Beyond ‘because I say so’ have Dems presented any data to prove that systemic racism exists?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It seems like anytime our severely LefTarded governor or mayor talks publicly the really neat catch phrase “systemic racism” is thrown out there. I’m curious, has any Democrat presented any evidence to prove that systemic racism actually exists on a measurable scale?
I realize this is a scary topic...disarm Dems of the right to use RACISM at every turn and they won’t know what to fall back on...But let’s talks data / facts shall we?
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It seems like anytime our severely LefTarded governor or mayor talks publicly the really neat catch phrase “systematic racism” is thrown out there. I’m curious, has any Democrat presented any evidence to prove that systematic racism actually exists on a measurable scale?
I realize this is a scary topic...disarm Dems of the right to use RACISM and they won’t know what to fall back on...But let’s talks data / facts shall we?
They keep saying that the reason for Systemic Racism is because of the income inequality. When i show that multimillionaire black pro athletes, the liberals call me obscene names, for not bowing to their will. I laugh at how stupid they are, because they cant grasp that actually black men can be wealthy. Now if that isnt racist , i dont know what is...
There are two sides to that question, there is also a matter of "degree" when defining "racism", from slight bias to animosity. Which black said that "when he sees young black men walking towards him he crosses the street"? Is that racism?

"There is no doubt that there are some racist police," O'Brien added. "I think they're the minority. I think they're the few bad apples, and we need to root them out."
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We have played this game before

Outside of someone dressing in klan gear and screaming n*gger, you will not accept any evidence

At his Washington Post blog, Cato alumnus Radley Balko has cultivated a running list of data driven reports that show persistent, measurable, widespread, and common racial disparities in criminal justice enforcement. In police stops, sentencing, pretrial detention, the death penalty, and a host of other areas, enforcement disproportionately affects African Americans and Latinos. For those who study or work in criminal justice for a living, the racial disparities are glaring and the quantitative research supports our policy prescriptions. But most people aren't criminal justice wonks, and what Radley has created is a great public education resource about what our system is doing all around the nation.

The abundance of evidence Radley collected shows that our criminal justice system harasses and punishes racial minorities more harshly than whites. These findings are important because so many critics of justice reform and of activist groups like Black Lives Matter deny that many of these disparities exist. The denial of these problems which have been well known or, at least, strongly suspected in many American minority communities for all of living memory precludes the identification of any potential remedies.
It seems like anytime our severely LefTarded governor or mayor talks publicly the really neat catch phrase “systemic racism” is thrown out there. I’m curious, has any Democrat presented any evidence to prove that systemic racism actually exists on a measurable scale?
I realize this is a scary topic...disarm Dems of the right to use RACISM at every turn and they won’t know what to fall back on...But let’s talks data / facts shall we?

The democrats do not care about proof or facts. This is known or rather should be. The democrats adhere to factual relativism which allows them (they believe) to redefine facts however they wish in order to suit their political narratives. No amount of "proof" will ever convince a radicalized democrat of anything. Observe the Russia and Ukraine and Kavanaugh bullshit for reference and understanding. The democrats were never looking to legally, factually or beyond a reasonable doubt prove any of that nonsense. All that mattered to them was that the American people believed it all long enough to get their votes or prevent them voting for someone else.

At his Washington Post blog, Cato alumnus Radley Balko has cultivated a running list of data driven reports that show persistent, measurable, widespread, and common racial disparities in criminal justice enforcement. In police stops, sentencing, pretrial detention, the death penalty, and a host of other areas, enforcement disproportionately affects African Americans and Latinos. For those who study or work in criminal justice for a living, the racial disparities are glaring and the quantitative research supports our policy prescriptions. But most people aren't criminal justice wonks, and what Radley has created is a great public education resource about what our system is doing all around the nation.

The abundance of evidence Radley collected shows that our criminal justice system harasses and punishes racial minorities more harshly than whites. These findings are important because so many critics of justice reform and of activist groups like Black Lives Matter deny that many of these disparities exist. The denial of these problems which have been well known or, at least, strongly suspected in many American minority communities for all of living memory precludes the identification of any potential remedies.

I usually show this one.
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

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