Betrayed: Whole Foods suspends GMO labeling promise


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise.
Betrayed: Whole Foods Suspends GMO Labeling Promise

Yet the dumbed down can not tie the powers of big corporations who you know really don't give a dam about you and it is all about money., They pay off, they lie, your health means nothing and why because ALL DEMOCRAT assholes feed each other, play each others' hands while enslaving their idiots to the UNINFORMED and those dumb enough to believe the FDA protects their little health . LMFAO gawd dam if. you losers even knew reality you wouldn't be as stupid as you are. LOL
After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise.
Betrayed: Whole Foods Suspends GMO Labeling Promise

Yet the dumbed down can not tie the powers of big corporations who you know really don't give a dam about you and it is all about money., They pay off, they lie, your health means nothing and why because ALL DEMOCRAT assholes feed each other, play each others' hands while enslaving their idiots to the UNINFORMED and those dumb enough to believe the FDA protects their little health . LMFAO gawd dam if. you losers even knew reality you wouldn't be as stupid as you are. LOL
^ fully endorses the Trump administration's unconditional support of the GMO industry
^ fully endorses the Trump administration's unconditional support of the GMO industry
Yes, but it's Bezos, so the action is, by definition, part of the Marxist, Nazi, baby-eating Left plot to poison the World.
I refuse to buy GMO-free products.

I may pick up some GMOed food for tonight's dinner.........
After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise.
Betrayed: Whole Foods Suspends GMO Labeling Promise

Yet the dumbed down can not tie the powers of big corporations who you know really don't give a dam about you and it is all about money., They pay off, they lie, your health means nothing and why because ALL DEMOCRAT assholes feed each other, play each others' hands while enslaving their idiots to the UNINFORMED and those dumb enough to believe the FDA protects their little health . LMFAO gawd dam if. you losers even knew reality you wouldn't be as stupid as you are. LOL

OP snorting mothballs again.

John Mackey was a sleazy profit whore for the whole time he ran Ho Foods. Anyone who's dealt with the store has known that for years. That's why I go to Trader Joe's --- anything that has their name on it is automatically GMO-free.

The good part for those who can't gain the truth about GMO's , the good part will be the dumber you are the faster you get to leave the planet so the bigger majority of morons won't last LOL

From GMO's to the same stupid asses who don't get the dangers of 5G network coming to a corner near you omfg....... Gov. studies and all and we still have the same stupid fks who have the balls to say " Tin foil hat"
It really proves how fkn dumbed down the pathetic public is, and how easy it is to sell them pure bs.


Longest-Running GMO Safety Study Finds Tumors in Rats - Natural Health - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Oh but SNOPES will tell you that its' false., then you will find one scientist who openly admitted the dangers reneged and said it wasn't true lmfao. Noting obvious there.
The same idiots who believed the FDA when they said oh ORA GEL". is safe, the same idiots who see these gov. entities as their safety gods are the same stupid asses who can't think for themselves. Never question a thing.

The same lunatics who can't come over to reality , when it comes to huge corporations will bully others into false information that is only benefiting the company because they profit off of stupid asses .......... Including wrongly trained MEDICAL DOCTORS who are also victims of stupidity until they dig deep and further into many issues.


Monsanto attempts to dismiss study
In response to the study, Monsanto said the results were not significant, because the development of tumors in the GM fed rats were “within historical norms for this strain of laboratory rats, which is known for a high incidence of tumors.” In short, the biotech giant attributed the tumors to the rats’ genetics. What is ironic is that Monsanto conducted a similar study of a much shorter duration, 90 days, which enabled their NK 603 Roundup-tolerant GM maize to be approved by the EFSA, explained Mike Adams, author of the new book Food Forensics: The Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and How You Can Avoid Them for Lifelong Health.

Not safe to eat: Rats fed lifetime of GMO corn grow horrifying tumors, die very early

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