- Bad Day at Black Rock -


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
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Just a movie.From 1955.With a great actor {Spencer Tracy } who also
starred in - The Last Hurrah - { 1958 } which dealt with an Old
Irish Pol running for re-election.
YesterDAY was not Bad for Republicans.But yesterday evening WAS.
In the day things looked pretty chipper for the Republicans.
Even heading into the evenings as reliable States reported as they
did in 2020.But as the Evening grew dark,so did the expectations start
looking dark.By the end of the day,republicans had car troubles.
Their tires were losing air.There were no gas stations open with free
air to fill one's tires.I'm not so sure that last night wasn't an outlier.
That even the air was different.Someone said Sunday night we had us a
Blood moon { very rare heading into Election day }.
I don't think the electorate can handle too many more surprises.
Life is not a bowl of cherries.Nor should be.
Eh, the bottom line is who controls the House and Senate, we're already stuck with Biden..

Florida turned serious red..

and sure, Democrats still deserve to get their asses kicked.... :eusa_doh:
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