Be fraud smart – Always check. Never share. Act with care


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
I got this helpful message from my bank!

We want to help you to keep your money and personal information safe, so we've put together some useful tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of fraud.
Always check..

• A caller is who they say they are. Banks or the police will never contact you asking you to transfer money to another account.

• The phone line is disconnected after an unexpected call by calling someone else first from the same line or using a different phone. Always call back using a phone number you've got from a trusted website or your bank statement.

• A website is secure before you enter any account or card details. Look for the 'https' at the start of the web address and the padlock or unbroken key icon at the top of the page next to the address bar.
Never share..

• Your personal or security information on a website you've clicked to from a link in an email or text. We will never email or text you a link that takes you straight to the Online Banking page.

• Your card PIN, PINsentry codes and passwords with anyone who contacts you. If a caller does ask for this information, end the call. We will never ask for this when we contact you.

• Never enter your card PIN number into a telephone. It's not secure and doesn't keep it secret from the caller.
Act with care..

• When clicking on links or downloading attachments from unsolicited emails or texts. If you are concerned about an email claiming to be from your bank forward it to your back and delete it.

• Keep your internet security software up to date, and run regular scans and system updates.

• Treat all unsolicited calls with caution. Remember, banks and police will never contact you to ask you to transfer funds, buy high value goods or hand over cards or money.
Get a ID Theft service because nothing you do can guarantee your Identify wont be stolen. If you were born in the US the chances are that you exist in at least one database that can be hacked.

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