Ask the Evangelical!


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
I know I'm not the only evangelical on the board, and I'm not claiming a corner on the market. But here's the premise of the thread: you ask a question, I give you an answer from an evangelical Christian viewpoint.


Q: Why do Christians keep telling me all about Jesus?

A: Because Jesus commanded Christians to spread their faith, in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
What is your opinion of Trinity Broadcasting Network - and do you feel your opinion is 'the norm' among fellow Evangelicals?
-=d=- said:
What is your opinion of Trinity Broadcasting Network - and do you feel your opinion is 'the norm' among fellow Evangelicals?

1. I don't watch it because most Christian TV is lackluster. But I'm not a big fan of the hit-on-the-forehead healing shows, if that's what you mean.

2. I feel that I am maybe a bit conservative compared to all evangelicals, but certainly not a "fundamentalist."
Not just the forehead smacking, I'm talking about the personnas mostly; These 'Evegelebrities'...

How do you define "fundamentalist" vs. "conservative"?
-=d=- said:
Not just the forehead smacking, I'm talking about the personnas mostly; These 'Evegelebrities'...

How do you define "fundamentalist" vs. "conservative"?

I have mixed feelings about the personalities on TBN. Some, I think, flaunt their wealth, and I have read that some are believers in the "health-and-wealth" gospel. But I'm loathe to make a blanket statement about all of them when I don't know who all of them are.

As far as defining evangelical and fundamentalist, see this link from Wheaton University.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Sorry - I couldn't resist that one.

Do you recognize any of the churches of the last days - spoken of in Revelations - in our times?
musicman said:
Sorry - I couldn't resist that one.

Do you recognize any of the churches of the last days - spoken of in Revelations - in our times?

last post was more for fun but i was curious what you meant by this question. Because like there are only two things you could be talking about and thats the 7 Churches at the beginning..which were the Churches back then that John sent Revelation to before he gave his panaramic vision of the end and then there are the two women mentioned later. the one which represents the Church of God in Chapter 12 and then the woman who represents the The Whore of Babylon or the Church of the devil. So im curious what you were getting at with this question.

But then im not evangelical so i guess it doesnt really matter what i say about any of these things.
It might be a misunderstanding on my part, Avatar. I was under the impression that the judgement of the seven churches had prophetic implications as well. Am I way off base?
musicman said:
Sorry - I couldn't resist that one.

Do you recognize any of the churches of the last days - spoken of in Revelations - in our times?

There are so many interpretations of those churches...

The first interpretation of the seven churches (see Revelation 1-3) is that they were seven real churches in Asia Minor, and the letters addressed those churches at that time only. While principles in those letters apply to Christians throughout history (warning against being lukewarm, Jesus standing at the door and knocking, etc.), there is no correspondence to the future state of the Church. This tends to be my viewpoint.

A second interpretation is that the seven churches represent seven different phases in church history. According to this take, we are currently in the fifth, sixth, or seventh phase, depending on who you ask. My only problem with this is that in Rev. 4:1, an angel tells John that he is going to see the things that take place after this. So I don't really see how the church's history - all in the future at this point - would be told before this statement.

A third interpretation is that the seven churches are seven manifestations of the Church at the time of Christ's return. While I think that many denominations or congregations may display the traits associated with the seven churches in Revelation, I don't think that's the primary interpretation.

Does that answer your question?
What do you make of Dr. Richard Eby - he claimed to have died, visited with Jesus, and he related what Christ told him to much scrutiny. One such message was 'Christ would return before Dr. Eby's death'. Dr Eby died in 2002?. Some are saying Christ HAS returned; but came into the world in the same manor as his last trip - via virgin birth. Anywho...that's switching gears....main question is:

Have you heard of Dr Eby? If so, your thoughts/opinions?

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