Barack Obama, Neocon


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
Barack Obama, Neocon

Kurt Nimmo
November 6, 2008

It’s too bad more Americans didn’t listen to the neocon wunderkind, Bill Kristol, before going to the polling places and voting for Barack Obama. Back in June, Kristol told the audience at an AIPAC conference there is little difference between Obama and McCain when it comes to Iran and the potential for conflict. “Obama’s not for cutting the defense budget,” said Kristol. “Obama’s not for pulling troops back from our forward positions around the world, with the exception of Iraq. Obama and McCain don’t actually differ, at least on paper, even on Iran, where they’re arguing about whether they would talk to [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad or not — and I think that’s an important dispute. Still, at the end of the day, Obama doesn’t say he would rule out the use of force.”

Obama delivers his promise to confront Iran over its illusory nuclear weapons while Rahm Emanuel declares Obama to be the best friend Israel ever had.

Unfortunately, by the time election day rolled around, few people seemed to realize or care that Obama is essentially a neocon dedicated to the very same agenda as McCain

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
There is little difference between Neoconservatives and LBJ-style Democrats. Funny how Liberals and Democrats complained that Bush limited their civil liberties (which in many cases was true), yet voted for Obama.
There is little difference between Neoconservatives and LBJ-style Democrats. Funny how Liberals and Democrats complained that Bush limited their civil liberties (which in many cases was true), yet voted for Obama.

It's 'funny' only to the degree that any other handicap is funny...

You're referring to people that are intellectually incapable of reason. Thus it is perfectly reasonable that they would clammer on about Bush being HARD-Right despite his endless attempts to appease the left; not the least of which are illustrated in his signing the largest social entitlement since the New Deal into law and giving Ted Kennedy carte blanche on legislation which in effect destroyed any lingering respect for Federalism... which is ullustrated in th Education bill OKA: No Child Left Behind.
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LOL! It is over 70 days until President Barak Hussein Obama takes office. Until then, critisism of him because of what he might do is laughable. Wait for three months, then you Bush conservatives will have some thing to truly bitch about. We Promise!!!!
LOL! It is over 70 days until President Barak Hussein Obama takes office. Until then, critisism of him because of what he might do is laughable. Wait for three months, then you Bush conservatives will have some thing to truly bitch about. We Promise!!!!

Doubt of what he WILL do, is HYSTERICAL... Leftists are as predictable as the sun rise...

Obama will immediately begin to cut the Military and intelligence budgets, increase taxes, increase regulation on the market, increase social entitlements, appease leftist dictators; undermine Israel's security, promote the interests of Islamic Terrorism, promote the influence of the UN against the interests of US law and sovereignty, appoint radical leftwing judges to the Federal Courts, begin to misuse the Federal regulatory agencies against his political enemies... and so on.

It is as certain as his black skin, his Muslim Religion and his Marxist ideology and those big floppy ears.
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The only people under the impression that Obama promised to get the troops out of Iraq immediately are the right wing cranks who refused to listen to what he said or go to his website where he outlined what he was planning.

No Obama supporter I knew was under the mistaken notions about his policies that the right wingers whackos kept telling us he was planning.

I saw this nonsense happening on this board every damned day. ]

Basically it was nothing but disinformation Republican talking points.

Eventually I realized that they knew nothing about the man or the planks of his campaign, and even if you told them, and proved what you said to be true, they were going to be back the next day disinforming us about his policies aand whining about them like the babies they are, too.

Basically, their lies just didn't work this time, folks.

The American people are sick of their silly shit.
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The only people under the impression that Obama promised to get the troops out of Iraq immediately are the right wing cranks who refused to listen to what he said or go to his website where he outlined what he was planning.

No Obama supporter I knew was under the mistaken notions about his policies that the right wingers whackos kept telling us he was planning.

I saw this nonsense happening on this board every damned day. ]

Basically it was nothing but disinformation Republican talking points.

Eventually I realized that they knew nothing about the man or the planks of his campaign, and even if you told them, and proved what you said to be true, they were going to be back the next day disinforming us about his policies aand whining about them like the babies they are, too.

Basically, their lies just didn't work this time, folks.

The American people are sick of their silly shit.

ROFLMNAO... and the back-tracking BEGINS IN EARNEST.

What a pack of losers...
I think the point is same shit... different pile...and a lot of Obamatrons
mistakenly belive The Obama will withdraw the troops

LOL... Yeah I got that... We're all just suppossed to forget about those brave, selfless declarations where Hussein reminded us of how HE WAS ALWAYS AGAINST HOLDING HIS NAMESAKE ACCOUNTABLE! ALWAYS!

Now... 'well, not so much... He is for the war, sorta... after he was against it.'

I hope he does pull those troops out of Iraq. Then we can all sit in front of the TV and watch the celebration and here how al Jazera is reporting that Al Qaeda is declaring victory over the great satan... won't THAT BE FUN?

Yeah... the best we can do now is to get out of this Marxist fuck's way and let him go about the business of tearing whats left of America down, so we can get to the bloody rebuilding of America... minus those who are held to account for destroying her, through their advocacy of those certain to do so.
It would be good for America if both parties rejected neoconservatism, but most don't have the guts. Really all you'll have to endure is a few dying screams of "anti-Semite!" and then it'll be over. Jews will look for some other way to slither into the body politic and fuck everything up.
It would be good for America if both parties rejected neoconservatism, but most don't have the guts. Really all you'll have to endure is a few dying screams of "anti-Semite!" and then it'll be over. Jews will look for some other way to slither into the body politic and fuck everything up.

ROFL... Oh look, it's a brand new form of conservatism... AKA: Neo-conservatism.

Of course, this they still can't define 'true conservatsm' but that doesn't even slow them down in lamenting 'conservatism in general...' proving that they aren't moderate, nor are they centrists and they're most decidedly NOT independent... they're progressives... AKA: fascists, they're the common 'Jew Hater'... OKA: LEFTISTS and always known as ANTI-Americans...
The only people under the impression that Obama promised to get the troops out of Iraq immediately are the right wing cranks who refused to listen to what he said or go to his website where he outlined what he was planning.
No Obama supporter I knew was under the mistaken notions about his policies that the right wingers whackos kept telling us he was planning.

I saw this nonsense happening on this board every damned day. ]

Basically it was nothing but disinformation Republican talking points.

Eventually I realized that they knew nothing about the man or the planks of his campaign, and even if you told them, and proved what you said to be true, they were going to be back the next day disinforming us about his policies aand whining about them like the babies they are, too.

Basically, their lies just didn't work this time, folks.

The American people are sick of their silly shit.

maybe that's because he said!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Obama on removing our troops from Iraq[/ame]
ROFLMNAO... I knew someone would bring that up... Clearly that's a fake video which is backed up by all those CIA generated news paper accounts.

I gotta say...

"OH Man, now that's gonna leave a mark..."

We can rest assured that the Hussein flock will let this thread roll on back into the archives...

makes yer head spin the way they constantly try to re-write the script and make you think you didn't hear what you heard dosen't it?:cuckoo:
now THATS gonna sting
I read an article ill see if i can find it but i believe that OBAMA going to subtract 500 billion dallars from all the military branches and projects ASAP!!! so get ready for another attack by the end of his first term or the beginning of the next presidents term 2012....Same as what Clinton did, we had an attack during his admins 1993 and one a several months afterward 2001.....

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