Best years of our lives (1946)

Good points.

I was actually just thinking that another reason to use more mature actors, even in a movie about Vietnam, is that soldiers in combat are generally much more mature than a typical person their age. Older actors is a little dramatic license so the audience is not thinking them as kids.
The Main reason directors prefer more mature actors is they are more likely to have played roles similar to the role being cast or their screen persona fits the role.. Today many actors started their careers as young teens and by time they were 21 they have long impressive resumes in a variety of roles. They are considered mature actors even if not mature in age.

When Andrews made this movie he had starred in or co-stared in 21 movie in his 5 years of making movies. In 4 of them he played a military man and in 3 of them he played an officer. However, Wyler wanted Andrews for the part because of his stone face and understated acting style. Allen Ladd might have been considered for the part if he had been available. Ladd was 4 years younger.
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Travolta was 23 playing a high school kid in Grease in 1978
In Buffy and the Vampire, Buffy, Charisma Carpenter was 30 years old when she played the part. There are many teenage parts played be men and women 25 to 33.
Cindy Williams was 26 when she played a high school senior in American Graffiti.
Climbing the ladder in the entertainment business takes time, years to build a resume, establish contacts, and get a reputation in your field. For most entertainers, you have to pay your dues to get a chance at stardom.

As Glen Campbell a popular singer and song writer said, "After 40 years in the business, I became an overnight success".
Climbing the ladder in the entertainment business takes time, years to build a resume, establish contacts, and get a reputation in your field. For most entertainers, you have to pay your dues to get a chance at stardom.

As Glen Campbell a popular singer and song writer said, "After 40 years in the business, I became an overnight success".
Hollywood might make a buck off child actors but for some reason the media conglomerate doesn't trust high school aged actors to play themselves.
Hollywood might make a buck off child actors but for some reason the media conglomerate doesn't trust high school aged actors to play themselves.
I think big productions want big stars well known by both young and older audiences. There're a lot more 20 somethings that fit bill than teens. Also most directors don't like deal with the teenage crazies when the hormones are raging.
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