ASSANGE & CLINTON: All You Need to Know


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2016
Right here
Everything in this video should be common knowledge by now. My only questions is,
“Are people really calling Hillary a 'Leftist' a 'Liberal?' And if so …. why?

RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia

I've got news for you, Bonzo. Neither Wikileaks, Julian Assange, the Bolivian embassy, the government of Bolivia, nor John Pilger work for Russia.

Ps. RT and Al Jazeera might just be the most UN-BIASED news channels in the world. But you woulnd't know anything about that .... being 50% literate and 100% sheepled as you are.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
I've done some extensive research about your question and come up with an answer. The reason people are calling Hillary a "Leftist" and a "Liberal" is because she's a leftist and a liberal. And the fact that she's a big fat lying asshole is just a bonus.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
What I support is getting the truth. If the Globalists controlled MSM doesn't supply it then one will seek it somewhere else to quench the thirst for the truth. I don't see Russia as an enemy of the U.S. but I see that Globalists are stoking the fire against Russia.
Everything in this video should be common knowledge by now. My only questions is,
“Are people really calling Hillary a 'Leftist' a 'Liberal?' And if so …. why?

She's a corporate whore first and everything else second!
I've done some extensive research about your question and come up with an answer. The reason people are calling Hillary a "Leftist" and a "Liberal" is because she's a leftist and a liberal. And the fact that she's a big fat lying asshole is just a bonus.
Trump hit his peak last week with 185 lies. Read them or have a passing third grader read them to you. But you`re correct about her being a leftist and a liberal but a lot of people don`t care for rightist Nazi wannabes. I don`t and you do but that`s your reich.
Trump Lies – Exposing the many lies of Donald J. Trump
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
What I support is getting the truth. If the Globalists controlled MSM doesn't supply it then one will seek it somewhere else to quench the thirst for the truth. I don't see Russia as an enemy of the U.S. but I see that Globalists are stoking the fire against Russia.

Yep, you're still an idiot.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Enough said.
Trump hit his peak last week with 185 lies. Read them or have a passing third grader read them to you. But you`re correct about her being a leftist and a liberal but a lot of people don`t care for rightist Nazi wannabes. I don`t and you do but that`s your reich.
Trump Lies – Exposing the many lies of Donald J. Trump
The over use of the word rendered it meaningless but it is a disqualifier from intelligent conversation.
My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
This reply of yours proves that you don't understand my question >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

“Are people really calling Hillary a 'Leftist' a 'Liberal?' And if so …. why?

I've done some extensive research about your question and come up with an answer. The reason people are calling Hillary a "Leftist" and a "Liberal" is because she's a leftist and a liberal. And the fact that she's a big fat lying asshole is just a bonus.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you don't understand it either.

*** Actually, neither of you know what you are talking about. You apparently think the definition(s) of 'Leftist' and 'Liberal' have no politically philosophic significance at all.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
What I support is getting the truth. If the Globalists controlled MSM doesn't supply it then one will seek it somewhere else to quench the thirst for the truth. I don't see Russia as an enemy of the U.S. but I see that Globalists are stoking the fire against Russia.

Yep, you're still an idiot.
Why did you switch over to personal attacks? Ahh.. that's right you have nothing intelligent to say as a counter argument. Thanks for admitting it....
Everything in this video should be common knowledge by now. My only questions is,
“Are people really calling Hillary a 'Leftist' a 'Liberal?' And if so …. why?

Because it's convenient and creates the illusion of division. She is a right winger.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,

Read from left to right and wait for the other side to tattle. You are capable of recognizing this when it suits you but not bright enough to apply those same standards when it might interfere with your comfort zone.
I've done some extensive research about your question and come up with an answer. The reason people are calling Hillary a "Leftist" and a "Liberal" is because she's a leftist and a liberal. And the fact that she's a big fat lying asshole is just a bonus.
Trump hit his peak last week with 185 lies. Read them or have a passing third grader read them to you. But you`re correct about her being a leftist and a liberal but a lot of people don`t care for rightist Nazi wannabes. I don`t and you do but that`s your reich.
Trump Lies – Exposing the many lies of Donald J. Trump

She is not a liberal. Liberals do not support the slaughter of human beings for their own financial gain. They do not support regime change. Liberals do not create an imaginary enemy to distract from their corruption. Most liberals do not support fracking. They do not support stealing from the public coffers for faux privatization. Liberals don't run around using red scare tactics. Liberals never tell people NOT to read.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Enough said.

The test of a RWNJ is the ability to try to deflect from his stupid ideas when they are shown to be stupid, and not feel any embarrassment.
My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
This reply of yours proves that you don't understand my question >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

“Are people really calling Hillary a 'Leftist' a 'Liberal?' And if so …. why?

I've done some extensive research about your question and come up with an answer. The reason people are calling Hillary a "Leftist" and a "Liberal" is because she's a leftist and a liberal. And the fact that she's a big fat lying asshole is just a bonus.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you don't understand it either.

*** Actually, neither of you know what you are talking about. You apparently think the definition(s) of 'Leftist' and 'Liberal' have no politically philosophic significance at all.

Of course they have significance, but not the significance you think. All you know is what is said in the ignorant RW bubble, and that is wrong.
View attachment 96943
RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russiaas well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian.

RT (TV network) - Wikipedia
Just as good as our MSM if not a whole lot better. RT is controlled by the Russian government and the MSM is controlled Globalists. What's your point?

My point is you support Russian propaganda. I thought right wingers were supposed to be patriotic, but instead you prefer Russia,
What I support is getting the truth. If the Globalists controlled MSM doesn't supply it then one will seek it somewhere else to quench the thirst for the truth. I don't see Russia as an enemy of the U.S. but I see that Globalists are stoking the fire against Russia.

Yep, you're still an idiot.
Why did you switch over to personal attacks? Ahh.. that's right you have nothing intelligent to say as a counter argument. Thanks for admitting it....

If you had a sane argument, I would address it. Your silly claims are too dumb to bother with.

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