Be a Part of the Solution

Where are you getting all this from? Do you work in education?
I was a student for 12 years. Teachers always directed us to the conclusion that they wanted us to reach while praising us for participating even when our input was wrong.
That is 100% untrue.
Why do you think people are as messed up as they are? The right path is the one less chosen because everyone else has taken the wrong one. It's follow the crowd even if you know the crowd is wrong. No one wants to be the odd duck.
Why do you think people are as messed up as they are? The right path is the one less chosen because everyone else has taken the wrong one. It's follow the crowd even if you know the crowd is wrong. No one wants to be the odd duck.
Kids deserve more credit than you’re giving them.
I was a student for 12 years. Teachers always directed us to the conclusion that they wanted us to reach while praising us for participating even when our input was wrong.
Sorry YOU had shitty teachers. Didn’t your parents teach you to keep your own mind?
Alright big mouths! Here's your chance. Give me a practical, realistic idea about improving day-to-day classroom instruction and if it is serious and possible I'll try it out in September and let you know how it went. Remember, "practical" and "realistic."
If it's a math class, teach 2 + 2 = 4 and how to get there. Teaching kids practical applications of math is good. Scrap everything that constitutes social engineering unrelated to math problems.

In science class teach ALL the theories of the origins of the the universe and why science strongly leans toward one of those. Teach evolution but explain that it can't answer every question. In teaching climate change, provide all the pertinent important information including why some scientists do not agree with others, what the points of disagreement are, what predictions have come true and which ones have not. Allow the students to think critically about what they learn.

In History Class teach all the history, the good, the bad, the ugly. Regarding slavery teach the roles the Portuguese, British, French, Dutch, Spanish, African nations etc. played in addition to the Americans--and all the efforts to end slavery and segregation and what it cost people who were involved in that. No curriculum that teaches white children that they are racist and black children that they are victims, i.e. no CRT. No sexual content of any kind for children younger than adolescent other than you are a boy and you are a girl--here's the boys' bathroom and here's the girls' bathroom. Pronouns should be he, she, her, him or our or they for groups. The teacher should take no firm position but should encourage the students to think critically about what they learn.

That's for starters.
If it's a math class, teach 2 + 2 = 4 and how to get there. Teaching kids practical applications of math is good. Scrap everything that constitutes social engineering unrelated to math problems.

In science class teach ALL the theories of the origins of the the universe and why science strongly leans toward one of those. Teach evolution but explain that it can't answer every question. In teaching climate change, provide all the pertinent important information including why some scientists do not agree with others, what the points of disagreement are, what predictions have come true and which ones have not. Allow the students to think critically about what they learn.

In History Class teach all the history, the good, the bad, the ugly. Regarding slavery teach the roles the Portuguese, British, French, Dutch, Spanish, African nations etc. played in addition to the Americans--and all the efforts to end slavery and segregation and what it cost people who were involved in that. No curriculum that teaches white children that they are racist and black children that they are victims, i.e. no CRT. No sexual content of any kind for children younger than adolescent other than you are a boy and you are a girl--here's the boys' bathroom and here's the girls' bathroom. Pronouns should be he, she, her, him or our or they for groups. The teacher should take no firm position but should encourage the students to think critically about what they learn.

That's for starters.
ESL class.
I was a student for 12 years. Teachers always directed us to the conclusion that they wanted us to reach while praising us for participating even when our input was wrong.
:lol: I love this one. Everyone tries to say this. I have flown on many, many, many airplanes, but that doesn't make me a pilot.
ESL class.
Okay that one is outside my area of expertise. Back in my YWCA days I taught Constitution to immigrants preparing for their citizenship exams but that was only to those who had enough ESL to be able to follow me.

I still think teach the basics and don't preach.
Okay that one is outside my area of expertise. Back in my YWCA days I taught Constitution to immigrants preparing for their citizenship exams but that was only to those who had enough ESL to be able to follow me.

I still think teach the basics and don't preach.
“Preach “?
“Preach “?
Yeah. No CRT or other social engineering crap please or doctrine pushed by only one ideology. New immigrants have enough problems finding ways to fully integrate and become part of American society in a satisfying way without burdening them with all that nonsense.

I was once part of a neighborhood effort to help Americanize a Vietnamese immigrant family that moved into our neighborhood. Sometimes frustrating. Sometimes funny. They were very eager to help get there in any way they could though.
Sorry YOU had shitty teachers. Didn’t your parents teach you to keep your own mind?
Don't misunderstand, I wasn't complaining about my teachers, just relating my experience and that of others that I went to school with. Left to our own thinking few would have arrived at the right conclusion about anything. Any conclusion that we reached had to be reviewed by the teacher. That is what teachers are for. ;) Also, we were tested on what the teacher wanted us to know, not our opinions.

My parents were not supportive of me in any way. I've had to survive on my own resources and help from others.
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:lol: I love this one. Everyone tries to say this. I have flown on many, many, many airplanes, but that doesn't make me a pilot.
Note that I said us, hundreds of students, not just me.
I too have flown on many airplanes, and I am a licensed pilot. ;)
Alright big mouths! Here's your chance. Give me a practical, realistic idea about improving day-to-day classroom instruction and if it is serious and possible I'll try it out in September and let you know how it went. Remember, "practical" and "realistic."
Disallow all grooming. Permit nobody to discuss scat porn or anything associated with it. With the exception (possibly unavoidable) of history, leave politics the hell out of the classroom. That includes refusing to allow class discussions about things like trans-sexualism. There is a time and place for that, perhaps, but it’s not in a classroom.
That’s what most history teachers do already.
Not listening here.

Listen here and all teachers are pushing their own agenda trying to indoctrinate kids…

I haven’t been in school and got no kids so IDK….
Who do you think makes up the government? But it seems that once people become part of some big machine, they forget who they are really there to serve and take on a group mentality agenda looking to serve the machine instead.

School boards are not the big machine. For the most part they are elected local people with kids in school. I was an elected member of a school board in NC while I was stationed there.

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