Barack Obama: The Man Behind the Mask


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Steve McCann
March 4, 2013

Sixty-three months ago Barack Obama officially declared his candidacy for President. Only now are some among the so-called media and ruling elites in America slowly awakening from their self-induced infatuation and beginning to understand who he is. It has become difficult to ignore the overt intimidation, demagoguery and deliberate falsehoods spewed forth by Obama relative to sequestration -- a miniscule cut in the growth of federal spending. However, any cursory examination of his past reveals that these tactics are second nature to the man who currently occupies the Oval Office.

Yet there remains a stubborn unwillingness on the part of many to recognize the essential Barack Obama. Perhaps it is unfathomable to them that they could be wrong about someone who was the epitome of their superficial ideal candidate. They are blinded to the danger by their belief that this country, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of mankind, could never be brought to its knees by anyone.

Barack Obama is a product of 1960's radicalism. His parents, grandparents, mentors, professors and, by his own admission, circle of friends were all disciples of Marxist thought and the tactics of societal revolution. Not only his formative years but virtually his entire life has been an immersion in this mindset -- a mindset which includes a deep seated animosity toward capitalism and individual freedom. Virtually all the despots of the twentieth century had the same philosophical convictions and intellectual backgrounds.

What makes this belief system so popular among those who harbor megalomaniacal tendencies is the core tenet that the end justifies the means. With that simple phrase any tactic is permissible under the rubric that the true believers are pre-ordained to govern the people. Thus no lie is too egregious to tell, no strategy to destroy one's political enemies is out of bounds, and the creation of false crises and faux enemies is not only legitimate but essential. Any leader within government or the national community at large who is captive to this thinking, as Barack Obama has repeatedly revealed throughout his life and political career, must by necessity be devoid of ethics, integrity or morals.

Nearly all the tyrants of the recent past had a unique capacity to mesmerize a large swath of the populace through ability to deliver a speech and create a cult of personality, aided and abetted by a media, if not state sponsored, then one willingly intimidated into doing the bidding of the exalted leader. This ability and extreme narcissism, which Barack Obama has in abundance, is another pre-requisite for despotism.

Another personality trait common to despots is a disregard for life and an unrelenting willingness to use and discard people. While a member of the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama was not only in favor of unfettered abortion rights, he introduced a bill that would make legal the murder of newly born children that miraculously survived an abortion. Throughout his life he has used and manipulated the gullible into being the foot soldiers for his personal ambitions -- whether an entire race of people (African-Americans) by playing on his skin color or the elite ruling establishment wallowing in "white guilt." The most overused phrase describing Obama's actions since he entered the national stage is: "thrown under the bus" and it has been for good reason as in the case of Reverend Jeremiah Wright or many in the media and the Democratic Party.

A well worn tactic by those desirous of becoming autocrats and seizing an ever increasing amount of political power is to keep the populace in a constant state of agitation. As a community organizer and in elected office Obama has a history of using these tactics. Since becoming president he has promoted the escalation of vitriol aimed at inciting retaliation against the tea party movement and conservatives. The demonization of the wealthy has never been so sustained and blatant. The incendiary charge of racism has become the default accusation directed at anyone disagreeing with Barack Obama. As a result racial animosity is approaching levels not seen since the 1960's. There is open talk of curbing free speech, governing by presidential fiat in order to bypass Congress, threatening to seize guns through legislation and regulation, and promoting blanket amnesty for illegal aliens -- all steps geared toward fomenting societal upheaval.

Read more:
Articles: Barack Obama: The Man Behind the Mask
By Steve McCann
March 4, 2013

Sixty-three months ago Barack Obama officially declared his candidacy for President. Only now are some among the so-called media and ruling elites in America slowly awakening from their self-induced infatuation and beginning to understand who he is. It has become difficult to ignore the overt intimidation, demagoguery and deliberate falsehoods spewed forth by Obama relative to sequestration -- a miniscule cut in the growth of federal spending. However, any cursory examination of his past reveals that these tactics are second nature to the man who currently occupies the Oval Office.

Yet there remains a stubborn unwillingness on the part of many to recognize the essential Barack Obama. Perhaps it is unfathomable to them that they could be wrong about someone who was the epitome of their superficial ideal candidate. They are blinded to the danger by their belief that this country, the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of mankind, could never be brought to its knees by anyone.

Barack Obama is a product of 1960's radicalism. His parents, grandparents, mentors, professors and, by his own admission, circle of friends were all disciples of Marxist thought and the tactics of societal revolution. Not only his formative years but virtually his entire life has been an immersion in this mindset -- a mindset which includes a deep seated animosity toward capitalism and individual freedom. Virtually all the despots of the twentieth century had the same philosophical convictions and intellectual backgrounds.

What makes this belief system so popular among those who harbor megalomaniacal tendencies is the core tenet that the end justifies the means. With that simple phrase any tactic is permissible under the rubric that the true believers are pre-ordained to govern the people. Thus no lie is too egregious to tell, no strategy to destroy one's political enemies is out of bounds, and the creation of false crises and faux enemies is not only legitimate but essential. Any leader within government or the national community at large who is captive to this thinking, as Barack Obama has repeatedly revealed throughout his life and political career, must by necessity be devoid of ethics, integrity or morals.

Nearly all the tyrants of the recent past had a unique capacity to mesmerize a large swath of the populace through ability to deliver a speech and create a cult of personality, aided and abetted by a media, if not state sponsored, then one willingly intimidated into doing the bidding of the exalted leader. This ability and extreme narcissism, which Barack Obama has in abundance, is another pre-requisite for despotism.

Another personality trait common to despots is a disregard for life and an unrelenting willingness to use and discard people. While a member of the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama was not only in favor of unfettered abortion rights, he introduced a bill that would make legal the murder of newly born children that miraculously survived an abortion. Throughout his life he has used and manipulated the gullible into being the foot soldiers for his personal ambitions -- whether an entire race of people (African-Americans) by playing on his skin color or the elite ruling establishment wallowing in "white guilt." The most overused phrase describing Obama's actions since he entered the national stage is: "thrown under the bus" and it has been for good reason as in the case of Reverend Jeremiah Wright or many in the media and the Democratic Party.

A well worn tactic by those desirous of becoming autocrats and seizing an ever increasing amount of political power is to keep the populace in a constant state of agitation. As a community organizer and in elected office Obama has a history of using these tactics. Since becoming president he has promoted the escalation of vitriol aimed at inciting retaliation against the tea party movement and conservatives. The demonization of the wealthy has never been so sustained and blatant. The incendiary charge of racism has become the default accusation directed at anyone disagreeing with Barack Obama. As a result racial animosity is approaching levels not seen since the 1960's. There is open talk of curbing free speech, governing by presidential fiat in order to bypass Congress, threatening to seize guns through legislation and regulation, and promoting blanket amnesty for illegal aliens -- all steps geared toward fomenting societal upheaval.

Read more:
Articles: Barack Obama: The Man Behind the Mask

Total Bullshit.

A POTUS who hasn't entirely been truthful about for whom he truly works!

Wow man, like that's never happened before.

Thanks for the heads-up, Lad.
Kinda late for any of the journalistic world to do its job. To bad they didn't send some of those 200 reporters to dig up dirt on Barry boy like the did Palin. Hell. Who knows what they might have uncovered.

We are stuck with Obamacare and that asshat in the WH for another four years. Let us hope the country can survive it. God what a mess.
Nice propaganda piece

These Obama is a Marxist threads have been so successful
The problem with your propaganda is that it is just so poorly written

Conservatives have been trying these Obama smear campaigns for over five years with no success. Didn't you see how poorly this crap did in the last election?
Total Bullshit.

Very educated response..

Anyways, what do you find so hard to believe? His family and closest relatives/friends have openly admitted to being hard-core marxists and communists.

There's even a movie about Obama that interviews his family members and talks about his past relationships/influences.

2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site

Yes, I saw that. Very revealing, and a very fair movie.

Exposes the REAL BO for what he is, and more importantly, why is is what he is.
By Steve McCann
March 4, 2013

Another personality trait common to despots is a disregard for life and an unrelenting willingness to use and discard people. While a member of the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama was not only in favor of unfettered abortion rights, he introduced a bill that would make legal the murder of newly born children that miraculously survived an abortion...

A well worn tactic by those desirous of becoming autocrats and seizing an ever increasing amount of political power is to keep the populace in a constant state of agitation.

Great article, and just nails it!
Another stupid Misinformation Voter mindlessly parroting the GOP lies spewed by the GOP hate media echo chamber without ever bothering to check to see if it is true!!!

Please, either one of you two gullible fool link to the bill Obama INTRODUCED. You won't because you can't because there is no such bill INTRODUCED by Obama, but that will not stop morons like you from repeating that lie.
WOW I guess those other stupid misinformed voters who read all the left wing bs aren't stupid then??
Anyone who actually believes that Obama is a communist or a Marxist is too stupid to be one person. The man is the most right wing conservative Democratic President in US history. He's further to the right than Nixon or Eisenhauer.

The Republicans have been in thrall to the Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics and their radical free-market capitalist theories, hence the vilification of anyone who proposes a publically funded social program as a "Marxist" and a "communist". Friedman believed that ANY social program is a distortion of the free market and the GOP has been selling these ideas to their base and the public at large relentlessly for the last 35 years. But Friedman's theories were exactly that: theories that had never been put into practice before Pinochet's Chile.

Long term, this kind of free market capitalism exploits workers in economies with no social safety net, no union protects, and no government protections (see China, Chile, Brazil) in favour of large multi-national corporations. Worker opposition to poor working conditions, or attempts to unionize or otherwise promote worker rights is countered with "re-education" programs, or the troublemakers are "disappeared" (see all of South America in the 70's).

None of radically free market reformed economies (Russia, China, Chile, Brazil or South Africa) have resulted in health, vibrant economies. None. All have resulted in high prices, volatile markets, high unemployment, and a struggling middle class. And the wealthy multi-nationals, and political elites bought up all of the publically owned assets at firesale prices and got rich. All of these countries were forced to accept free market reforms in exchange for assistance from the World Bank and the IMF and successive Republican administrations, and during Clinton's administration as well.

The right wingers here keep talking about the Obama wanting to transfer all of other people's money to the poor. The vilify the poor as "takers", social programs as communism, unions as the source of all communist evil, and Obama as a Marxist and a socialist, because these are the only protections the United States has against the Republicans turning the US economy into another Brazil, or Chile.

9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact
LMAO So Barry's a conservative now??

You should drop him a line and let him know. I'm sure he'll be quite surprised.

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