Barack Obama

Rumor Sandwich

There were media rumors that President Obama had a one-night illicit affair with attractive African-American actress Halle Berry.

These rumors were minor and were quickly dismissed by the public, but they did draw critical comments such as, "This sort of sex marketing is good for ethnic minorities who are simply not used to the positive press since the horrifying days of Emmett Till."

Ironically, Hollywood (USA) has responded to this cultural development.


Emmett Till - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Of course he's sub par.

The guy has never had a real job in his entire life. He doesn't seem to have any idea how to run a business or what it takes to set a business up. Way out of his abilities.

He landed in a mess and instead of working to clean up that mess, he spent two years foisting his ACA on the American taxpayer. An ACA thats going to cost us 8.6 billion dollars.

The only winners will be those we are forced to subsidize. The rest of us will be paying higher benefit costs, which I already am, and will be dealing with high deductables and then have to pay for those who can't pay for themselves. Medicaid my ass.

Sub par doesn't begin to describe this sorry excuse for a POTUS.

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