Barry Calls Himself "A CAGED BEAR"????


Feb 7, 2014
A caged WEASEL maybe. Anybody noticed how scrawny the boy is lately? I'm sure Mooch likes her men/women slim and pretty which is why she's spending more time with Valarie Jarrett then she is with Barry....and he doesn't like it.

The hair going grey, the arugula and sofu diet removing the last trace of manliness he might have had....I bet he shaves his legs for her. And hand washes his prayer rug in case he pees on it.

And while the rest of the world LAUGHS...we can only snicker because the NSA is watching everybody who speaks up and the IRS will audit our asses next April. The EPA will consider that "environmental justice" and Eric Holder will indict us for "hate-speech" That's the only power our creep president has over us at this point....we have nothing to fear but our own government...not the stick boy in the White House.

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I see Putin as a caged bear...

See Obama more like a Hamster...on one of those wheels..
As he goes out day after day campaining.Spinning on that wheel same
thing over and over.Speech after speech...turn after turn on the wheel in his cage.
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There is nothing in his biography that suggests this spoiled brat had to ever fight for anything. This is the same POS that had his nose bloodied on the court by a Mexican. Loser.
There is nothing in his biography that suggests this spoiled brat had to ever fight for anything. This is the same POS that had his nose bloodied on the court by a Mexican. Loser.

Honestly, can you EVER imagine that skinny, pimp looking asshole in a FIGHT? First shot to the nose and he's down.

Just like his presidency...........:D

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