Beto keeps giving: Will pay for confiscating guns by attacking gun makers...let your fascist out ..

No argument there. The NRA has been the powerhouse that has always held up any reasonably realistic legislation. They do the chicken little routine whenever any law/regulation is proposed. And they have enough people supporting their organization because they fear infringement of their 2A rights.
No argument there. The NRA has been the powerhouse that has always held up any reasonably realistic legislation. They do the chicken little routine whenever any law/regulation is proposed. And they have enough people supporting their organization because they fear infringement of their 2A rights.

They fear the lies that the right has told them about Democrats wanting to take all their guns and end the 2nd.
More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history. Since 1968, more than 1.5 million Americans have died in gun-related incidents, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By comparison, approximately 1.2 million service members have been killed in every war in U.S. history, according to estimates from the Department of Veterans Affairs and, a website that maintains an ongoing database of casualties from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FACT CHECK: Do U.S. Gun Deaths Since 1968 Outnumber Deaths in All American Wars?

Hope this helps.
No argument there. The NRA has been the powerhouse that has always held up any reasonably realistic legislation. They do the chicken little routine whenever any law/regulation is proposed. And they have enough people supporting their organization because they fear infringement of their 2A rights.

By the same token, where liberals have total power, 2A rights ARE severely infringed.
No argument there. The NRA has been the powerhouse that has always held up any reasonably realistic legislation. They do the chicken little routine whenever any law/regulation is proposed. And they have enough people supporting their organization because they fear infringement of their 2A rights.

By the same token, where liberals have total power, 2A rights ARE severely infringed.

More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history. Since 1968, more than 1.5 million Americans have died in gun-related incidents, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By comparison, approximately 1.2 million service members have been killed in every war in U.S. history, according to estimates from the Department of Veterans Affairs and, a website that maintains an ongoing database of casualties from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FACT CHECK: Do U.S. Gun Deaths Since 1968 Outnumber Deaths in All American Wars?

Hope this helps.

How many of those were suicides?

How many of those gun deaths were committed by blacks who, by the way, have 98% voted DEMOCRAT for the past 50 years?
How many of those were suicides?

Still a firearm death and a problem society needs to find solutions to lower or end if possible.

How many of those gun deaths were committed by blacks who, by the way, have 98% voted DEMOCRAT for the past 50 years?

That is pure deflection. That's like asking how many were caused by little old ladies shooting intruders (which is a good thing, but still a deflection). The general problem still remains.

I have never said there is a single answer to a complex issue, but at this time it's just a game of fearmongering by both sides - gaining nothing.
And it will continue to be ignored as long as gun nuts refuse to accept any common sense regulation. The NRA has a lot of blood on it's hands.
Restricting clip size is a good idea. Don't start whining about the difference between a clip and a magazine. Only idiots whine about that.

I would agree about the NRA. Never have, never will be a member. I have no problem with common sense regulation. I do not believe the 2nd Amendment means no regulation allowed.

The problem stems from the extreme measure reaction (confiscate for instance) that happens after a tragic incident happens. It would seem to me that if calm debate on reasonable regulations could occur, we'd get farther. There will always be the extremist positions on both ends of the spectrum, but I believe there are enough people in the center who could work together and find solutions.

Yes, there are more than enough people. More than 90% of the country wants universal background checks. The problem is the NRA has bought the right wing politicians, and won't let them do what their constituents want. You might note the NRA rallies that always seem to happen shortly after, and in the same location as the major mass shootings. More proof that there is a lot of blood on NRA hands.

How would universal background checks have stopped Adam Lanza?
Our current way has already killed millions.

Millions, Gracie?

Just an off the cuff guess. I could be wrong. Average over 100 per day for lots of years makes millions seem possible. If you've done the math, I don't have a problem accepting a different number.

An average 30,000 year die to a gun in the USA. Right off the bat, 2/3rd's of those are suicides. That makes for 10,000 "homicides" per year - which INCLUDES justifiable homicides. But even ignoring that, at 10,000 homicides per year it would take 100 years at current rates to achieve one million deaths, let alone the "millions" you pulled out of your ass.

Meanwhile, 250,000 people die per year to medical malpractice. That's a million in 4 years and 2.5 million in a decade. Maybe you should focus your spurious "I wanna save lives" outrage there.
How many of those were suicides?

Still a firearm death and a problem society needs to find solutions to lower or end if possible.

Nonsense. If someone is dead set on killing themselves, the lack of access to a gun is not going to stop them. A $5 rope will achieve the same result. It is utterly dishonest to lump suicides in with legitimate gun violence.
Nonsense. If someone is dead set on killing themselves, the lack of access to a gun is not going to stop them. A $5 rope will achieve the same result. It is utterly dishonest to lump suicides in with legitimate gun violence.

Correct. We agree that if they are intent on committing suicide there are many ways to accomplish it. However, if they use a firearm it is reasonable to count it a part of firearm related deaths. If it wasn't then it wouldn't be shown in the statistics for firearm deaths like it is now.
Our current way has already killed millions.

Millions, Gracie?

Just an off the cuff guess. I could be wrong. Average over 100 per day for lots of years makes millions seem possible. If you've done the math, I don't have a problem accepting a different number.

An average 30,000 year die to a gun in the USA. Right off the bat, 2/3rd's of those are suicides. That makes for 10,000 "homicides" per year - which INCLUDES justifiable homicides. But even ignoring that, at 10,000 homicides per year it would take 100 years at current rates to achieve one million deaths, let alone the "millions" you pulled out of your ass.

Meanwhile, 250,000 people die per year to medical malpractice. That's a million in 4 years and 2.5 million in a decade. Maybe you should focus your spurious "I wanna save lives" outrage there.

This thread is about guns dumbass. Quit trying to change the subject.
Our current way has already killed millions.

Millions, Gracie?

Just an off the cuff guess. I could be wrong. Average over 100 per day for lots of years makes millions seem possible. If you've done the math, I don't have a problem accepting a different number.

An average 30,000 year die to a gun in the USA. Right off the bat, 2/3rd's of those are suicides. That makes for 10,000 "homicides" per year - which INCLUDES justifiable homicides. But even ignoring that, at 10,000 homicides per year it would take 100 years at current rates to achieve one million deaths, let alone the "millions" you pulled out of your ass.

Meanwhile, 250,000 people die per year to medical malpractice. That's a million in 4 years and 2.5 million in a decade. Maybe you should focus your spurious "I wanna save lives" outrage there.

This thread is about guns dumbass. Quit trying to change the subject.

Awww... you don't like it that I just blew your bullshit "we need to restrict guns to save lives" argument right out of the water? Tough.
Our current way has already killed millions.

Millions, Gracie?

Just an off the cuff guess. I could be wrong. Average over 100 per day for lots of years makes millions seem possible. If you've done the math, I don't have a problem accepting a different number.

An average 30,000 year die to a gun in the USA. Right off the bat, 2/3rd's of those are suicides. That makes for 10,000 "homicides" per year - which INCLUDES justifiable homicides. But even ignoring that, at 10,000 homicides per year it would take 100 years at current rates to achieve one million deaths, let alone the "millions" you pulled out of your ass.

Meanwhile, 250,000 people die per year to medical malpractice. That's a million in 4 years and 2.5 million in a decade. Maybe you should focus your spurious "I wanna save lives" outrage there.

This thread is about guns dumbass. Quit trying to change the subject.

A dumb ass thread about guns.
Nonsense. If someone is dead set on killing themselves, the lack of access to a gun is not going to stop them. A $5 rope will achieve the same result. It is utterly dishonest to lump suicides in with legitimate gun violence.

Correct. We agree that if they are intent on committing suicide there are many ways to accomplish it. However, if they use a firearm it is reasonable to count it a part of firearm related deaths. If it wasn't then it wouldn't be shown in the statistics for firearm deaths like it is now.

"Firearm related deaths" would be an acceptable way of labeling it, but you know as well as I do that's not what our media and politicians do. They play it off as though those 30,000 deaths per year are random murders and they NEVER mention the actual breakdown.
Our current way has already killed millions.

Millions, Gracie?

Just an off the cuff guess. I could be wrong. Average over 100 per day for lots of years makes millions seem possible. If you've done the math, I don't have a problem accepting a different number.

An average 30,000 year die to a gun in the USA. Right off the bat, 2/3rd's of those are suicides. That makes for 10,000 "homicides" per year - which INCLUDES justifiable homicides. But even ignoring that, at 10,000 homicides per year it would take 100 years at current rates to achieve one million deaths, let alone the "millions" you pulled out of your ass.

Meanwhile, 250,000 people die per year to medical malpractice. That's a million in 4 years and 2.5 million in a decade. Maybe you should focus your spurious "I wanna save lives" outrage there.

This thread is about guns dumbass. Quit trying to change the subject.

Awww... you don't like it that I just blew your bullshit "we need to restrict guns to save lives" argument right out of the water? Tough.

No, but yours was a dumb ass remark. There are lots of ways to save lives. only an idiot would think only one should be considered.
Beto understands that killing a few is better than killing a lot. We should be doing what others are doing.

There you have it:

THE NEW DEMOCRATIC MORALITY: The ends justify the means.

Now you know why they can lie, cheat, steal and break laws and not see a thing wrong with it.

In psychological parlance, that is known as sociopathic behavior, what killers use to not feel any remorse at all for their murders.

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