Biden's Country


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?

The ACA was passed in 2010 after 15 months of hearings, amendments, and negotiations. After Republicans got to pack almost 120 amendments into the bill, they decided after all that they're going to just not support it period. It passes along party lines. Then, Republicans spend the next 10 years trying to gut the bill...instead of sitting down with Democrats and finding out where things can be changed or improved. Obama did say it was a starting point. Problem is, Republicans don't talk anymore. They just mouth platitudes. Same ones I've been hearing since Newt and his crew burst on to the scene. Same old, same old. Remember the absolute kerfuffle when Hillary Clinton started talking about this back in 1993?

Just a quick search of an online Constitution and I can't find the word "healthcare" anywhere. Biden's statement is a political phrase. Meant to elicit a response. There won't be any Constitutional amendment to make healthcare a "right". It isn't necessary. As a society, we should be striving to make that happen in our own best interest. But at least he's talking about it. At least he's addressing something that's important to the majority of Americans..even the right leaning ones. I've had enough dealings with insurance companies, doctors, specialists, and seen the disaster that our current system has become (yes Republicans, a lot of it is directly your fault...sorry. :)). It's LONG past time to sit down and fix this. Should healthcare be free?..No. Should healthcare and insurance cause good, working people to go bankrupt?..No.
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?

The ACA was passed in 2010 after 15 months of hearings, amendments, and negotiations. After Republicans got to pack almost 120 amendments into the bill, they decided after all that they're going to just not support it period. It passes along party lines. Then, Republicans spend the next 10 years trying to gut the bill...instead of sitting down with Democrats and finding out where things can be changed or improved. Obama did say it was a starting point. Problem is, Republicans don't talk anymore. They just mouth platitudes. Same ones I've been hearing since Newt and his crew burst on to the scene. Same old, same old. Remember the absolute kerfuffle when Hillary Clinton started talking about this back in 1993?

Just a quick search of an online Constitution and I can't find the word "healthcare" anywhere. Biden's statement is a political phrase. Meant to elicit a response. There won't be any Constitutional amendment to make healthcare a "right". It isn't necessary. As a society, we should be striving to make that happen in our own best interest. But at least he's talking about it. At least he's addressing something that's important to the majority of Americans..even the right leaning ones. I've had enough dealings with insurance companies, doctors, specialists, and seen the disaster that our current system has become (yes Republicans, a lot of it is directly your fault...sorry. :)). It's LONG past time to sit down and fix this. Should healthcare be free?..No. Should healthcare and insurance cause good, working people to go bankrupt?..No.
EXACTLY. It doesnt mention it. Thats why its unconstitutional. Thats the whole point.
THATS why the OP mentioned needing an amendment.
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?

The ACA was passed in 2010 after 15 months of hearings, amendments, and negotiations. After Republicans got to pack almost 120 amendments into the bill, they decided after all that they're going to just not support it period. It passes along party lines. Then, Republicans spend the next 10 years trying to gut the bill...instead of sitting down with Democrats and finding out where things can be changed or improved. Obama did say it was a starting point. Problem is, Republicans don't talk anymore. They just mouth platitudes. Same ones I've been hearing since Newt and his crew burst on to the scene. Same old, same old. Remember the absolute kerfuffle when Hillary Clinton started talking about this back in 1993?

Just a quick search of an online Constitution and I can't find the word "healthcare" anywhere. Biden's statement is a political phrase. Meant to elicit a response. There won't be any Constitutional amendment to make healthcare a "right". It isn't necessary. As a society, we should be striving to make that happen in our own best interest. But at least he's talking about it. At least he's addressing something that's important to the majority of Americans..even the right leaning ones. I've had enough dealings with insurance companies, doctors, specialists, and seen the disaster that our current system has become (yes Republicans, a lot of it is directly your fault...sorry. :)). It's LONG past time to sit down and fix this. Should healthcare be free?..No. Should healthcare and insurance cause good, working people to go bankrupt?..No.
EXACTLY. It doesnt mention it. Thats why its unconstitutional. Thats the whole point.

My point is that it's political misdirection. The Constitution has NOTHING to do with it. Just like the Constitution will never have an amendment guaranteeing the right to abortion.
These are policies. Seen as items that must be discussed and taken care of in the public interest.
TNHarley has the wrong of it.

Health Care is an inherent right of all Americans.
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?

The ACA was passed in 2010 after 15 months of hearings, amendments, and negotiations. After Republicans got to pack almost 120 amendments into the bill, they decided after all that they're going to just not support it period. It passes along party lines. Then, Republicans spend the next 10 years trying to gut the bill...instead of sitting down with Democrats and finding out where things can be changed or improved. Obama did say it was a starting point. Problem is, Republicans don't talk anymore. They just mouth platitudes. Same ones I've been hearing since Newt and his crew burst on to the scene. Same old, same old. Remember the absolute kerfuffle when Hillary Clinton started talking about this back in 1993?

Just a quick search of an online Constitution and I can't find the word "healthcare" anywhere. Biden's statement is a political phrase. Meant to elicit a response. There won't be any Constitutional amendment to make healthcare a "right". It isn't necessary. As a society, we should be striving to make that happen in our own best interest. But at least he's talking about it. At least he's addressing something that's important to the majority of Americans..even the right leaning ones. I've had enough dealings with insurance companies, doctors, specialists, and seen the disaster that our current system has become (yes Republicans, a lot of it is directly your fault...sorry. :)). It's LONG past time to sit down and fix this. Should healthcare be free?..No. Should healthcare and insurance cause good, working people to go bankrupt?..No.
EXACTLY. It doesnt mention it. Thats why its unconstitutional. Thats the whole point.

My point is that it's political misdirection. The Constitution has NOTHING to do with it. Just like the Constitution will never have an amendment guaranteeing the right to abortion.
These are policies. Seen as items that must be discussed and taken care of in the public interest.
No, it has everything to do with it.
The Constitution granted the fed gov certain powers. Healthcare isnt of them.
Of course, neither is welfare, regulations on schools, red flag laws, foreign aid etc
Basically the entire duopolys platform.
JackOfNoTrades is 100% correct.

This is policy rooted in the Constitution, just like abortion.

To say "nah, I disagree" is Ok for the sayer and everyone else can ignore it.
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?
They are feverishly working to collapse the country's economy, then the country itself. The fools who support them are going to be the most surprised group on earth when the checks stop coming and the snap cards no longer work. Those who try to smoothly transition from Uncle Sugar to taking from those who worked and planned ahead are going to get a seriously painful wake-up call.
My overwhelming reaction to President Biden's SOTU was, "Here's a person who has never even read the U.S. Constitution."

There was no acknowledgement whatsoever of the division in power and authority between the national government and the state governments, no recognition that there are well-defined limits on what Congress is empowered to spend the taxpayers' money on.

He overtly stated that he "thinks" (giving him the benefit of the doubt here) that healthcare ought to be a "right" rather than a privilege. And everyone in that half-cheering audience knows that (a) it would take a Constitutional Amendment to make that pipe dream a reality, and (b) there is nowhere near the consensus necessary to make that Constitutional Amendment happen. Indeed, the Lefties have been talking about this for DECADES, and none of them has even hinted at proposing an Amendment to cover their figurative asses on the point.

My own view is that the Left is attempting, through massive unconstitutional spending, to make so many Americans dependent on one or another of the Federal Government's programs that they will decline to give the Democrats the blood bath they so richly deserve next November.

But maybe I'm just being cynical. What other reason could there be for one half of the political universe to embark on such blatantly unconstitutional plans?

My view is you are still upset about the election defeat so now fabricate outrageous scenarios to justify it.

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