Assemblyman Brags About Sex With Lobbyists


Searcher for Accuracy
Apr 27, 2008
Assemblyman Brags About Sex With Lobbyists

Sep 8, 2009

SACRAMENTO - California Assemblyman Mike Duvall was overheard bragging about sex with two Sacramento lobbyists into a hot microphone during an in house broadcast of a committee hearing.

Several Southern California media outlets are reporting that the Orange County Republican, who is a the vice chair of the powerful utilities and commerce committee, was bragging about an affair with a lobbyist for the energy company Sempra.

The Assemblyman was apparently not aware the microphone was hot as he sat next to an unidentified colleague, explicitly detailing trysts with each of the women.

Duvall is heard on the tape saying, "So, I am getting into spanking her. Yeah, I like it. I like spanking her. She goes, 'I know you like spanking me.' I said, 'Yeah! Because you're such a bad girl!'".

When referencing the second woman, Duvall is heard on the tape saying, "Oh, yeah, Sher, Shar, Shar," Duvall said. "Oh, she is hot! I talked to her yesterday. She goes, 'So are we finished?' I go, 'No, we're not finished.' I go, 'You know about the other one, but she doesn't know about you!'"

Efforts to reach the Assemblyman for comment have been unsuccessful. Duvall is a second term assemblyman from the 72nd district and married with children. According to the reports, both lobbyists involved with Duvall are also married.

KCAL, OC Weekly

by: Robert Cruickshank [ame=""]YouTube - CAUGHT ON TAPE!!.....CA Assemblyman Michael Duvall; HOT MIC convo about sex 'a lot' and 'spanking'[/ame]
Wed Sep 09, 2009 at 00:21:48 AM PDT

Some Republicans head for the men's room at the local airport. Others claim to be "hiking the Appalachian Trail." Michael Duvall, Republican Assemblyman from the 72nd district (northern OC), decided to take a different approach to his affairs: bragging to everyone within earshot. Including, as shown at right by a sensationalistic KCAL/9 report, the live mikes of the Cal Channel. As the OC Weekly's R. Scott Moxley explains:

In July--two days after Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Republican leader Sam Blakeslee put Duvall on the Rules Committee that oversees member ethics--the second-term, conservative, Republican assemblyman sat in a public hearing and vividly described lewd details about his trysts with a female lobbyist whose clients had business before another committee on which Duvall sits.

Duvall, speaking to a relatively mum Republican colleague seated to his left, apparently had no idea his dais microphone became live beginning about a minute before the start of a cable-televised committee hearing. He was captured in the middle of recounting portions of an affair.
"She wears little eye-patch underwear," said Duvall, who is married with two children. "So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!"

(I'd apologize for including that last paragraph, but since I had to read it, you do too.)

Aside from Duvall's stunning lack of tact, the story reveals possible ethical violations caused by Duvall, who is vice-chair of the Utilities and Commerce committee, apparently sleeping with a lobbyist for Sempra Energy, one of the state's largest utilities.

Of course Duvall comes from a long, long, LONG line of Republican social conservatives who enjoy using morality to argue for denying people their rights while refusing to practice that morality themselves. Duvall was an outspoken supporter of Proposition 8, which apparently meant that heterosexual adultery was less damaging to marriage than a committed same-sex couple being able to get legal recognition of and practical benefits from their marriage by the state.

Then again, it's OK if you're a Republican. As long as he's voting against taxes and the gay agenda, I am sure that his OC supporters and right-wing paymasters will be happy to overlook ethical lapses and an inability to keep his sexual practices to himself.

Ultimately this is likely to damage the Legislature itself. The filmed scenes of Duvall running around the Capitol hiding from reporters and cameras make the institution look bad, through no fault of the other 119 legislators who at least have the good sense to not talk about their sexual escapades in public. At a time when wingnuts are pushing hard to further undermine democracy by turning our legislature into a part-time body, the last thing the Legislature needs is this kind of scandal.

Then again, it's fitting that such a scandal comes from a Republican, a member of a party that long ago lost what respect for government it possessed.
Unless he was with the two women at the same time I don't know why this is even news.
Why are Librul so obsesses with the coming and going of Republican penises? Can someone please explain it to me?
yea yea Frank like you a-holes never obsessed over Clinton's penis LOL Pot please meet Mr kettle
The prick's pitiable parts are of less concern than the favors she got via his committe influence and votes. Pricks voting with their prick is always a problem....

I wonder if it is safe to call what the she types did prostitution?
The prick's pitiable parts are of less concern than the favors she got via his committe influence and votes. Pricks voting with their prick is always a problem....

I wonder if it is safe to call what the she types did prostitution?

Once more in english please?
Oopsie. I'm sure he'll blame it on the gayz destroyin' his values!

I don't think these "Ladies" are gay, LOL. But of course it will be the women's fault, I mean this RADICAL RIGHTIE was just too weak to JUST SAY NO! Certainly he didn't stand a chance against these aggressive and very strong women when they overpowered him!
Why are Librul so obsesses with the coming and going of Republican penises? Can someone please explain it to me?

That's an easy one. Republicans are always going on about how immoral liberals are. About how it's the Republicans with "family values". They work especially hard to keep rights from gays. Even if they don't know any gays, a gay being happy somewhere drives a conservative insane.

So when Republicans are caught having gay sex in airport men's room or shacking up with multiples of call girls, Democrats marvel at the audacity. The hypocracy.

They even marvel when Republicans blame it on the Democrats because they "found out".

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