Belarusian model who claimed Trump secrets detained in Moscow, Vašukevič is political prisoner


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
will putler and his gang kill Vašukevič in prison like they killed many others (Magnitsky, Politkovskya, etc.)


Belarusian model who claimed Trump secrets detained in Moscow, Vašukevič is political prisoner.

"Vashukevich should be immediately included in the list of political prisoners.

It seems to me rather obvious that Anastasia Vašukevič should immediately be included in the list of political prisoners. She is a fish or a bird, a prostitute or a saint, in this case does not matter.

Vašukevič is arrested for obvious political reasons. The state pursues her for things that apparently have nothing to do with a formal accusation.

For engaging in prostitution in Russia, it is possible to imprison chief editors of newspapers with a million copies - newspapers filled with relevant job advertisements for “leisure” centers. For this, you can plant half of the cops and a notable part of the country's leadership, starting, for example, with the former "Seliger" leadership (the girls who left their tents in the public wards converted their abilities much better than the unpretentious Rybka and today teach us morality).

And Anastasia Vašukevič , hiding behind a cheap criminal article, is indicatively pressed today so that all the rest of the “escort” (sexual and everybody else) would be discouraged to open the mouth about the bosses, to blurt out the secrets of the Russian political and elite to the death of the “business” elite, tell us about yachts, mansions, accounts, conversations, habits ...

The bosses are angry not jokingly, but to doubt their moral character and readiness to commit serious iniquities under the guise of the execution of the law - we have no reason to. Therefore (regardless of her initial intentions and previous biography), Anastasia Vašukevič (Vashukevich ) today is a political prisoner.
And to seek her release is our direct responsibility.

Separately, I want to turn to Alexei Navalny - it was he who made Anastasia a political reluctant figure. And I think it should be the first among those who will seek justice for her."
"MOSCOW (Reuters) - A model from Belarus who claimed to have evidence of Russian interference in U.S. President Donald Trump’s election was detained in an airport in Moscow on Thursday after being deported from Thailand, Interfax cited the police as saying.

Anastasia Vashukevich, 27, and three others were detained upon arrival at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport and have been transferred to a police station, Interfax cited the Interior Ministry as saying. "
If you like this well known prostitute and her pimp take them to you in Israel.
Your country throw all such rubbish away or imprison.

The prostitute is a liar, bribed by filthy Fifth Column in Russia, claimed Asylum by US authorities but received a ....

Anything the whore says is a big lie


You as an Jew produced more as 10,000 antisemites in all the time.
Why do you hate Russia and Russians so much who saved you and your tribe from Holocaust?
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If you like this well known prostitute and her pimp take them to you in Israel.
Your country throw all such rubbish away or imprison.

The prostitute is a liar, bribed by filthy Fifth Column in Russia, claimed Asylum by US authorities but received a ....

Anything the whore says is a big lie


You as an Jew produced more as 10,000 antisemites in all the time.
Why do you hate Russia and Russians so much who saved you and your tribe from Holocaust?

I need to know where you stand on a couple things.

Is Putin a murderer?

Are Jews equal?
The self-proclaimed oligarch-hunter is charged with "integration in prostitution employment" (procuration). Some say she seduced the oligarchs for the Russian intelligence.
Anything on that, Litwin?

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