Bernie wins California: So what?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Bernie won the big kahuna California on Super Tuesday, but does it mean anything for the November election? The Democratic nominee will win California regardless of the candidate, so Bernie's popularity in that state will have no effect on the electoral vote for President. (Conversely, Texas will go for Trump.)

The real action in the upcoming election will be in the swing states, where Bernie is not popular. If the Democrats let California put Bernie over the top at their convention, they will ensure President Trump's reelection.

I hope they do just that.
bitch about the dems screwing bernie

bernie wins doesnt matter

which one is it -

According to Hillary whoever wins California should win the Nomination / Presidency because 'no one' gives a crap about southern or 'fly-over' states....isn't that still true?

Bernie won the big kahuna California on Super Tuesday, but does it mean anything for the November election? The Democratic nominee will win California regardless of the candidate, so Bernie's popularity in that state will have no effect on the electoral vote for President. (Conversely, Texas will go for Trump.)

The real action in the upcoming election will be in the swing states, where Bernie is not popular. If the Democrats let California put Bernie over the top at their convention, they will ensure President Trump's reelection.

I hope they do just that.

And I think California awards their delegates proportionally anyway, so with only winning a third of the primary vote, this didn't really do much for him.
According to Hillary whoever wins California should win the Nomination / Presidency because 'no one' gives a crap about southern or 'fly-over' states....isn't that still true?


Bernie won the big kahuna California on Super Tuesday, but does it mean anything for the November election? The Democratic nominee will win California regardless of the candidate, so Bernie's popularity in that state will have no effect on the electoral vote for President. (Conversely, Texas will go for Trump.)

The real action in the upcoming election will be in the swing states, where Bernie is not popular. If the Democrats let California put Bernie over the top at their convention, they will ensure President Trump's reelection.

I hope they do just that.

So he won a communist stronghold. Big deal. A couple more and he's done.
Bernie won the big kahuna California on Super Tuesday, but does it mean anything for the November election? The Democratic nominee will win California regardless of the candidate, so Bernie's popularity in that state will have no effect on the electoral vote for President. (Conversely, Texas will go for Trump.)

The real action in the upcoming election will be in the swing states, where Bernie is not popular. If the Democrats let California put Bernie over the top at their convention, they will ensure President Trump's reelection.

I hope they do just that.
On no you don't wish that! We Dem's are trying to retire the current "snake" in office. Yesterday's heavy voter turn out is a message to that other "snake" in Kentucky - Mitch McConnell. We are COMING for you! You will hear from Kentuckians real soon.
Why are libtards unable to participate in a rational discussion?
bitch about the dems screwing bernie
Is anyone on the right bitching about the Dems clearly trying to take Sanders out? More likely they are simply enjoying the chaos on the other side.
bernie wins doesnt matter

which one is it -

No one anywhere said that Sanders wins don't matter. The OP said THIS SPECIFIC win does not matter and he is correct. Which way CA goes is utterly irrelevant in the general as CA is already won. Same when a Republican primary candidate takes TX.
The bigger the wackjob, the more California will like you. They have a lot of people looking for free shit too.
Bernie won the big kahuna California on Super Tuesday, but does it mean anything for the November election? The Democratic nominee will win California regardless of the candidate, so Bernie's popularity in that state will have no effect on the electoral vote for President. (Conversely, Texas will go for Trump.)

The real action in the upcoming election will be in the swing states, where Bernie is not popular. If the Democrats let California put Bernie over the top at their convention, they will ensure President Trump's reelection.

I hope they do just that.
I think Trump can beat either one of them.

Bernie Sanders Wants to Tank Your Retirement Portfolio.

"We're taking on Wall Street and I know they were getting very nervous, and the stock market went up this morning because they thought that Biden did well."

Really. He said that. Like it's a bad thing.

Bernie Sanders wants to be the guy who tanks the stock market. With it, he'd take your 401(k) and/or your IRA -- and any plans you might have had about not being completely dependent on Social Security during your retirement.

How's Bernie going to raid your savings to pay for Medicare and Every Other Damn Thing for All after he's reduced its value to rubble?

It's hard to create wealth. It's easy to destroy it.

His Bernie Bros are all on board with the Bern It All Down mentality.

Felix Aranegui@FAranegui

Senator, you need to use what happened in the stock market to prove your point. Use it against Biden. It proves that big corporations especially the pharmaceuticals and healthcare want him to win.​

Those are the big corporations -- smaller ones, too -- you or your mutual funds rely on to generate gains. Not just you: me, the old couple next door, the working mom socking away everything she can to provide a better life for her kids.

Socialism is the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be making money.

From the stock market to the gig economy to the entertainment industry to... well... pretty much everything else, socialists want to tell you what to do.

Sure, Sanders is a "democratic" socialist, but there's nothing democratic -- not in the American sense of the word -- in bossing everyone around. Issues and Insights wrote today:

“The inescapable fact is that socialism cannot be implemented without authoritarian action, even if it’s supposedly a ‘democratic socialism,’ in which majorities decide how life is to be arranged. Even a ‘soft’ authoritarianism, a ‘democratic’ mob rule will grow into a malignancy.”​

"Malignant" is exactly the right word for an American presidential contender who curses your financial independence from his schemes and celebrates your losses.

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