Austrian special forces Jagdkommando

A couple of shots, according to the U.S. government peaceniks, if only guns had been banned, World War One wouldn't have started. Such a fine nobleman the archduke wasn't doing anything wrong at all going to court on the testimony of psychiatrists and head-shrinks revoking the rights of the common people as nutcases in cahoots with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Too bad the damned psychologists and psychiatrists and mental health workers, got away from the Nazis in WWII. Guy hangs out a shingle and goes into practice in London whistling a tune like he never did anything wrong in wartime Austria -- no wonder the Nazis were gassing those jewish psychics to death for torturing and drugging their patients like that. The Swiss weren't putting up with the shrinks in those days either. That Carl Jung sneaked out of there like he never set set foot on Austrian soil.

Shrink-head psychiatrists on a Harley with syringes full of drugs, who'd a thunk it?

What flag patches are on their uniforms?

Screenshot_2021-04-04 Austrian special forces Jagdkommando.png

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