Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

You guys need to. Go full on fashy.

Yes because everyone looks great wearing black.
Especially fit bodied blonde women. Yum

Some women in my age group are pretty stupid, thankfully myself and all other female members of my family in all age groups aren't stupid.

Some stupid women must be attracted to a 72 year-old man, who looks filthy like he needs a wash and a shave.

Must be a Bernie Sanders attraction type thing or something.

Except Bernie Sanders isn't as filthy looking as Alexander Van der Bellen.


apropos blaming the outcome of the election on stupidity of voters:

Wahlverhalten nach formaler Bildung
View attachment 75832
This does not make the election behavior any smarter. In fact, you see in real-time how the education system is failing :lol:

I was in a German Realschule and this was our schedule Mo - Fr:
1. Toleranz
2. Toleranz
- Erste große Pause
3. Toleranz
4. Toleranz
- Zweite große Pause
5. Toleranz
6. Toleranz

So they have learned to vote the Bellen guy but hardly something else.
seems to be that you need to attend a gymnasium or an university to learn to "vote the bellen guy".
Yes because everyone looks great wearing black.
Especially fit bodied blonde women. Yum

Some women in my age group are pretty stupid, thankfully myself and all other female members of my family in all age groups aren't stupid.

Some stupid women must be attracted to a 72 year-old man, who looks filthy like he needs a wash and a shave.

Must be a Bernie Sanders attraction type thing or something.

Except Bernie Sanders isn't as filthy looking as Alexander Van der Bellen.


apropos blaming the outcome of the election on stupidity of voters:

Wahlverhalten nach formaler Bildung
View attachment 75832
This does not make the election behavior any smarter. In fact, you see in real-time how the education system is failing :lol:

I was in a German Realschule and this was our schedule Mo - Fr:
1. Toleranz
2. Toleranz
- Erste große Pause
3. Toleranz
4. Toleranz
- Zweite große Pause
5. Toleranz
6. Toleranz

So they have learned to vote the Bellen guy but hardly something else.
seems to be that you need to attend a gymnasium or an university to learn to "vote the bellen guy".
I don´t know for Austria but most of the pupils are in the Gymnasium in Germany and the Universities are overcrowded here. It doesn´t mean a thing as many are virtually going to sell sausages after the study. Even the second wife of my father in chief started to study with 46.
Especially fit bodied blonde women. Yum

Some women in my age group are pretty stupid, thankfully myself and all other female members of my family in all age groups aren't stupid.

Some stupid women must be attracted to a 72 year-old man, who looks filthy like he needs a wash and a shave.

Must be a Bernie Sanders attraction type thing or something.

Except Bernie Sanders isn't as filthy looking as Alexander Van der Bellen.


apropos blaming the outcome of the election on stupidity of voters:

Wahlverhalten nach formaler Bildung
View attachment 75832
This does not make the election behavior any smarter. In fact, you see in real-time how the education system is failing :lol:

I was in a German Realschule and this was our schedule Mo - Fr:
1. Toleranz
2. Toleranz
- Erste große Pause
3. Toleranz
4. Toleranz
- Zweite große Pause
5. Toleranz
6. Toleranz

So they have learned to vote the Bellen guy but hardly something else.
seems to be that you need to attend a gymnasium or an university to learn to "vote the bellen guy".
I don´t know for Austria but most of the pupils are in the Gymnasium in Germany and the Universities are overcrowded here. It doesn´t mean a thing as many are virtually going to sell sausages after the study. Even the second wife of my father in chief started to study with 46.
focus please.

the chart i showed shows that the higher the education the higher the probabilty to "vote the bellen guy".

here is another chart:

Some women in my age group are pretty stupid, thankfully myself and all other female members of my family in all age groups aren't stupid.

Some stupid women must be attracted to a 72 year-old man, who looks filthy like he needs a wash and a shave.

Must be a Bernie Sanders attraction type thing or something.

Except Bernie Sanders isn't as filthy looking as Alexander Van der Bellen.


apropos blaming the outcome of the election on stupidity of voters:

Wahlverhalten nach formaler Bildung
View attachment 75832
This does not make the election behavior any smarter. In fact, you see in real-time how the education system is failing :lol:

I was in a German Realschule and this was our schedule Mo - Fr:
1. Toleranz
2. Toleranz
- Erste große Pause
3. Toleranz
4. Toleranz
- Zweite große Pause
5. Toleranz
6. Toleranz

So they have learned to vote the Bellen guy but hardly something else.
seems to be that you need to attend a gymnasium or an university to learn to "vote the bellen guy".
I don´t know for Austria but most of the pupils are in the Gymnasium in Germany and the Universities are overcrowded here. It doesn´t mean a thing as many are virtually going to sell sausages after the study. Even the second wife of my father in chief started to study with 46.
focus please.

the chart i showed shows that the higher the education the higher the probabilty to "vote the bellen guy".

here is another chart:

View attachment 75835
I don´t how your statement is in contrast to mine. It is furthermore no secret, that leftist-liberal ideologies prevail on Universities.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.

Stealing an election that the Leftists knew they couldn't WIN is deemed "funny"

Typical Leftist, supporting stealing of elections, what great morals the Leftists don't have.

The Leftist scum right now are lucky that HEADS aren't being CRACKED in the streets today....another day the heads will be cracked, but not in streets, behind closed doors, below ground.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
If enough people feel the election was stolen it will become violent. That is what we are about to see here in America. I do feel this is the last ballots before bullets.

One should not blame the people if they get violent. One should blame the government for cheating in the first place.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
If enough people feel the election was stolen it will become violent. That is what we are about to see here in America. I do feel this is the last ballots before bullets.

One should not blame the people if they get violent. One should blame the government for cheating in the first place.

At this moment, I feel any violence wouldn't be good, we won this election, we said on Sunday night that the Leftists would steal this with the absentee ballots, we now know they did, it gave them a ridiculous "victory" of just 0.4 of 1%, hardly anything to celebrate on any level such a tiny amount.

That they VIOLATE the Democratic process by stealing an election with the absentee ballots, this just illustrates how desperate they are and that they know the writings on the wall for them.

We are like elephants, we don't forget, and we won't forget what occurred yesterday afternoon either, the payback will be a bitch, actually I'd advise them now, to think about where they're going to hide.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
If enough people feel the election was stolen it will become violent. That is what we are about to see here in America. I do feel this is the last ballots before bullets.

One should not blame the people if they get violent. One should blame the government for cheating in the first place.

At this moment, I feel any violence wouldn't be good, we won this election, we said on Sunday night that the Leftists would steal this with the absentee ballots, we now know they did, it gave them a ridiculous "victory" of just 0.4 of 1%, hardly anything to celebrate on any level such a tiny amount.

That they VIOLATE the Democratic process by stealing an election with the absentee ballots, this just illustrates how desperate they are and that they know the writings on the wall for them.

We are like elephants, we don't forget, and we won't forget what occurred yesterday afternoon either, the payback will be a bitch, actually I'd advise them now, to think about where they're going to hide.
First that group will seek shelter with another like it. That will be the new base and then they seek revenge. That is political history in general no matter the country.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
NO dignity is due a victor when the victory is tainted with slights or theft.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
NO dignity is due a victor when the victory is tainted with slights or theft.
Stormfront have laid on some free counselling I believe.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
NO dignity is due a victor when the victory is tainted with slights or theft.
Stormfront have laid on some free counselling I believe.
I bet your Hitler "stash" is a hit there eh Nazi?
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
There is no dignity if there is a question of a rigged election.
So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
NO dignity is due a victor when the victory is tainted with slights or theft.
Stormfront have laid on some free counselling I believe.
I bet your Hitler "stash" is a hit there eh Nazi?

They have nothing to add, just trolling the thread now.

Isn't it great how the Left support stealing elections that they know they can't win at the ballot box?
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Zzzzzzzz. Perhaps if you could show some dignity in defeat then you might gain some respect ?
There is no dignity if there is a question of a rigged election.

The Left have no dignity nor do they have any manners. How can anyone have any dignity when they support buttfucking and men chopping their dicks off to become freaks.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Isn't the President in Austria mostly ceremonial? I think you would be more concerned with votes in the parliamentary elections.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?

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