Biden administration now considers giving Taliban AID if they 'uphold their international obligations'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden administration now considers giving Taliban AID if they 'uphold their international obligations':​

Marauding jihadis taunt West with mock FUNERALS for Allied troops as they flaunt billions of dollars of US hardware left behind​

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Keith Griffith & Chris Pleasance
  • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the US could send economic aid to the Taliban
  • Taliban 'victory' parades took place in Afghanistan today after the last US troops left the country overnight
  • Coffins draped in the US, UK, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets by the Islamists
  • Thousands of people waving Taliban flags turned out to watch, after fireworks were let off in Kabul overnight
  • Meanwhile Taliban leaders paraded at Kabul airport alongside troops decked out head to toe in western gear
  • Taliban commander boasted the airfield will now be 'a base for jihad for all Muslims'
  • Up to 200 American citizens who want to leave were left behind along with thousands of Afghans
  • US national security advisor says evacuation 'has shifted from a military mission to a diplomatic mission'
The Biden administration is considering sending economic aid to the Taliban, even as the militants hold mock funerals for American troops and NATO allies to celebrate the end of the 20-year US military intervention in Afghanistan.
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told ABC's Good Morning America that the US intends to continue sending health, food and other forms of humanitarian aid to the Afghan people.
He also said that other forms of cash aid, including economic and developmental assistance, would depend on whether the Taliban 'follow through on their commitments' including to allow safe passage for Americans still in Afghanistan.

Not only have we left enough materiel for the Taliban to have the largest and strongest army in the M.E., but now Joey Xi Bai Dung wants to send more aid to them.
If you don’t understand Biden has been enriching the Taliban all through this debacle, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale just for you - a real deal!!!
That is why the Taliban has been saying the right things and giving half-hearted cooperation. “Pay me to be a good boy!!!”
Back to Obama 3.0 Appeasement and Apologies. Who is NOT expecting a “celebratory” terror attack on the 11th?
The coming murderous deaths of Afghanis now will stain the hands of Joey Xi Bai Dung, his handlers and this administration for all time.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies must answer for their heinous acts, from the facilitating an Islamic state in Iran, to surrendering and not renegotiating the Panama Canal treaty, to giving North Korea the green light for nukes and ICBMs, to pallets
of cash for Iran, to our debacle at Benghazi, to botching the departure from Afghanistan, these people are incapable of grasping reality.
The fact remains that Joey Xi Bai Dung specifically left the Taliban tens of billions of dollars of the latest military hardware. And now they want to top off the gift to the Taliban with MORE of OUR money?


Biden administration now considers giving Taliban AID if they 'uphold their international obligations':​

Marauding jihadis taunt West with mock FUNERALS for Allied troops as they flaunt billions of dollars of US hardware left behind​

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Keith Griffith & Chris Pleasance
  • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the US could send economic aid to the Taliban
  • Taliban 'victory' parades took place in Afghanistan today after the last US troops left the country overnight
  • Coffins draped in the US, UK, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets by the Islamists
  • Thousands of people waving Taliban flags turned out to watch, after fireworks were let off in Kabul overnight
  • Meanwhile Taliban leaders paraded at Kabul airport alongside troops decked out head to toe in western gear
  • Taliban commander boasted the airfield will now be 'a base for jihad for all Muslims'
  • Up to 200 American citizens who want to leave were left behind along with thousands of Afghans
  • US national security advisor says evacuation 'has shifted from a military mission to a diplomatic mission'
The Biden administration is considering sending economic aid to the Taliban, even as the militants hold mock funerals for American troops and NATO allies to celebrate the end of the 20-year US military intervention in Afghanistan.
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told ABC's Good Morning America that the US intends to continue sending health, food and other forms of humanitarian aid to the Afghan people.
He also said that other forms of cash aid, including economic and developmental assistance, would depend on whether the Taliban 'follow through on their commitments' including to allow safe passage for Americans still in Afghanistan.

Not only have we left enough materiel for the Taliban to have the largest and strongest army in the M.E., but now Joey Xi Bai Dung wants to send more aid to them.
If you don’t understand Biden has been enriching the Taliban all through this debacle, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale just for you - a real deal!!!
That is why the Taliban has been saying the right things and giving half-hearted cooperation. “Pay me to be a good boy!!!”
Back to Obama 3.0 Appeasement and Apologies. Who is NOT expecting a “celebratory” terror attack on the 11th?
The coming murderous deaths of Afghanis now will stain the hands of Joey Xi Bai Dung, his handlers and this administration for all time.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies must answer for their heinous acts, from the facilitating an Islamic state in Iran, to surrendering and not renegotiating the Panama Canal treaty, to giving North Korea the green light for nukes and ICBMs, to pallets
of cash for Iran, to our debacle at Benghazi, to botching the departure from Afghanistan, these people are incapable of grasping reality.
The fact remains that Joey Xi Bai Dung specifically left the Taliban tens of billions of dollars of the latest military hardware. And now they want to top off the gift to the Taliban with MORE of OUR money?

OH gawd, they are going to throw money at it..hoping to bankrupt the US further..

Biden administration now considers giving Taliban AID if they 'uphold their international obligations':​

Marauding jihadis taunt West with mock FUNERALS for Allied troops as they flaunt billions of dollars of US hardware left behind​

31 Aug 2021 ~~ By Keith Griffith & Chris Pleasance
  • National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Tuesday that the US could send economic aid to the Taliban
  • Taliban 'victory' parades took place in Afghanistan today after the last US troops left the country overnight
  • Coffins draped in the US, UK, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets by the Islamists
  • Thousands of people waving Taliban flags turned out to watch, after fireworks were let off in Kabul overnight
  • Meanwhile Taliban leaders paraded at Kabul airport alongside troops decked out head to toe in western gear
  • Taliban commander boasted the airfield will now be 'a base for jihad for all Muslims'
  • Up to 200 American citizens who want to leave were left behind along with thousands of Afghans
  • US national security advisor says evacuation 'has shifted from a military mission to a diplomatic mission'
The Biden administration is considering sending economic aid to the Taliban, even as the militants hold mock funerals for American troops and NATO allies to celebrate the end of the 20-year US military intervention in Afghanistan.
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told ABC's Good Morning America that the US intends to continue sending health, food and other forms of humanitarian aid to the Afghan people.
He also said that other forms of cash aid, including economic and developmental assistance, would depend on whether the Taliban 'follow through on their commitments' including to allow safe passage for Americans still in Afghanistan.

Not only have we left enough materiel for the Taliban to have the largest and strongest army in the M.E., but now Joey Xi Bai Dung wants to send more aid to them.
If you don’t understand Biden has been enriching the Taliban all through this debacle, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale just for you - a real deal!!!
That is why the Taliban has been saying the right things and giving half-hearted cooperation. “Pay me to be a good boy!!!”
Back to Obama 3.0 Appeasement and Apologies. Who is NOT expecting a “celebratory” terror attack on the 11th?
The coming murderous deaths of Afghanis now will stain the hands of Joey Xi Bai Dung, his handlers and this administration for all time.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies must answer for their heinous acts, from the facilitating an Islamic state in Iran, to surrendering and not renegotiating the Panama Canal treaty, to giving North Korea the green light for nukes and ICBMs, to pallets
of cash for Iran, to our debacle at Benghazi, to botching the departure from Afghanistan, these people are incapable of grasping reality.
The fact remains that Joey Xi Bai Dung specifically left the Taliban tens of billions of dollars of the latest military hardware. And now they want to top off the gift to the Taliban with MORE of OUR money?

Enough with this stupid shit about leaving behind equipment. Fires were observed all around the airport, military equipment being demilatarized. Of course, you dumbshits don't know what that means. The Taliban has no qualified pilots and no means of maintaining any of that equipment. Hell, there is an F-14 at the local airport. You think someone can climb in it and take off on a bombing run? At best, the Taliban can fly one mission in a Blackhawk helicopter per day, and that won't last a month. Fools, that is what you guys are, FOOLS.
Enough with this stupid shit about leaving behind equipment. Fires were observed all around the airport, military equipment being demilatarized. Of course, you dumbshits don't know what that means. The Taliban has no qualified pilots and no means of maintaining any of that equipment. Hell, there is an F-14 at the local airport. You think someone can climb in it and take off on a bombing run? At best, the Taliban can fly one mission in a Blackhawk helicopter per day, and that won't last a month. Fools, that is what you guys are, FOOLS.
and of course you have a link to back that up???
What else would we expect from Obama's sidekick? Come up with a phony agreement and ship billions in cash to the Tollybon when they SAY they've met their obligations It's worse than just having a brain-damaged idiot for President. He is a traitor empowering China, Iran and Muslim Terrorists.
sorry spanky that ones been debunked already with pictures of the taliban running around in us garb and vehicles,,
Pictures, really? Were those vehicles running? Damn but you morons are such suckers. You want to believe, so desperately, that American is failing. What pieces of shit. You guys are about the most unpatriotic mofos that every disgraced this nation. America first my damn ass. For you assholes it is all about "winning", and like Sheen, that shit is going to come back and bite you in the ass. Not soon enough if you ask me.
Republicans want accountability for this. It's not necessarily impeaching somebody; we want accountability

i don't think Biden should be impeached, i do believe something should happen there

Also, when I think about impeachment, you know, it’s high crimes and misdemeanors. What I see is gross incompetence and weakness.
Pictures, really? Were those vehicles running? Damn but you morons are such suckers. You want to believe, so desperately, that American is failing. What pieces of shit. You guys are about the most unpatriotic mofos that every disgraced this nation. America first my damn ass. For you assholes it is all about "winning", and like Sheen, that shit is going to come back and bite you in the ass. Not soon enough if you ask me.
America is failing, you idiot. Look around open your eyes and use your brain.

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