Austria’s Alps Hit By Climate Change


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This should please the Warmers. But, wait – hasn't this happened in the past? A part of nature's cycle. Aw heck. Let me back out of this. After all, I'm not an “expert” like so many here.

Read more @ BBC News - Austria s Alps hit by climate change
No, I am not pleased by what the warming is doing in the Alps and many other places. I simply recognize that it is happening. And, by the physics of increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, we are responsible for what is happening.

As for it being a natural cycle, natural cycles have causitive agents. No one thus far has been able to show any natural cycle that would account for the increase in temperature that we are seeing. In fact, by the Milankovic Cycles, we should be slowly sliding toward a new glacial age. And now we see the TSI decreasing slightly. That should also be contributing to a cooling trend. But what we see is a pause in atmospheric warming and a rapid increase in the warming of the ocean.

Now, I would be extremely pleased if you could show me that all the observations and evidence is incorrect, and that we will not continue warming at the present, or even a greater, rate. I am not at all pleased with what my generation is leaving for our descendents.
No, I am not pleased by what the warming is doing in the Alps and many other places. I simply recognize that it is happening. And, by the physics of increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, we are responsible for what is happening.

As for it being a natural cycle, natural cycles have causitive agents. No one thus far has been able to show any natural cycle that would account for the increase in temperature that we are seeing. In fact, by the Milankovic Cycles, we should be slowly sliding toward a new glacial age. And now we see the TSI decreasing slightly. That should also be contributing to a cooling trend. But what we see is a pause in atmospheric warming and a rapid increase in the warming of the ocean.

Now, I would be extremely pleased if you could show me that all the observations and evidence is incorrect, and that we will not continue warming at the present, or even a greater, rate. I am not at all pleased with what my generation is leaving for our descendents.

There is a ton of evidence showing no warming. Where have you been?

You need some new sources of information. But first stop with the state controlled media.
No, I am not pleased by what the warming is doing in the Alps and many other places. I simply recognize that it is happening. And, by the physics of increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, we are responsible for what is happening.

As for it being a natural cycle, natural cycles have causitive agents. No one thus far has been able to show any natural cycle that would account for the increase in temperature that we are seeing. In fact, by the Milankovic Cycles, we should be slowly sliding toward a new glacial age. And now we see the TSI decreasing slightly. That should also be contributing to a cooling trend. But what we see is a pause in atmospheric warming and a rapid increase in the warming of the ocean.

Now, I would be extremely pleased if you could show me that all the observations and evidence is incorrect, and that we will not continue warming at the present, or even a greater, rate. I am not at all pleased with what my generation is leaving for our descendents.

There is a ton of evidence showing no warming. Where have you been?

You need some new sources of information. But first stop with the state controlled media.
There will always be "scientists" who will sell their credibility for enough money.
Longknife, the Maunder Minimum has long been recognized. Yet, we are seeing a decrease in the Total Solar Irradiance.

SORCE Total Solar Irradiance Data

If you think 0.25 W/M^2 is a lot. However, in spectral shift there has been almost 2.6 W/M^2 lost. A much greater number and due to a shift in the fusion reaction on the sun. TSI has not fluctuated more than 1.6 W/M^2 in over 120 years.
Longknife, the Maunder Minimum has long been recognized. Yet, we are seeing a decrease in the Total Solar Irradiance.

SORCE Total Solar Irradiance Data

If you think 0.25 W/M^2 is a lot. However, in spectral shift there has been almost 2.6 W/M^2 lost. A much greater number and due to a shift in the fusion reaction on the sun. TSI has not fluctuated more than 1.6 W/M^2 in over 120 years.

Link? And link as to why that is important. Peer reviewed journal, please.
Yes, Lindzen and Singer both sold out to the tobacco companies. Now they are selling out to the energy companies.

The baseless claims to impute scientists reputations because they do not fit with your preconceived conclusions... Michale Mann is now loosing his case because the facts are now coming out about his misconduct. Mark Styne is about to mop the floor with that clown. Styne has over 120 amiscus briefs to his benefit. At closing of the comment period Mann has ZERO. No one is willing to put their name on the line to show his so called science as reputable.

That is telling..
Longknife, the Maunder Minimum has long been recognized. Yet, we are seeing a decrease in the Total Solar Irradiance.

SORCE Total Solar Irradiance Data

If you think 0.25 W/M^2 is a lot. However, in spectral shift there has been almost 2.6 W/M^2 lost. A much greater number and due to a shift in the fusion reaction on the sun. TSI has not fluctuated more than 1.6 W/M^2 in over 120 years.

Link? And link as to why that is important. Peer reviewed journal, please.

Take the time to read the material you post. YOU POSTED the time line data. And then you fell back on 'pal reviewed' what a load of crap. Look at the dam data.
Yes, Lindzen and Singer both sold out to the tobacco companies. Now they are selling out to the energy companies.

The baseless claims to impute scientists reputations because they do not fit with your preconceived conclusions... Michale Mann is now loosing his case because the facts are now coming out about his misconduct. Mark Styne is about to mop the floor with that clown. Styne has over 120 amiscus briefs to his benefit. At closing of the comment period Mann has ZERO. No one is willing to put their name on the line to show his so called science as reputable.

That is telling..
And just who is Styne, and what is his reputation in the scientific community.
No, I am not pleased by what the warming is doing in the Alps and many other places. I simply recognize that it is happening. And, by the physics of increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, we are responsible for what is happening.

As for it being a natural cycle, natural cycles have causitive agents. No one thus far has been able to show any natural cycle that would account for the increase in temperature that we are seeing. In fact, by the Milankovic Cycles, we should be slowly sliding toward a new glacial age. And now we see the TSI decreasing slightly. That should also be contributing to a cooling trend. But what we see is a pause in atmospheric warming and a rapid increase in the warming of the ocean.

Now, I would be extremely pleased if you could show me that all the observations and evidence is incorrect, and that we will not continue warming at the present, or even a greater, rate. I am not at all pleased with what my generation is leaving for our descendents.

Please tell me why 9 new glacier areas are forming in areas of the Rocky Mountains. 8 of which were found this year in areas known to be glacier free just 10 years ago. Here's a hint, Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.
Mann is an internationally repected scientist. Singer and Lindzen are pariahs in the scientific community.

Mann is a political whore and liar! Any one who cuts off the actual data record at 1960 and then places a tree ring proxy with 10 year plots onto a 100 year plot graph is nothing but a snake oil sales man. The illusion of a massive rise..
No, I am not pleased by what the warming is doing in the Alps and many other places. I simply recognize that it is happening. And, by the physics of increasing the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, we are responsible for what is happening.

As for it being a natural cycle, natural cycles have causitive agents. No one thus far has been able to show any natural cycle that would account for the increase in temperature that we are seeing. In fact, by the Milankovic Cycles, we should be slowly sliding toward a new glacial age. And now we see the TSI decreasing slightly. That should also be contributing to a cooling trend. But what we see is a pause in atmospheric warming and a rapid increase in the warming of the ocean.

Now, I would be extremely pleased if you could show me that all the observations and evidence is incorrect, and that we will not continue warming at the present, or even a greater, rate. I am not at all pleased with what my generation is leaving for our descendents.

Please tell me why 9 new glacier areas are forming in areas of the Rocky Mountains. 8 of which were found this year in areas known to be glacier free just 10 years ago. Here's a hint, Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.

Please include links to that information. You know, links like this;

USGS Repeat Photography Project Documents Retreating Glaciers in Glacier National Park Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center NOROCK



Now, your turn. Link to the information concerning these 'new' glaciers.
Mann is an internationally repected scientist. Singer and Lindzen are pariahs in the scientific community.

Mann is a political whore and liar! Any one who cuts off the actual data record at 1960 and then places a tree ring proxy with 10 year plots onto a 100 year plot graph is nothing but a snake oil sales man. The illusion of a massive rise..

Hey, dumb fuck, Mann has been vindictated by over a dozen studies since the initial publication of his paper.

RealClimate Myth vs. Fact Regarding the Hockey Stick

Figures 1 and 2 in “Temperature Variations in Past Centuries and The So-Called ‘Hockey Stick’”).

- See more at: RealClimate Myth vs. Fact Regarding the Hockey Stick

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