Baltimore mayor says Trump should send federal assistance

Did you read that far REB , he didn't want to give either side an advantage A real man not a yellow lying punk like Trump
  • Thanks
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Russians didn't help Obama did they?

There are so many treasonous liars who deliberately hid the fact that Obama is a homosexual with a man as a "wife" it is hard to account for all of them. Obama had plenty of help from those who did not want the American people to have THE TRUTH.


teenage coke whore
community hate hoax organizer
gay relationship with Don Young, church choirmaster
Don Young murdered "Chicago style"
Joan Rivers tells CNN Obama is gay
less than 2 months later Joan is dead in her doc's office
Paul Horner blogs extensively on the mountain of facts about Obama being gay
Paul Horner is then murdered

The TRUTH about Obama is that we got none. None from the media, including Fox. None from the Democrats. And, none from the GOP, despite the fact that the GOP OR was circulating a memo in 1996 Obama, featured speaker at the Dem convention, was a "gay communist."

What happened?

If you sell out and cover up 911, many traitors really really LOVE YOU....
Be careful Dairis Obama is still alive and might be looking for you BOO
And this week, CBS’s Baltimore affiliate is being equally racist by reporting the truth: CBS Baltimore: By golly, our murder rate actually is higher than Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Murder Rate By Country

1. Honduras (90.4 per 100,000)

Baltimores murder rate is not higher than Honduras.

2. Venezuela (53.7 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

5. Baltimore, MD
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .56
  • 10.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 342
4. Gary, IN
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .63
  • 11.9X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 48
3. St. Louis, MO
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .66
  • 12.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 205
2. Chester, PA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .85
  • 16X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 29
1. East St. Louis, IL
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: 1.13
  • 21.3X U.S. Average
5. El Salvador (41.2 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

7. Wilmington, DE
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .49
  • 9.2X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 35
6. Pine Bluff, AR
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .51
  • 9.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 22
6. Guatemala (39.9 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

10. Baton Rouge, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .39
  • 7.4X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 88
9. Detroit, MI
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 268
8. New Orleans, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 157
Murder Rate By Country
Top 30 Highest Murder Rate Cities in the U.S. in 2019 - NeighborhoodScout

243 years of racist laws and policies made by whites.

pick up a weapon.
The greatest weapon is knowledge.

Get some.

I know more than you ever will.
You're a little black boy hiding behind your own racism. You aren't even willing to fight for what you believe.
If you ever grow some balls let me know.

You don't know shit. I've fought plenty. That's how I've come to know more about this issue than you ever will.

No, you're a liar, nothing more. Racist loser blacks like you need to blame every white man you've ever seen for anything that doesn't go how you want it to.
The only "fight" you've engaged in is trying to stay on the down low.

Is this all you got junior? Everything I say is supported. You are just running your mouth. Go brush your teeth chump.
Good question. Bring in the National guard and take care of the drug problem. Use the police force for finding the drug sellers and the National guard can back up the police.
Democrats have a very hard time shining a light on their own failure and corruption. The mayor needs to go to his governor and fix their own mess.
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?

Weak Eddie, very weak. You ma be Dales' buddy but I am going to have to issue a list warning #1. This hurts me more than will hurt you but if I let you go easy.....I would have to let them all go. You are on warning now.
Dale is not in good shape
I don't cry much but talking to him and listening to his problems I had tears in my eyes
Please convey my best wishes. I have always considered him a friend, even when he scorched my butt good with his scathing rhetoric. And I know the rest of the old gang feels the same. God bless him!
How typical.

Years of ignorant Democrat policies destroy their city, and they come begging the taxpayers to fix it for them.

Baltimore Mayor Bernard 'Jack' Young says Trump should send federal assistance rather than tweeting - CNNPolitics

If Trump is so concerned about rat infested communities, why wouldn’t he send assistance?

Because they way you help people, is not by paying for their stupidity.

Do you understand the difference between helping someone, and enabling someone?

I had to learn this the hard way myself. I had a woman friend at work, who got kicked out of her apartment.

I've been through hard stuff myself, so I wanted to help. I offered her my spare room to rent, with a low monthly rent of just $400 a month. Fast forward 1.5 years. She's still completely broke, she's behind 2 months on rent, and she went out and bought hundreds of dollars in gifts.... but then cries to me when her car breaks down that she has no money to fix it, and needs help.

What I realized was, I was not helping her. I was merely enabling her to live more irresponsibly than she had on her own.

I kicked her out the following month.

When a state, or city, blows money they don't have, to fund programs they don't need, and drives out business with bad policies, allowing crime to drive away jobs and growth, because "racism" and such..... You don't give them money, to enable them to keep acting irresponsibly.

Trump does care about Baltimore.... he cares enough to tell them to stop being irresponsible. If they don't have the money for all their spending, they need to cut spending. That's how life works.

When you go to have an oil change done on your car, if the machanic came out and said "Yeah, I know it's an oil change, but I just bought a car, and I'll go bankrupt. So you need to pay me $100 to do your oil change!"

Would you pay them $100? No. You would not. But that is exactly what you say when it come to Detroit or California, or Baltimore. They blow all their money, and demand you pay them more to fund their bad choices, and then act like somehow Trump isn't doing something he should.

When you know that if positions were reversed, and you were the one being asked to pay up for someone's bad choices, you would throw a fit if you were told you had to pay more money for an oil change because the mechanic bought a car he couldn't afford.
And this week, CBS’s Baltimore affiliate is being equally racist by reporting the truth: CBS Baltimore: By golly, our murder rate actually is higher than Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Murder Rate By Country

1. Honduras (90.4 per 100,000)

Baltimores murder rate is not higher than Honduras.

2. Venezuela (53.7 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

5. Baltimore, MD
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .56
  • 10.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 342
4. Gary, IN
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .63
  • 11.9X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 48
3. St. Louis, MO
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .66
  • 12.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 205
2. Chester, PA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .85
  • 16X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 29
1. East St. Louis, IL
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: 1.13
  • 21.3X U.S. Average
5. El Salvador (41.2 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

7. Wilmington, DE
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .49
  • 9.2X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 35
6. Pine Bluff, AR
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .51
  • 9.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 22
6. Guatemala (39.9 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

10. Baton Rouge, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .39
  • 7.4X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 88
9. Detroit, MI
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 268
8. New Orleans, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 157
Murder Rate By Country
Top 30 Highest Murder Rate Cities in the U.S. in 2019 - NeighborhoodScout

I'm betting few of these murders are by knife, rope or pipe wrench. What did we expect?
Democrats have a very hard time shining a light on their own failure and corruption. The mayor needs to go to his governor and fix their own mess.
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?

Weak Eddie, very weak. You ma be Dales' buddy but I am going to have to issue a list warning #1. This hurts me more than will hurt you but if I let you go easy.....I would have to let them all go. You are on warning now.
Dale is not in good shape
I don't cry much but talking to him and listening to his problems I had tears in my eyes
Please convey my best wishes. I have always considered him a friend, even when he scorched my butt good with his scathing rhetoric. And I know the rest of the old gang feels the same. God bless him!
I will But notice Kinetta and VH are silent
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?

Weak Eddie, very weak. You ma be Dales' buddy but I am going to have to issue a list warning #1. This hurts me more than will hurt you but if I let you go easy.....I would have to let them all go. You are on warning now.
Dale is not in good shape
I don't cry much but talking to him and listening to his problems I had tears in my eyes
Please convey my best wishes. I have always considered him a friend, even when he scorched my butt good with his scathing rhetoric. And I know the rest of the old gang feels the same. God bless him!
I will But notice Kinetta and VH are silent
I expect they don't know. I am certain this news would sadden them if they knew.
Weak Eddie, very weak. You ma be Dales' buddy but I am going to have to issue a list warning #1. This hurts me more than will hurt you but if I let you go easy.....I would have to let them all go. You are on warning now.
Dale is not in good shape
I don't cry much but talking to him and listening to his problems I had tears in my eyes
Please convey my best wishes. I have always considered him a friend, even when he scorched my butt good with his scathing rhetoric. And I know the rest of the old gang feels the same. God bless him!
I will But notice Kinetta and VH are silent
I expect they don't know. I am certain this news would sadden them if they knew.
Just messaged him You were Cron ,right? Those 2 have zero empathy
Why should he do this? Baltimore is of the democrats own making. Why hasn't the governor declared a state of emergency?
Good question. Bring in the National guard and take care of the drug problem. Use the police force for finding the drug sellers and the National guard can back up the police.
Democrats have a very hard time shining a light on their own failure and corruption. The mayor needs to go to his governor and fix their own mess.
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?
You want to explain how that was done? I'm listening GO_________
He refused to put a bill on the floor preventing russia and others to invade our election Big aluminum company in KY with Russian ties might have something to do with it
What bill?
Where was obammy? It was his watch I blame him
Have any of you republicans ever in your lives hear a president bad mouth a city like your scumbag trump did?? The POS should be reminded he's president of ALL the USA not all except where black folks live
Yet...Trump is not wrong about Baltimore. It's a shithole, thanks to years and years of Democrat control.
How typical.

Years of ignorant Democrat policies destroy their city, and they come begging the taxpayers to fix it for them.

Baltimore Mayor Bernard 'Jack' Young says Trump should send federal assistance rather than tweeting - CNNPolitics
Why should he do this? Baltimore is of the democrats own making. Why hasn't the governor declared a state of emergency?
Good question. Bring in the National guard and take care of the drug problem. Use the police force for finding the drug sellers and the National guard can back up the police.
Democrats have a very hard time shining a light on their own failure and corruption. The mayor needs to go to his governor and fix their own mess.
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?
This thread is about how Democrats have fucked up Baltimore. I'm sure there are other threads about your leftist fever dreams.
The federal gov't should not be in the business of fixing local and state problems. Federal assistance may have contributed to the problem more than helping fix it, why do anything to make things better as long as the federal tax dollars keep rolling in?

Fix it yourself, Black Progs caused it.

Nah, that's not what happened.

"Just a few years ago, Wells Fargo agreed to pay millions of dollars to Baltimore and its residents to settle a landmark lawsuit brought by the city claiming the bank unfairly steered minorities who wanted to own homes into subprime mortgages. Before that, there was the crack epidemic of the 1990s and the rise of mass incarceration and the decline of good industrial jobs in the 1980s.

And before that? From 1951 to 1971, 80 to 90 percent of the 25,000 families displaced in Baltimore to build new highways, schools and housing projects were black. Their neighborhoods, already disinvested and deemed dispensable, were sliced into pieces, the parks where their children played bulldozed.

And before that — now if we go way back — there was redlining, the earlier corollary to subprime lending in which banks refused to lend at all in neighborhoods that federally backed officials had identified as having "undesirable racial concentrations."

These shocks happened, at least 80 years of them, to the same communities in Baltimore, as they did in cities across the country. Neighborhoods weakened by mass incarceration were the same ones divided by highways. Families cornered into subprime loans descended from the same families who'd been denied homeownership — and the chance to build wealth — two generations earlier. People displaced today by new development come from the same communities that were scattered before in the name of "slum clearance" and the progress brought by Interstate highways.

And the really terrible irony — which brings us back to Baltimore today — is that each of these shocks further diminished the capacity of low-income urban black communities to recover from the one that came next. It's an irony, a fundamental urban inequality, created over the years by active decisions and government policies that have undermined the same people and sapped them of their ability to rebuild, that have again and again dismantled the same communities, each time making them socially, economically, and politically weaker."
Baltimore’s Economic Devastation Goes Back To Racist Housing Policy
From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation
Will the Supreme Court Annihilate One of the Most Effective Tools for Battling Racial Segregation in Housing?
Creating Opportunity for Children
Racial segregation continues, and even intensifies: Manhattan Institute report heralding the “end” of segregation uses a measure that masks important demographic and economic trends
African American Poverty: Concentrated and Multi-Generational
The Racial Achievement Gap, Segregated Schools, and Segregated Neighborhoods – A Constitutional Insult
Race and public housing: Revisiting the federal role
A different kind of choice: Educational inequality and the continuing significance of racial segregation
A comment on Bank of America/Countrywide’s discriminatory mortgage lending and its implications for racial segregation

"Baltimore, not at all uniquely, has experienced a century of public policy designed, consciously so, to segregate and impoverish its black population. A legacy of these policies is the rioting we have seen in Baltimore. Whether after the 1967 wave of riots that led to the Kerner Commission report, after the 1992 Los Angeles riot that followed the acquittal of police officers who beat Rodney King, or after the recent wave of confrontations and vandalism following police killings of black men, community leaders typically say, properly, that violence isn’t the answer and that after peace is restored, we can deal with the underlying problems. We never do so.

Certainly, African American citizens of Baltimore were provoked by aggressive, hostile, even murderous policing, but Spiro Agnew had it right. Without suburban integration, something barely on today’s public policy agenda, ghetto conditions will persist, giving rise to aggressive policing and the riots that inevitably ensue. Like Ferguson before it, Baltimore will not be the last such conflagration the nation needlessly experiences."

You won't read all this, you'll pretend the information doesn't exist or it's fake. You will continue posting ignorance because it's what you want to believe. But these links reveal just a small bit of what you don't know.

Stuff it, the subprime shit lays at the feet of Bill and Hill.Why can't you people EVER take responsibility for your own fuck ups?
How Obama Bankrupted Black Homeowners
How typical.

Years of ignorant Democrat policies destroy their city, and they come begging the taxpayers to fix it for them.

Baltimore Mayor Bernard 'Jack' Young says Trump should send federal assistance rather than tweeting - CNNPolitics
Why should he do this? Baltimore is of the democrats own making. Why hasn't the governor declared a state of emergency?
Good question. Bring in the National guard and take care of the drug problem. Use the police force for finding the drug sellers and the National guard can back up the police.
Democrats have a very hard time shining a light on their own failure and corruption. The mayor needs to go to his governor and fix their own mess.
How about republican Moscow Mitch allowing russians to invade our elections? What light do you traitors shine on that?
This thread is about how Democrats have fucked up Baltimore. I'm sure there are other threads about your leftist fever dreams.
We need to build walls around the cities.
Weak Eddie, very weak. You ma be Dales' buddy but I am going to have to issue a list warning #1. This hurts me more than will hurt you but if I let you go easy.....I would have to let them all go. You are on warning now.
Dale is not in good shape
I don't cry much but talking to him and listening to his problems I had tears in my eyes
Please convey my best wishes. I have always considered him a friend, even when he scorched my butt good with his scathing rhetoric. And I know the rest of the old gang feels the same. God bless him!
I will But notice Kinetta and VH are silent
I expect they don't know. I am certain this news would sadden them if they knew.

Huh? What's with Dale?
And this week, CBS’s Baltimore affiliate is being equally racist by reporting the truth: CBS Baltimore: By golly, our murder rate actually is higher than Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Murder Rate By Country

1. Honduras (90.4 per 100,000)

Baltimores murder rate is not higher than Honduras.

2. Venezuela (53.7 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

5. Baltimore, MD
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .56
  • 10.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 342
4. Gary, IN
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .63
  • 11.9X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 48
3. St. Louis, MO
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .66
  • 12.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 205
2. Chester, PA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .85
  • 16X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 29
1. East St. Louis, IL
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: 1.13
  • 21.3X U.S. Average
5. El Salvador (41.2 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

7. Wilmington, DE
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .49
  • 9.2X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 35
6. Pine Bluff, AR
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .51
  • 9.6X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 22
6. Guatemala (39.9 per 100,000)

Now shall we look at all the US cities with a higher rate?

10. Baton Rouge, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .39
  • 7.4X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 88
9. Detroit, MI
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 268
8. New Orleans, LA
  • Murder Rate per 1,000 population: .40
  • 7.5X U.S. Average
  • No. of Murders: 157
Murder Rate By Country
Top 30 Highest Murder Rate Cities in the U.S. in 2019 - NeighborhoodScout

Quite the list you have there champ. But what the heck lets take a closer look at just a few of these cities.

Gary, IN Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson (Democrat)

St Louis, MO Mayor Lyda Krewson (Democrat)

Baltimore, MD Mayor Jack Young (Democrat)

Chester, PA Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland (Democrat)

East St. Louis, IL Mayor Robert Eastern III (Democrat)

….You're Welcome, dumbass.
Last edited:
They recently got $16B and no one knows what happened to it.

They did not get 16 billion. And don't post a link to the alt right websites quoting a lie.

This years city budget from all sources for Baltimore was 3.5 billion.
Baltimore Sun: $15.7 Billion with a B.

More about Elijah Cummings’ 7th congressional district in Maryland

Under 15.7 not 16. Over 2 years and:

Cummings’ more expansive congressional district received just under $15.7 billion in grants, benefits and contracts from the federal government during the past two fiscal years, according to the federal government website. That includes Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security payments and defense contracts. The district includes parts of the city of Baltimore, as well as areas of the counties of Baltimore and Howard.

More about Elijah Cummings’ 7th congressional district in Maryland

There is no end to the disingenuous bullshit here.
So you lied. Not $3B, $15.7B.

And Cummings can’t account for it.

No, I didn't lie since the city doesn't include money distributed by the social security administration or defense contractors. If the Sun can account for it, Cummings already has.
$15.7B in grants for improvements went to Baltimore. Grants most cities didn’t get.

Where’s the receipt?

Your spinning is hilarious. You’re a partisan joke who’ll argue water is not wet if you think it makes Trump look bad.
Last edited:
Russians didn't help Obama did they?

There are so many treasonous liars who deliberately hid the fact that Obama is a homosexual with a man as a "wife" it is hard to account for all of them. Obama had plenty of help from those who did not want the American people to have THE TRUTH.


teenage coke whore
community hate hoax organizer
gay relationship with Don Young, church choirmaster
Don Young murdered "Chicago style"
Joan Rivers tells CNN Obama is gay
less than 2 months later Joan is dead in her doc's office
Paul Horner blogs extensively on the mountain of facts about Obama being gay
Paul Horner is then murdered

The TRUTH about Obama is that we got none. None from the media, including Fox. None from the Democrats. And, none from the GOP, despite the fact that the GOP OR was circulating a memo in 1996 Obama, featured speaker at the Dem convention, was a "gay communist."

What happened?

If you sell out and cover up 911, many traitors really really LOVE YOU....
Be careful Dairis Obama is still alive and might be looking for you BOO
“What no one wants to remember is that Russian collusion, if it happened at all, happened under Obama. . . . In reality the good old days when ISIS ruled the Middle East, Russia could invade the Ukraine, China steal the OPM data and the South China Sea and kill the entire CIA network in the Middle Kingdom were never that good. Neither Trump nor Brexit nor the Democratic party left wing sprang out of thin air. They sprouted from a crisis.”

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