Bannon rage against Musk suddenly goes Global

Individual thoughts from libertarians.

Libertarian thought caused the Great Depression. If Libertarians ran the Country, we'd have one economic collapse after another until The People got sick of it and installed a Strong Man.

Countries, economies... All of it requires some Adult supervision, aka; Republicans

The problem with dimocrap scum is -- They're scum. Complete, absolute, total scum. Every last one of them. From the garbage collector, to the Union dimocrap voters to the Welfare Queens, the Punk-ass bitches that want us to pay for their 4-year+ fuck fest in College, the goobermint workers who turned all our services into the DMV and that would fuck up a one-car-funeral.... All of them. Scum

Every one of them has some kind of grift going on. Something they want that they aren't willing to work for or to earn.

So they're willing to vote for the scummiest scumbag criminals in the Country as long as those criminals give them what they want.
Yes, more money in people's pockets can cause inflation, especially if the money supply grows faster than the economy. This is called demand-pull inflation.

Yes, more money in people's pockets can cause inflation,

Nope. The money supply remained unchanged, with no inflationary impact.
Breaking News!

One can generally agree with Steve Bannon and yet still disagree with him on various matters.

Please alert the OP.
Yes, more money in people's pockets can cause inflation,

Nope. The money supply remained unchanged, with no inflationary impact.
Listen dummy. When Trump gives EVERYONE tax breaks and suddenly billionaires are multi billionaires, yes, inflation occurs. The value of the dollar lowers.

Same reason you don't ever want to raise minimum wage.
Listen dummy. When Trump gives EVERYONE tax breaks and suddenly billionaires are multi billionaires, yes, inflation occurs. The value of the dollar lowers.

Same reason you don't ever want to raise minimum wage.

Sorry, but you are confused, tax breaks and reductions in regulations stimulate more production, which is disinflationary.
Listen dummy. When Trump gives EVERYONE tax breaks and suddenly billionaires are multi billionaires, yes, inflation occurs. The value of the dollar lowers.

Same reason you don't ever want to raise minimum wage.

Same reason you don't ever want to raise minimum wage.

Raising the minimum wage raises costs and reduces production.

Trouble in MAGA world? This is an interesting interview concerning the furd that Bannon and Musk are having. The Dems need to exploit the situation.
No one gives a shit about Bannon. He has no influence on anything.
Listen dummy. When Trump gives EVERYONE tax breaks and suddenly billionaires are multi billionaires, yes, inflation occurs. The value of the dollar lowers.

Same reason you don't ever want to raise minimum wage.
Lowering income tax rates did not trigger inflation. They give regular people more disposable income.
Sorry, but you are confused, tax breaks and reductions in regulations stimulate more production, which is disinflationary.
No, you didn't go to college.

For the last few years, the government has put off cutting taxes because of their inflationary impact. Now, with the government willing to cut taxes, the Reserve Bank is unhappy because of their inflationary impact. This begs the question, how inflationary are tax cuts?

The common view is that tax cuts are inflationary as they increase the demand for products. As a result, if a tax cut was met with a corresponding cut to government spending, inflationary pressures would not increase. However, a recent survey by New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development found that over half of New Zealanders do not want tax cuts with a corresponding cut in services. Although a cut in spending does not necessarily imply a cut a services, we will put this issue to one side and focus on the inflationary impact of a stand-alone tax cut.

Given that tax cuts increase demand, any difficulty the firm has in increasing production will lead to an increase in prices instead. The difficulty associated with increasing production is even more severe when the economy is running near full capacity, as it is now.

An extreme example is an economy where no more goods can be produced. In this case if everyone’s income rose by 2%, there would be no extra goods to consume and prices would be 'bid up’ by 2%. The Reserve Bank is worried that we are in a similar situation.
Lowering income tax rates did not trigger inflation. They give regular people more disposable income.
Yea, and when you put more money in everyone's pockets guess what corporations do? They raise their prices. High demand why not?

And when you continue to buy, why lower prices?
Yea, and when you put more money in everyone's pockets guess what corporations do? They raise their prices. High demand why not?

And when you continue to buy, why lower prices?
Not necessarily. People look for the best deals and how to get the most out of their increase in disposable income and now there’s more competition. Businesses are looking for ways to attract those customers.

Liberals don’t understand how economics and the free market works.

Trouble in MAGA world? This is an interesting interview concerning the furd that Bannon and Musk are having. The Dems need to exploit the situation.

Not really....Bannon isn't really in MAGA world this time around. Remember he went from Trunk supporter to Trump hater back to Trump supporter. He's bring kept out of the meetings.
He was probably on of the big leakers to last time.

Trouble in MAGA world? This is an interesting interview concerning the furd that Bannon and Musk are having. The Dems need to exploit the situation.

You NEVER see democrats expressing their opinions or displeasure or even a random thought.

Joe Biden runs circles around his staff!! Joe Biden is sharp as a whadday call it, you know the THING! C'mon, Man!
Not necessarily. People look for the best deals and how to get the most out of their increase in disposable income and now there’s more competition. Businesses are looking for ways to attract those customers.

Liberals don’t understand how economics and the free market works.
Oh we understand. We understand that in the years from Reagan to now, union membership has gone down from 35% of our work force to 5%. And in that time, our pay only went up 18%. The CEO's pay went up 1322%.

And I understand if you give everyone more money, then the value of that money isn't as much anymore. And so $1000 tv now costs $1100.

We understand you argue for the average and we fight for the median


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
YOU think Trump is going to MAGA for the people who fall into the average and median? HA! What a drip you must be.
No, you didn't go to college.

For the last few years, the government has put off cutting taxes because of their inflationary impact. Now, with the government willing to cut taxes, the Reserve Bank is unhappy because of their inflationary impact. This begs the question, how inflationary are tax cuts?

The common view is that tax cuts are inflationary as they increase the demand for products. As a result, if a tax cut was met with a corresponding cut to government spending, inflationary pressures would not increase. However, a recent survey by New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development found that over half of New Zealanders do not want tax cuts with a corresponding cut in services. Although a cut in spending does not necessarily imply a cut a services, we will put this issue to one side and focus on the inflationary impact of a stand-alone tax cut.

Given that tax cuts increase demand, any difficulty the firm has in increasing production will lead to an increase in prices instead. The difficulty associated with increasing production is even more severe when the economy is running near full capacity, as it is now.

An extreme example is an economy where no more goods can be produced. In this case if everyone’s income rose by 2%, there would be no extra goods to consume and prices would be 'bid up’ by 2%. The Reserve Bank is worried that we are in a similar situation.

An extreme example is an economy where no more goods can be produced. In this case if everyone’s income rose by 2%, there would be no extra goods to consume

Is the US unable to produce more goods? Isn't the income of the government reduced in this example? Are they reducing government consumption? If government consumption holds steady, the government has to borrow that 2%.

Reagan cut tax rates and regulations. Production exploded. Inflation dropped from double digits to 1.1% in 1986.
Oh we understand. We understand that in the years from Reagan to now, union membership has gone down from 35% of our work force to 5%. And in that time, our pay only went up 18%. The CEO's pay went up 1322%.

And I understand if you give everyone more money, then the value of that money isn't as much anymore. And so $1000 tv now costs $1100.

We understand you argue for the average and we fight for the median


  • Average net worth: $1,132,532 (ages 50-54), $1,442,075 (ages 55-59)
  • Median net worth: $272,800 (ages 50-54), $320,700 (ages 55-59)
YOU think Trump is going to MAGA for the people who fall into the average and median? HA! What a drip you must be.

And I understand if you give everyone more money, then the value of that money isn't as much anymore.

If you give the government less money, then the value of your money is higher.
An extreme example is an economy where no more goods can be produced. In this case if everyone’s income rose by 2%, there would be no extra goods to consume

Is the US unable to produce more goods? Isn't the income of the government reduced in this example? Are they reducing government consumption? If government consumption holds steady, the government has to borrow that 2%.

Reagan cut tax rates and regulations. Production exploded. Inflation dropped from double digits to 1.1% in 1986.
The feds raised interest rates to fix inflation back then even more than now. This is why Biden's fix was painless. I remember my dad had a 20% interest rate mortgage during the Reagan years.

Reagan also spent his way out. Grew government. Cut social security.

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