Biden Administration Excuse For Hypocritically Breaking His Own Mask Mandate: 'He was CELEBRATING!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Biden Administration Attempted To JUSTIFY Biden's Hypocrisy...and FAILED Miserably

He Was Celebrating … We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About”
– WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate (VIDEO)

It appears the Biden Administration just trivialized Joe's own 'Mask Mandate' while declaring COVID-19 is not that big of an issue and that protecting American lives is NOT his biggest issue right now.

(Destroying 52,000+ jobs on his 1st day in office was more important, I guess...)

So can EVERYONE ignore Joe's 'Mask Mandate' is they are celebrating and 'have more important issues to worry about'?

"Jen Psaki could have saved a lot of time and just said that the rules do not apply to Joe Biden and the Democrats because they are above the law."

Here we have Joe, hours after signing an executive order mandating masks on all federal lands, NOT wearing a mask in front of the Lincoln memorial. You can't make this stuff up. So why, liberals, are the rules for everyone BUT you people?

The Biden Administration Attempted To JUSTIFY Biden's Hypocrisy...and FAILED Miserably

He Was Celebrating … We Have Bigger Issues to Worry About”
– WH Press Sec When Asked Why Joe Biden Violated His Own Mask Mandate (VIDEO)

It appears the Biden Administration just trivialized Joe's own 'Mask Mandate' while declaring COVID-19 is not that big of an issue and that protecting American lives is NOT his biggest issue right now.

(Destroying 52,000+ jobs on his 1st day in office was more important, I guess...)

So can EVERYONE ignore Joe's 'Mask Mandate' is they are celebrating and 'have more important issues to worry about'?

"Jen Psaki could have saved a lot of time and just said that the rules do not apply to Joe Biden and the Democrats because they are above the law."

Was that more hubris or chutzpah?
You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.

Um, when the press secretary was asked about this, she didn't say "The EO doesn't mandate it" she said "He was celebrating." So YOU might want to read the EO.

Even CNN says I'm right:

You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.

Um, when the press secretary was asked about this, she didn't say "The EO doesn't mandate it" she said "He was celebrating." So YOU might want to read the EO.
I have. Why don't you link the part where standing alone or a far distance in a building requires a mask on federal property..
You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.

Um, when the press secretary was asked about this, she didn't say "The EO doesn't mandate it" she said "He was celebrating." So YOU might want to read the EO.
I have. Why don't you link the part where standing alone or a far distance in a building requires a mask on federal property..

Show me where there is an exception. A mandate is a mandate. Exceptions must be specifically stated and can't be assumed. So yes, Biden broke his own fucking rule.
You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.

Um, when the press secretary was asked about this, she didn't say "The EO doesn't mandate it" she said "He was celebrating." So YOU might want to read the EO.
I have. Why don't you link the part where standing alone or a far distance in a building requires a mask on federal property..

Show me where there is an exception. A mandate is a mandate. Exceptions must be specifically stated and can't be assumed. So yes, Biden broke his own fucking rule.

  • Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with other people who live in your household. However, some localities may have mask mandates while out in public, please check for the rules in your locality.
You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.

Um, when the press secretary was asked about this, she didn't say "The EO doesn't mandate it" she said "He was celebrating." So YOU might want to read the EO.
I have. Why don't you link the part where standing alone or a far distance in a building requires a mask on federal property..

Show me where there is an exception. A mandate is a mandate. Exceptions must be specifically stated and can't be assumed. So yes, Biden broke his own fucking rule.

  • Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with other people who live in your household. However, some localities may have mask mandates while out in public, please check for the rules in your locality.

That's not in the EO. That comes from the CDC guidance. Again where in Bidens EO does it allow him to not wear a mask on federal lands?

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Y’all had better pay attention to the other Catholic puppet, Fauci, as both of them get off on their new gigs. Fears of Biden’s lockdown are coming to pass. See newspaper reports (some require subscribing) that mention Biden’s 10 COVID-19 EOs. Fauci shows himself as in the pocket of the Chinese as well, he soon to meet with the WHO, another of China’s bitches. We urge the reader-prisoner to document what’s going down now about C-19 so that they can retrieve it later to prove to themselves that they aren’t suffering from Alzheimer’s. Of course, hard-copy is always preferred.
He was outside social distancing per CDC guidelines which is what the executive order is about. Jesus, people, get a grip.
You might want to read the EO instead of stepping out on the ledge to prove you are ignorant of what the mandate mandates.
Do you have a link to the part of the EO exempting biden from wearing a mask?
No, Biden's name is not given as anyone who is not required. There are conditions to the EO that stipulate when to wear a mask and the use of the CDC guidelines..

bart the armchair anarchist who has spent his life attacking others now has to defend a senile old man who dotters and drools

how does the shoe on your foot feel now?

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