Barack Obama's Legacy

Barack Obama’s legacy is pitiful and ugly...
But Barack Obama, whose imperial term changed the way Americans interact and in some ways paved the way for the Trump presidency, is now watching his much-celebrated and mythologized two-term legacy be systematically demolished. This, in many ways, tells us that American governance still works.
The one upside to Obama’s unconstitutional reign of terror is that it is so easily erased by President Trump.

The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed
The Heritage Foundation well that is b*******. Now Iran can get nukes going again if they want whatever good luck. Fighting pollution is unAmerican? Good luck with that too. Obamacare is a good start. The Heritage Foundation is the biggest liar ever. After 35 years of GOP dominance, the the country and the middle class r an unequal ruin
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He did not 'take' unemployment to over ten percent
That’s exactly what he did. You need to change your name from “NotfooledbyW” to “CompletelyFooledByObama”. :laugh:
So you are another brainwashed idiot who doesn't know GOP deregulation and Corruption gave us a meltdown and world depression in September October 2008... It cost us 8 Trillion dollars in bailouts and unemployment and Welfare for victims. It cost Europe the same. Our bailouts stopped unemployment jump at 10% in October 2009.

You deniers and fox cetera cetera are a disgrace. You have an imaginary planet. Obama and the Democrats averted a full-blown depression and gave us the best social reform since 1960s. Obamacare is working even now but sabotage is is getting out of hand.
He did not 'take' unemployment to over ten percent
That’s exactly what he did. You need to change your name from “NotfooledbyW” to “CompletelyFooledByObama”. :laugh:
Unless Obama caused the great recession, he's not responsible for unemployment reaching ten percent.
The great recession spanned December 2007 until June 2009. Obama entered office when unemployment was climbing, and hit ten percent in fall of 2009.
I'd love to hear how Obama caused the recession which occurred before he even got into office.

By contrast today, were repeating the mistakes.
He did not 'take' unemployment to over ten percent
That’s exactly what he did. You need to change your name from “NotfooledbyW” to “CompletelyFooledByObama”. :laugh:
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.

What a pack of pathetic chickenshits. Obama took office with a falling economy losing 800,000 jobs a month, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, Rising unemployment rate, a housing collapse, & a near financial meltdown and the worst recession in 90 years.

Trump took office with a growing economy, shrinking deficits, the longest string of positive monthly job growth,a lowering unemplyment rate. Ad you idiots think he is God.
$10 trillion vanished
the 911 Traitors were given a free pass for $$$$$$ to Obama
the Global Warming fraud was buried by Holder - more $$$$$$$$ to O and H
Obama egged on black kids to shoot cops

Barack's true legacy will all come out, and when it does, he will rank 3rd on the all time TRAITOR list behind W and LBJ.
Barack's true legacy will all come out, and when it does, he will rank 3rd on the all time TRAITOR list behind W and LBJ.
Barack Insane Obama will be #1 on the worst president ever list. Followed by Woodrow Wilson (#2), FDR (#3), Jimmy Carter (#4), and Richard Nixon (#5).
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.

Lying fuck.

There was the Romer report put together about the stimulus bill that said it would lower the unemployment rate by a certain range and it projected a max unemployment number (The CBO said it did that. ) The rate was a projection and NEVER EVER PROMISED.

Then the market started its slide in October of 2007 with the big drop a year later.

You are not only a liar but a chickenshit who blames Obama for the failings of the Republican party.
Barack's true legacy will all come out, and when it does, he will rank 3rd on the all time TRAITOR list behind W and LBJ.
Barack Insane Obama will be #1 on the worst president ever list. Followed by Woodrow Wilson (#2), FDR (#3), Jimmy Carter (#4), and Richard Nixon (#5).

Don't forget James Buchanan!
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.
The stimulus bill passed without a supermajority in the Senate., So you are not only a liar but grossly uninformed.
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.
800,000 lost jobs in Jan & Feb. But hey, Obama's fault, right?
Now Iran can get nukes going again if they want whatever good luck.
Well Barack Insane Obama made sure of that.

Only a retarded Trumpette would think a agreement stopping Iran from getting a nuke would give them a nuke,.

This is likely the same "logic" you used to vote for a fraud & business cheat for President.

Only a retarded Obabble-sucker would think that giving Iran $1.7B with no real strings attached would prevent them from developing nukes.
Barack's true legacy will all come out, and when it does, he will rank 3rd on the all time TRAITOR list behind W and LBJ.
Barack Insane Obama will be #1 on the worst president ever list. Followed by Woodrow Wilson (#2), FDR (#3), Jimmy Carter (#4), and Richard Nixon (#5).

Obama will be in the top 20%. Trump will battle for worst.
Now Iran can get nukes going again if they want whatever good luck.
Well Barack Insane Obama made sure of that.

Only a retarded Trumpette would think a agreement stopping Iran from getting a nuke would give them a nuke,.

This is likely the same "logic" you used to vote for a fraud & business cheat for President.

Only a retarded Obabble-sucker would think that giving Iran $1.7B with no real strings attached would prevent them from developing nukes.
Obama did give Iran shit. It was their money.

No strings" Really. So you never read the agreement.
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.

Lying fuck.
There is nothing like watching progressives lose their shit because I stuffed facts down their throats.
Their report projected that the stimulus plan proposed by Obama would create 3 million to 4 million jobs by the end of 2010. The report also included a chart predicting unemployment rates with and without the stimulus. Without the stimulus (the baseline), unemployment was projected to hit about 8.5% in 2009 and then continue rising to a peak of about 9% in 2010. With the stimulus, they predicted the unemployment rate would peak at just under 8% in 2009.
Now quick - throw out a bunch of profanity and throw shit across the room as I continue to own your ignorant ass.

Will: Obama said stimulus would cap unemployment at 8 percent
Now Iran can get nukes going again if they want whatever good luck.
Well Barack Insane Obama made sure of that.

Only a retarded Trumpette would think a agreement stopping Iran from getting a nuke would give them a nuke,.

This is likely the same "logic" you used to vote for a fraud & business cheat for President.

Only a retarded Obabble-sucker would think that giving Iran $1.7B with no real strings attached would prevent them from developing nukes.
Obama did give Iran shit. It was their money.

No strings" Really. So you never read the agreement.

It is not really an agreement. Iran is held to very low standards and given weeks notice (with time to hide everything) before inspections take place.

And the U.S. was under no obligation to give money to an enemy regime.

Obabble is, was, and will ever be a corrupt and incompetent moron.
You have to loe the Republicans who blame Obama for unemployment reaching ten percent.
When Barack Insane Obama took office, unemployment was in the 7% range. He *promised* that if we passed is idiotic, illegal, and unconstitutional “stimulus package”, that unemployment would never hit 10%. Those were his words.

He got everything he wanted as soon as he wanted it (because he had a super-majority in Congress), and he failed to deliver. You idiot socialists were duped by him. Only an idiot partisan hack wouldn’t hold him accountable for his failures.

The excuses you make for him are pitiful. The market tanked in November upon news that a radical marxist had been elected president. He was responsible for the entire damn thing and he made everything worse. It didn’t start to turn around until he took the ass-kicking in the 2010 midterm elections. Once Republicans were in charge of the House and damn near every state in the U.S., they started implementing proven policies which saved the economy.

Lying fuck.
There is nothing like watching progressives lose their shit because I stuffed facts down their throats.
Their report projected that the stimulus plan proposed by Obama would create 3 million to 4 million jobs by the end of 2010. The report also included a chart predicting unemployment rates with and without the stimulus. Without the stimulus (the baseline), unemployment was projected to hit about 8.5% in 2009 and then continue rising to a peak of about 9% in 2010. With the stimulus, they predicted the unemployment rate would peak at just under 8% in 2009.
Now quick - throw out a bunch of profanity and throw shit across the room as I continue to own your ignorant ass.

Will: Obama said stimulus would cap unemployment at 8 percent

You do know that article said that statement was mostly false, right?
Obama did give Iran shit. It was their money.


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