'Beto O'Rourke Campaigns In Mexico'....'Nuff Said!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Beto O'Rourke campaigns in Mexico to hear concerns from asylum-seekers
Beto O'Rourke campaigns in Mexico to hear concerns from asylum-seekers

"Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke made a campaign stop in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, over the weekend, where he held a roundtable discussion with asylum-seekers from Central America to hear their concerns over U.S. immigration policies."

'Nuff Said! We have enough Socialist Liberal US Citizen-elected politicians in office now siding with illegals over US Citizens, choosing to stand with illegals over US citizens, representing that iw best for criminal illegals instead of securing our sovereignty, securing our borders, and protecting US citizens.

If Beto wants to campaign down in Mexico, if Beto wants to listen to the complaints of illegals about how it is too hard to illegally make it into the US, then as far as I am concerned he can stay his ass in Mexico and attempt to run for office in Mexico,

"We must end the Remain in Mexico policy, end metering, end family separation, and end the detention of those who pose absolutely no threat," the Democrat continued. "But we must go far beyond that and fix the entire system."

Beto is talking about ending an immigration system that does not allow 100,000 illegals crossing into the US in violation of existing US Immigration law to be detained, identified, background checks completed, and then released in MEXCO - form where they immediately came instead of releasing them into the US populace / in United States.
-- That's sorta like catching a burglar breaking into your house then letting him go nut telling him he has to stay inside the house. WTF?!

Beto is talking about ending a policy of separating children from adults - a policy begun under Obama - to confirm the children and adults ARE family and not children being smuggled by Mexican Drug Cartels, Human / Sex-traffickers, or illegals using them to get into the US. (DNA tests and investigations are catching these things happening.)

Beto is falsely claiming these illegals are no threat to American citizens....
- An African illegal immigrant just rammed his SUV into a group of Veterans riding motorcycles, killing 13 vets and spouses/girlfriends
- MS-13 gang members who illegally crossed into the US were arrested for raping, murdering, then dismembering a young American girl
- The media has reported on pedophiles, rapists, murderers, cop-killers, drug-runners, etc...
- ....perhaps Beto chould take a look at this site before claiming illegals pose no threat to Americans:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Americans must go 'beyond that' and 'Fix the System'?

How about Socialist Democrat traitors stop aiding and abetting illegals, encouraging illegal immigration, facilitating illegal Immigration, working on behalf of and standing with illegals against American citizens - the people these politicians are supposed to represent and work for?!

Perhaps Beto should get his ass back across the border and listen to what AMERICAN CITIZENS have to say?!

How about Democrats try ENFORCING existing US Immigration law, defend out sovereignty, close the borders, protect American citizens, address American homelessness and poverty, and stop telling the American people they are going to force the American people to pay for the health case, feeding, housing, education, etc for some 22 Million illegals here in the US and 100,000 more per month still coming across the border illegally?!
Damned right Nuff said.

We have thousands of fake asylum seekers at our border right now. Border Patrol is over run with the assholes.

They marched through many countries to get to our border. They could have asked for asylum in any of them. Mexico offered them all asylum and they refused.

That says it all right there. I hope none of them get into the US and I'm glad the Mexican Army is on the border to keep them out of Mexico and off our border.

Beto is an asshole and he sure ain't POTUS material.
Did he speak English or Spanish?

and did anyone understand him?
Did he speak English or Spanish? and did anyone understand him?

CNN live coverage showed him stepping out in front of the stage and saying, "Hola' - Dónde está tu baño?

They immediately cut the feed and went to a 'breaking story' about how the new 'Mega' rolls toilet paper do not fit in the average wall-mounted bathroom TP holders in most US homes....

Pretty sure most people are still trying to figure out what the big hype last fall over Beto was all about. From what I have seen he is a joke and comes across as someone who has memorized talking points and struggles with basic communication skills. Definitely not someone a normal person could imagine negotiating with world leaders.
It's like the Democrats are pandering for the foreign national vote they claim doesn't exist.
Beto shares RFK's deft touch when talking about race, and like Obama, can electrify a crowd with a message of national unity & common sense kindness. don't count him out just yet!

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