Asian Americans are wealthier than white people...that would be impossible if America was racist

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.
You have no case worthy of an answer. Your shallow bellowing is hardly reflective of inrelligent discourse.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.

abu afak said:
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.
And you don't have a clue as to when or how those IQ values were determined. Thats what gullible racist shills do .look for propaganda that fits your prejudiced world view and there are plenty of propagandists out there making a living providing it for you.

abu afak said:
Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigerians.

Anyone able to obtain an advanced degree in our top colleges are the cream of the crop not only in their home countries but anywhere they go. And you still haven't shown the methodology behind that cumulative Afrcan 70 IQ and who did the testing.

abu afak said:
I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

But only 9% of Caucs have attained advanced degrees in a country where they have every advantage including the language. So by your deeply flawed logic the 91% of Caucs who don't have advanced degrees are rabble like their Nigerian or African counterparts. Your less educated Euro-peons, the majority, are just living on trickle down economics and jobs given to them by the oligarchs...just like most blacks most Hispanics and everyone else who wasn't college material or who couldn't afford it.

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.

Well DUHHHHH! Anyone in college is there because they want to go to college, dummy.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...

abu afak said:
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

Bad sampling is the reason you believe someone measured the IQs of supposedly illiterate Africans. Show me how that was done.

abu afak said:
IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap

Good results ? Hell African immigrants and those who only come here to study are kicking ass academically. And you have no idea what percentage of their home populations they represent. And stop over looking the low percentages of degrees obtained by all other demographics. Head to head immigrant to immigrant...Africans are
surpassing them all.

abu afak said:
YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".
And you post only the undocumented assertions of pink society known to harbor the biggest liars and racists on earth.

abu afak said:
You put too much credence in charts. Show me the methodology behind those charts
or STFU.

But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..

abu afak said:
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.

You aren't qualifed to determine that.

abu afak said:
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.

You certainly haven't proven that data is true.

abu afak said:
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.
You're using whatever you think fits your sorry agenda Your blind acceptance of unproven
Data that could be contrived without substance is duly noted.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.

abu afak said:
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

You're using data from sources that haven't revealed their methodologies.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...

abu afak said:
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.
Your data is not complete or comprehensive enough to be useful.

abu afak said:
Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades
abu afak said:
Got it now?
nope...false equivalency.

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?

abu afak said:
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post
abu afak said:
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.nope...false equivalency.
My job is what ever I say it is. The top 1% of Cauc and Asian immigrants are being trounced in academic achievement by the top 1% of African immigrants.and you can't handle that.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .

abu afak said:
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

nope...false equivalency. The rulers of KMT and Mizraim were of the same stock as the hunters and gatherers of inner Africa. Egypt is the name associated with the Greek Ptolemaic pharaohs..who ruled when the country was declining rapidly.

abu afak said:
So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
not any more than all pink folks could do it. And your posts have been an exercise in futility...backed by charts having NO methodological currency .
Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.
IOW, you still have NO answer

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.

Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigeria.

I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap


or the more conservative (not including African Blacks who would be further to the Left)

YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".

It Is NOT Proof they are Not lower AVERAGE.


But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.

Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades.
Got it now?

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post.
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
Blacks have trouble understanding and applying statistics. You can tell them that jumping out of a flying plane without a parachute is a bad idea, and they'll find one or two examples of people who survived and say "nah uh!"
I've jumped out of planes many times without a parachute and survived.. The mathematical formula I used to assure my success was to make sure the plane was sitting idle on a runway before i jumped. I was able to calculate the risk quickly and easily in my head.
Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.
IOW, you still have NO answer

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.

Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigeria.

I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap


or the more conservative (not including African Blacks who would be further to the Left)

YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".

It Is NOT Proof they are Not lower AVERAGE.


But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.

Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades.
Got it now?

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post.
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
Blacks have trouble understanding and applying statistics. You can tell them that jumping out of a flying plane without a parachute is a bad idea, and they'll find one or two examples of people who survived and say "nah uh!"
I've jumped out of planes many times without a parachute and survived.. The mathematical formula I used to assure my success was to make sure the plane was sitting idle on a runway before i jumped. I was able to calculate the risk quickly and easily in my head.
Except I was talking about a flying plane, stupid.
Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it. But know this...answering your rambling long posts is not one of my top priorities.. Besides, much of what you wrote has been repeated numerous times right here on USMB. it's nothing new. Its just the same old drivel that bigots always dig up and spread around the iNternet.
IOW, you still have NO answer

This Refutes what you have been saying, so you have to ignore it.
You couldn't have missed it and it's graphic.

JQPublic1 said:
You haven't refuted anything I wrote. Stay tuned and find out why not.
LOL, Aga!n a Put off. NO answer.

White and Asian countries have much higher standards of living and can, unlike Africans, afford to immigrate without being at the top.
JQPublic1 said:
That's a pretty big assumption on your part. Japan and maybe South Korea might be considered 1st world countries but most of Asia , including China,does have significant amounts of poverty.
But thats not the issue. Comparing the academic achievements of immigrants from Europe, Asia And Africa over the past decade..Black Africans are the winners.
Same mistake, now definitely dishonesty.
African "Immigrants" are NOT "representative.
we Know there IQs there. Duh.

Many coming are the cream of the IQ Crop of a sub-continent with a 70 IQ. and which cannot even govern itself because OF that borderline retarded IQ AVERAGE. That includes the best of the lot of a few dozen: Nigeria.

I post the country/continent: you dishonestly try the top 1% of the rabble as "representative."

Many Nigerian immigrants come here TO go to college.
JQPublic1 said: what? The making point i'm making is that Africans are making liars out of pundits who have consistently berated the continent in every way.. ...
"So what" is that you are dishonestly and knowingly using Bad Sampling.

IQ differentials are AVERAGE for Races.
No one denies the top few percent of Blacks can get good results.
The Curves overlap


or the more conservative (not including African Blacks who would be further to the Left)

YOU Disingenuously POST ONLY the Far Right Hand part of the Black population as "Proof".

It Is NOT Proof they are Not lower AVERAGE.


But hey, why use immigrants at all when we have much larger/more Representative Native populations?
JQPublic1 said:
Why not eradicate stereotypes and falsehoods about African cognitive ability by any means necessary?..
Because YOUR "any means necessary" is Not a correct means. It's inaccurate.
"Stereotypes"/IQ Averages are TRUE.
Including your Continuous Dishonest and Wrong Bad Sampling/Cherry Picking while I use the Broader data/Fair Sample.

And why not use the more representative Broad populations of those countries?
JQPublic1 said:
Because I'm using the same trick you use in your per capita analyses to denigrate the smaller population of blacks in the USA in comparisons to the larger Cauc group.. Except in this case..the good news about a smaller group is used against the larger group.
Yes. As I said half a doxen times above.. you're Cherry Picking, while I use fair numbers/Broad data.

Or the whole of sub-Sahara (70) or USA admixture 'Blacks (85) instead of picking and choosing and Fallaciously debating by Anecdote/exception.
JQPublic1 said:
There is nothing anecdotal about the fact that
Black Africans are excelling in academia with world class proficiency thought previously to be beyond their capabilities...
Persistently DISHONEST/Fallacious...
You can't refute Broad data/average with the top 1% of a race.

Just like you can't say Whites are as good at Basketball by pointing to a FEW good players in the last two decades.
Got it now?

And the fact that White and Asian Macro Races originated with a base population/species in Africa doesn't mean Civilization was "Kick Started" By Blacks.
What a Dopey idea! !
Civilization "Kick Started" when they LEFT and formed different Races/subspecies.
JQPublic1 said:
Until quite recently the average joe in any Western city would have said it's a dopey deal had someone suggested that Black African immigrants would conquer the academic crowns of achievement in the USA AND the UK?
Same old sampling error/LIE 10 Times in one post.
Your job (DUH), is to show average IQ, not that the top 1% of oner race does well.
And again, immigrants (ALONE) from white and Asian countries are not the credams of their countries.

So that, ie, when Marco Polo landed in China (before any Colonialization) he found Silk, Porcelain, a Civil Service system, Astronomical records. etc.

While Africa was living just as it had when those original populations left and headed North 50,000+ years ago.

Just the top predator living in Huts with No written language, no wheel, etc.
JQPublic1 said:
HOW wrong you are. Elite blacks of the same stock as those primitives of inner Africa were the innovators that invented writing In KMT and Sumeria. The same stock as those who Built the pyramids and the zigguarats.. Who carved the Sphinx and changed the course of the nile....ALL while the primitives of Europe and inner Africa hunted and gathered. .
Another of your always Dishonest posts and/or wrong assumptions.

Only Clowns from 'Afro-Studies' departments try the "Egyptians are Black" Nonsense. It's Not true... and you have nothing in sub-Sahara to point to... so you tried it.

So to sum up:
Your WHOLE post was MORE DISHONEST BS: presenting knowingly bad sampling as 'average', or "proof" ALL sub-Saharans could do it.
Blacks have trouble understanding and applying statistics. You can tell them that jumping out of a flying plane without a parachute is a bad idea, and they'll find one or two examples of people who survived and say "nah uh!"
I've jumped out of planes many times without a parachute and survived.. The mathematical formula I used to assure my success was to make sure the plane was sitting idle on a runway before i jumped. I was able to calculate the risk quickly and easily in my head.
Except I was talking about a flying plane, stupid.
Well tecnically the planes flew at some point after I had jumped out of them. So whenever I knew one of the planes I'd jumped out of was flying overhead i could point at it and say i jumped out of that flying plane

.PS: i am being facetious on purpose just to
show how silly your anecdote is.
Second, people of any race who work full time, are married, and have high school diplomas tend not to be poor, meaning that poverty is a function of one’s choice not to do these things.

and because black married couples have a lower poverty rate than white single mothers, “life decisions” are what creates poverty.

the disproportionately black population in America’s prisons say nothing about racism, because black people simply commit more crimes, and if you don’t commit a crime, you’re not going to be arrested for it because the police are not going around arresting black people for the fun of it.

Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems. Problems with economics, education, culture. I see blacks as contained of a high degree of insecurity. They are all upset because they don't think that white's like them. I would really like to know what that is so important to them. Why don't they just do what they are going to do and not worry about it. Mostly in life you will find what you look for. If you look for discrimination you will find it. If you look for acceptance you will find that. How you perceive the world is the position you will take when you think. Think a certain way and your actions will mirror that and actually help create a "self fulfilling prophecy".
Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems.

From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems.

From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
We beg to differ. You pink simians are a virus upon the earth.
Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems.

From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
We beg to differ. You pink simians are a virus upon the earth.

Your hate and racism is noted. It makes you a racist and a moron.

Hey, what was the color of the person that invented the computer? You know, the thing you spend so much time typing on.


Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems.

From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
Stop lying and look in the mirror. You're pink.
Don't expect me to empower you with in your "white "lies.
And you pink devils and your materialistic greed is at the root of most evils that infect mankind. You are mammon incarnate.
From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
We beg to differ. You pink simians are a virus upon the earth.

Your hate and racism is noted. It makes you a racist and a moron.

Hey, what was the color of the person that invented the computer? You know, the thing you spend so much time typing on.


Mark Dean is Black. Why do you ask?
Why is it that of all the races the blacks have the most problems.

From my perspective the biggest problem blacks have is pink people like you.

That doesn't make any sense.
What doesn't make any sense...that You're pink or that your race is toxic to the earth and everthing on it?

I'm white, thanks for asking, dickhead, and you can shove your racism up your ass.

The problems of black Americans are not from White Americans.
Stop lying and look in the mirror. You're pink.
Don't expect me to empower you with in your "white "lies.
And you pink devils and your materialistic greed is at the root of most evils that infect mankind. You are mammon incarnate.

IF you think that white people invented, or were even better at Greed, then all you did there was reveal yourself to be a completely moron.

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