'Beyond Belief': Obama Moves to Close Last US Uranium Plant


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Newsmax. ^ | 28 Sep 2015 | David A. Patten
The Obama administration plans to close the last remaining American-owned uranium enrichment facility in the United States, even as it moves forward on a controversial nuclear deal with Iran that permits the Islamic Republic to conduct ongoing and significant uranium enrichment. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has informed Centrus Energy it will end the American Centrifuge project in Piketon, Ohio, on Sept. 30. Notices have been issued to some 235 workers that their jobs are in jeopardy. ... This is beyond belief," Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, responded in a statement. "While this administration is greenlighting uranium enrichment in Iran...

First he closes down manned space launches from the United States and now he's giving up on a high power energy source... Might as well hang it up for the United States being a technological leader.

*****SAD SMILE*****

In line with his goal to turn the United States into his home country of Kenya, obama outlaws showers in the U.S under the guise of water conservation

Just what does he have to do before Democrats see the treason?

Darkfury,,,I'll admit that closing this mine is really fucking stupid. Nukes have kept our world out of a world war for 70 years.
Did YOU read WHAT party GUTTED your space shuttle, did ya?
What the hell are we going to do? Run an extension cord to Mars?
NO, Matthew ANY power system will HAVE to be one of two things solar or nuke.

And he shut the mine down. How stupid is that? We need that mine if you EVER intend to have a space station there EVER. And YOU support the people cutting that? What the hell is the matter with you?
Just what does he have to do before Democrats see the treason?

Darkfury,,,I'll admit that closing this mine is really fucking stupid. Nukes have kept our world out of a world war for 70 years.
Did YOU read WHAT party GUTTED your space shuttle, did ya?
What the hell are we going to do? Run an extension cord to Mars?
NO, Matthew ANY power system will HAVE to be one of two things solar or nuke.

And he shut the mine down. How stupid is that? We need that mine if you EVER intend to have a space station there EVER. And YOU support the people cutting that? What the hell is the matter with you?


There is fusion, antimatter, and the Casmir effect (Zero point energy). Those first two though will most likely require this uranium plant to be operating. While all would require huge research investments and time to develop.


Matthew YOU reading this thread? Are you? Why are YOU supporting those people? NASA means NOTHING to them NOTHING.

YOU can run with clown trash all you want but they are LAUGHING at you! YOU are supporting them while they gut your programs.
Every day Matthew every day I find it harder and harder to even take you serious on the subject.

But then how can I? Your cutting your own throat. IDIOT.
I support elements of both platforms. I am a moderate....

I want taxes to be raised on the rich with the loop holes closed.
I want more investment into our own country
I want reformed schools

This is what is important to me...You'd probably think of me as a rino as I am not a far rightist.

Obama isn't anti-nasa eventhrough he did something really stupid when he killed moon to mars. I hated it when he did it but the rocket that is being built is about as big as the saturn 5 and will be able to do just as much in the future. Unmanned space flight wasn't touched at all....Some of the greatest discoveries from extrasolar planets, the mars rover program to probes of other planets have happened during the past 8 years.

Do I disagree with a lot he does? You bet I do.
Just what does he have to do before Democrats see the treason?
Oh they see it, they just don't care. These idiots will follow their leader to hell, that's how mindless the dumb shits are.

There's too much I disagree with the republicans on currently....I don't like this but this is the political climate in this period in history.

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