 51-50 vote in the Senate to do whatever they please. Which appears to be anything, regardless of cost or consequences. Don't think that can't happen, and maybe sooner than you think. And don't think the Supreme Court will save your ass either, cuz they'll pack the court with their stooges.
Wow, this is even more onerous than the citizen infiltration they did in the sixties.

I think the left would be deluding themselves to think it will be restricted to right-wing and conservative groups though.
The media has done an outstanding job of selling tribalism and hate by painting any non-Leftists as evil, criminal, and traitorous. I'm sure those who'd drop a dime on people online will convince themselves they are doing God's work, even if the accusation is false and has no evidence. Life is like a wheel, though, and sooner or later, those deeds come back to them. On that day, they'll be SHOCKED! They'll feel decidedly mistreated ;)
Too many people don't realize just how much of their civil rights will be violated if the Democratic Party ever gets full control of the federal gov't enough to abolish the filibuster. Meaning all they would have to do is get a 51-50 vote in the Senate to do whatever they please. Which appears to be anything, regardless of cost or consequences. Don't think that can't happen, and maybe sooner than you think. And don't think the Supreme Court will save your ass either, cuz they'll pack the court with their stooges.
I've just been in the mind that this is a given. They know they stole this election and they also understand that with the Republican-held state legislatures passing election reforms that will make their steal impossible to repeat in 2024, they WILL lose power so I think they will use this window of time to consolidate their power and remove any ability for the opposition to ever take control again. SCOTUS will be packed, filibuster killed, and HR1 will codify the means they used to steal 2020. hell, they may even try to pass major 2A infringement on a tiebreaker. Time to make sure the fire insurance is paid up to date ;)
From the 'label anyone with a differing political opionion an extremist for poltical gain' department...

Apparently, left-wing extremists with political bias will be who he employs.

It's still unconstitutional in scope.


''The Department of Homeland security lacks the authority to spy on right-wing dissidents, but the Biden administration has reportedly found a workaround: using third-party researchers to snoop on so-called “domestic terrorists.”

The DHS is limited in how it conducts surveillance, the report explains. It cannot, for example, impersonate right-wingers on forums and chat rooms. However, a panoply of researchers, journalists and nonprofits have been doing this for years. According to DHS officials who spoke to CNN, the agency wants to use research firms to gather the data it’s forbidden from gathering itself. The FBI and National Security Council are reportedly coordinating on the effort, a source added.

It is unclear who these firms could be. However, some of the biggest names in the area include so-called anti-hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, and ‘fact checking’ firms like Bellingcat. All three of these organizations and others have been accused of pro-liberal, pro-Democrat bias, and have been extensively criticized.

The federal agencies would be entering a legal gray area. Many of the individuals spied-on would not be guilty of any crime, and their online activity may not meet the level of proof that the FBI would have to show to obtain a surveillance warrant.

Third-party organizations would bypass this bothersome roadblock. Furthermore, these organizations are not constrained by an institutional commitment to impartiality, and could engage in the sort of politically-motivated snooping that the FBI is, at least nominally, forbidden from doing.''

Continued - Biden administration wants to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans
Just think what this is going to do to your "social credit score"
From the 'label anyone with a differing political opinion an extremist for poltical gain' department...

Apparently, left-wing extremists with political bias will be who he employs.

It's still unconstitutional in scope.


''The Department of Homeland security lacks the authority to spy on right-wing dissidents, but the Biden administration has reportedly found a workaround: using third-party researchers to snoop on so-called “domestic terrorists.”

The DHS is limited in how it conducts surveillance, the report explains. It cannot, for example, impersonate right-wingers on forums and chat rooms. However, a panoply of researchers, journalists and nonprofits have been doing this for years. According to DHS officials who spoke to CNN, the agency wants to use research firms to gather the data it’s forbidden from gathering itself. The FBI and National Security Council are reportedly coordinating on the effort, a source added.

It is unclear who these firms could be. However, some of the biggest names in the area include so-called anti-hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, and ‘fact checking’ firms like Bellingcat. All three of these organizations and others have been accused of pro-liberal, pro-Democrat bias, and have been extensively criticized.

The federal agencies would be entering a legal gray area. Many of the individuals spied-on would not be guilty of any crime, and their online activity may not meet the level of proof that the FBI would have to show to obtain a surveillance warrant.

Third-party organizations would bypass this bothersome roadblock. Furthermore, these organizations are not constrained by an institutional commitment to impartiality, and could engage in the sort of politically-motivated snooping that the FBI is, at least nominally, forbidden from doing.''

Continued - Biden administration wants to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans
I read about that and it disturbed me also. Kind of like when they could not randomly test people for marijuana, but they could influence private companies to do it to their employees.
Various agencies have been infiltrating leftist organizations for years. Not sure why RT says they can't do it.
Too many people don't realize just how much of their civil rights will be violated if the Democratic Party ever gets full control of the federal gov't enough to abolish the filibuster. Meaning all they would have to do is get a 51-50 vote in the Senate to do whatever they please. Which appears to be anything, regardless of cost or consequences. Don't think that can't happen, and maybe sooner than you think. And don't think the Supreme Court will save your ass either, cuz they'll pack the court with their stooges.
Gee you think it will be like the warrant-less wire taps, secret courts, and and extraordinary rendition without habeas that Bush gave us with the Patriot act, where they can just disappear your ass, even if you are an American Citizen in the US, if they choose?
I assume you all are aware that the quoted source is Russian state-controlled media?
From the 'label anyone with a differing political opinion an extremist for poltical gain' department...

Apparently, left-wing extremists with political bias will be who he employs.

It's still unconstitutional in scope.


''The Department of Homeland security lacks the authority to spy on right-wing dissidents, but the Biden administration has reportedly found a workaround: using third-party researchers to snoop on so-called “domestic terrorists.”

The DHS is limited in how it conducts surveillance, the report explains. It cannot, for example, impersonate right-wingers on forums and chat rooms. However, a panoply of researchers, journalists and nonprofits have been doing this for years. According to DHS officials who spoke to CNN, the agency wants to use research firms to gather the data it’s forbidden from gathering itself. The FBI and National Security Council are reportedly coordinating on the effort, a source added.

It is unclear who these firms could be. However, some of the biggest names in the area include so-called anti-hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, and ‘fact checking’ firms like Bellingcat. All three of these organizations and others have been accused of pro-liberal, pro-Democrat bias, and have been extensively criticized.

The federal agencies would be entering a legal gray area. Many of the individuals spied-on would not be guilty of any crime, and their online activity may not meet the level of proof that the FBI would have to show to obtain a surveillance warrant.

Third-party organizations would bypass this bothersome roadblock. Furthermore, these organizations are not constrained by an institutional commitment to impartiality, and could engage in the sort of politically-motivated snooping that the FBI is, at least nominally, forbidden from doing.''

Continued - Biden administration wants to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans
Do you have a reasonable expectation of privacy on am internet forum?

I don't think so.

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