Biden Administration Shuts Down Trump-Era ‘Victim of Immigration Crime Engagement Office’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”


Joe silently gutting protection for US citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants.
Now victims of such crimes go from a small targeted agency to being thrown in a bucket
with many many times the victims to attend and administer to.

The change can't help but be bad news for Americans who are victims of crimes committed by
illegals. Joe don't give a fuck.
One by one this stolen Administration.....these thugs.....are shutting down all the good Trump did.

eating popcorn....watching the US destruction.

During his first week in office, President Trump created the Victims of Immigration Crime and Engagement Office (VOICE) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For the first time, victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens were given the acknowledgment and support they deserved.

That support has now come to a screeching halt with the closing of VOICE.

According to the AP, VOICE is to be replaced by the newly-created Victims Engagement and Services Line (VESL). VESL’s focus is to provide “methods for people to report abuse and mistreatment in immigration detention centers and a notification system for lawyers and others with a vested interest in immigration cases.”

In other words, instead of VOICE focusing on support for the victims of illegal aliens, VESL, will now support the illegal aliens themselves.

Former Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller tweeted his apparent disgust at the announcement:


How many times do people need to see how Democrats hate America and Americans? When is enough enough for you people?

Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”

Why do only victims of crimes by illegal immigrants deserve special consideration?
Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”

Why do only victims of crimes by illegal immigrants deserve special consideration?
youre kidding right??
Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”

Why do only victims of crimes by illegal immigrants deserve special consideration?
youre kidding right??
No. Rape is rape, regardless of who did it. Thevictims are equally victimized.
Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”

Why do only victims of crimes by illegal immigrants deserve special consideration?
youre kidding right??
No. Rape is rape, regardless of who did it. Thevictims are equally victimized.
other than they wouldnt get raped if the feds did their job and kept the rapist out of the country,,

this isnt special prosecutions like the LGBT have,, its a voice against the people that failed at their jobs,,,
Well of course he did. Because that crime is surging thanks to him throwing the border open.

Isn't there one of you who voted for Biden and support him tired of what he is doing?

"Inclusion", what a lame excuse of a word used so lamely by the left.

The Biden administration has dismantled a Trump-era government office to help victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, replacing it with an “inclusive support system for all victims, regardless of immigration status or the immigration status of the perpetrator.”
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Friday announced the launch of the Victims Engagement and Services Line, noting in a statement that the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) that then-President Donald Trump established in 2017 “is terminated.”

Why do only victims of crimes by illegal immigrants deserve special consideration?
youre kidding right??
No. Rape is rape, regardless of who did it. Thevictims are equally victimized.
other than they wouldnt get raped if the feds did their job and kept the rapist out of the country,,

this isnt special prosecutions like the LGBT have,, its a voice against the people that failed at their jobs,,,

That this needs to be explained is very sad. Too many have fallen for "illegals good" nonsense. This is why we are in such a mess, too many dumb Americans.

Illegals commit an inordinate amount of crime as their percentage in the country.

Statistics show the estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the U.S. Twelve percent of murder sentences, 20 percent of kidnapping sentences and 16 percent of drug trafficking sentences are meted out to illegal immigrants.


In fact, more Mexicans than U.S. citizens were arrested on charges of committing federal crimes in 2018.

Migrants from Central American countries are also accounting for a larger share of federal arrests, going from a negligible 1 percent of such arrests in 1998 to 20 percent today.

Critics will try to downplay the importance of the Justice Department’s report by pointing out that the majority of crimes in the United States are handled by prosecutors in state and local courts. But even there the data is shocking.

A recent report from the Texas Department of Public Safety revealed that 297,000 non-citizens had been “booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019.” So these are non-citizens who allegedly committed local crimes, not immigration violations.

The report noted that a little more than two-thirds (202,000) of those booked in Texas jails were later confirmed as illegal immigrants by the federal government.

According to the Texas report, over the course of their criminal careers those illegal immigrants were charged with committing 494,000 criminal offenses.

See how the Globalist can toy around with your minds. That they are all misdirecting you all from the real subjects.

There are murders in every walk of life. But these guys just amplify a problem just to get everyone to focus more on it in order to hide what they are really doing behind our backs.

Immigration can be transferred to any department at any time. Like before the 50s. The Dept of Labor were the ones in charge of immigration. That farmers and ranchers were going over there offering them to come to America to work and live in labor camps. And even the Ford corporation built a company down there but other competitors didn't like it and so they staged a fake rebellion to bring it down.

And some of these murdered victims that were killed by illegals are staged just to divide the people.

These people are amplifying other murdered victims.

Like at one time, they were amplifying soccer moms that were murdering others. And then deranged postal employees were being amplified.

And so group or section of people can be made into criminals. Even Pres. Trump's supporters.

A lot of organs were harvested that day. Even from dead inmates that were shot in the back of the head like a partial abortion.

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