Asymptomatic shedding from vaxxed vs non vaxxed


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Which kind of exposure is more dangerous... an unvaccinated person who may or may not be infected with coronavirus, or asymptomatic shedding of a vaccinated person?
You ask a stupid question then you try using 2nd grade reverse psychology to get someone to answer your stupid question. If you really dont know then youre an idiot.
Just so you know in advance, you will never be answering this question. Neither will your fellow lefties. Evasion is the only option for lefties on this thread. Your next post absolutely will not contain the answer to the opening post.
Which kind of exposure is more dangerous... an unvaccinated person who may or may not be infected with coronavirus, or asymptomatic shedding of a vaccinated person?
It is a moot question in a scamdemic. Now the CDC says the vaxxed need to wear masks in areas where the unvaxxed are in the majority. I thought their mask was to protect me from them--not that I need their protection. The contradictions are comical. Get vaxxed so that we can get back to normal. Wear a mask to protect everyone else. Nope, masks don't work. Strike that, wear two masks. Kids aren't affected. Make sure the kids wear masks. How many LIES are going to be thrown around before EVERYONE says ENOUGH. The truth has no meaning anymore. Nobody can recognize it.
It is a moot question in a scamdemic. Now the CDC says the vaxxed need to wear masks in areas where the unvaxxed are in the majority. I thought their mask was to protect me from them--not that I need their protection. The contradictions are comical. Get vaxxed so that we can get back to normal. Wear a mask to protect everyone else. Nope, masks don't work. Strike that, wear two masks. Kids aren't affected. Make sure the kids wear masks. How many LIES are going to be thrown around before EVERYONE says ENOUGH. The truth has no meaning anymore. Nobody can recognize it.
Drumpf got his shot.
When lefties refuse to answer a question, the answer is probably newsworthy.
If the idiot got vaccinated he wouldn't have to worry about it
Nice evasion, like clockwork. It was already established in post 5, second sentence, that you would not be answering the question. When lefties evade answering a question, the answer is usually newsworthy.
Nice evasion, like clockwork. It was already established in post 5, second sentence, that you would not be answering the question. When lefties evade answering a question, the answer is usually newsworthy.
I'm left handed and that has nothing to do with my post.

You know what's worse is unvaccinated people shedding the virus because since the virus will be active in the systems longer they will infect more people and if thy're stupid enough not to get vaccinated you can bet their friends and family are stupid too
I'm left handed and that has nothing to do with my post.

You know what's worse is unvaccinated people shedding the virus because since the virus will be active in the systems longer they will infect more people and if thy're stupid enough not to get vaccinated you can bet their friends and family are stupid too
Can you organize your thoughts into a succinct and intelligent post?
As we can see by all the lefty answers to the question in the opening post, usmb lefties unanimously agree that exposure to asymptomatic shedding of vaccinated people is more dangerous than being exposed to an unvaxxed person who we don't know if he is infected or not.
Which kind of exposure is more dangerous... an unvaccinated person who may or may not be infected with coronavirus, or asymptomatic shedding of a vaccinated person?
You only shed virus if you get Covid or use a vaccine with live virus and I don’t think any of the vaccines we use are live. If you get Covid, being vaccinated would make no difference in danger.

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