Asheville, North Carolina City Council: SHAME ON YOU!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households owned a slave, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here these idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, PERPETRATING RACIAL INEQUITY & INJUSTICE IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white, and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
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Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
You will be wrong, maybe, if Trump gets re-elected. If he doesn't, this country is DOOMED. And it will be worse off than any Hitler, al Qaeda, or Hirohito ever could have done to it.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Is that yer excuse for why there was slaves to begin with?
Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
You will be wrong, maybe, if Trump gets re-elected. If he doesn't, this country is DOOMED. And it will be worse off than any Hitler, al Qaeda, or Hirohito ever could have done to it.
Bullshit, this nation is stronger than the inability to address grievances.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
I don't think you're wrong.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Is that yer excuse for why there was slaves to begin with?
That's an easy one. There were slaves to begin with because tribe A conquered tribe B and enslaved them. That's been going on for thousands of years. It's only been since about the 19th century that significant numbers of people considered it to be an objective evil.
I believe Ashville is one of those diverse nouveau rich areas where Progs moved into starting a few decades ago.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Is that yer excuse for why there was slaves to begin with?

I didn't own slaves. I don't know any people who were slaves.

So to be blunt about this.... I don't give a crap.

Until you actually know someone who owned a slave, or someone who was a slave, non-ya-business.
Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
You will be wrong, maybe, if Trump gets re-elected. If he doesn't, this country is DOOMED. And it will be worse off than any Hitler, al Qaeda, or Hirohito ever could have done to it.
Bullshit, this nation is stronger than the inability to address grievances.

By all means, give your money to people who were never slaves. If you are that dumb, then put your money where your mouth is, and follow through.
Is that yer excuse for why there was slaves to begin with?
Bullshit, this nation is stronger than the inability to address grievances.
It's strong now, but if Trump loses in November, the country will be taken over by the same breed of anti-white racist idiots as has ruined the city of Asheville, NC. There is no longer any reason for any white person to live there. If I was living there, I'd move out tomorrow.
That's an easy one. There were slaves to begin with because tribe A conquered tribe B and enslaved them. That's been going on for thousands of years. It's only been since about the 19th century that significant numbers of people considered it to be an objective evil.
And it's only in the late 20th and early 21st century that highly privileged people harken back to the 19th century, to portray themselves as underprivileged, and then somehow manage to coerce others to do their bidding, based on things that long ago disappeared.
I believe Ashville is one of those diverse nouveau rich areas where Progs moved into starting a few decades ago.
Never underestimate the destruction that can come to a place, when it is taken over by loon liberals.
This is all the more reason to see why it is so crucial for Trump to win in November, and for Republicans to win back the House. Democrats have gone completely insane.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

This really isn't any different than what most large cities already do with urban renewal programs. They are really just paying lip service.
Lamebrain liberals on Asheville, North Carolina's city council unanimously (7-0) approved a resolution to give reparations to black residents. The screwball resolution also includes an apology to them. Exactly what they think they're apologizing for, I don't know.

The resolution does not include cash payments made directly to black residents, but does call on the city to form the Community Reparations Commission, which would hear from community leaders and groups who would, in turn, make recommendations on where funds should be directed.

Keith Young, a black member of the council, said “It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature.” He didn't specify any definition of the word "systemic"

The resolution has the city council apologizing for “its participation in and sanctioning of the Enslavement of Black People,” as well as for its “enforcement of segregation and its accompanying discriminatory practices.” The councilmembers did not explain how they could have participated in the "Enslavement of Black People", when that occured decades before their great grandparents were born.

In addition, even back in the 1850's and 60's, only about 2 percent of households, according to Katherine Calhoun Cutshall, collections manager, North Carolina Room, Pack Memorial Library — and of those, most owned one or two. 98% of Asheville whites had nothing to do with slavery.

The resolution states in part: "The report and the resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority homeownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice."

One can only wonder how supposedly intelligent people can come with something as absolutely backwards as this . Here this idiots are claiming to be repairing racial inequity and injustice, and in the meantime, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

This is about the worst example of racist, racial discrimination by public officials that I have ever seen. Did this bunch of blockheads ever stop to consider that deliberately "increasing minority home ownership" that is equivalent to decreasing white home ownership ? Giving favors to people of one race only is discriminating against the other race, who is not getting those favors.

Same thing goes for "increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities," This is a direct slap in the face to white people, especially white children going into the job market.

This birdbrain council talks about "closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay",. I have a friend who lives near Asheville and goes to the Charles George VA Medical Center there. He says he sees hundreds of employees working there, and about 90% of them are black. About 1% are white and those are all women. This is exactly the same as the 2 VA hospitals here in the Tampa Bay area.

THAT is what the "gaps in health care, education, employment and pay" are.

SHAME ON ASHEVILLE, NC, for perpetuating and now increasing the racism against whites. that has been going on in that city (and all over the country) for over half a century. When will this country ever get a grip on all this racial insanity, and create racial equity and justice ? Maybe that will happen if/when Trump gets re-elected, and we have a nationwide ban on Affirmative Action, and all these other ludicrous and illegal violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Here's my prediction. This will make things worse.

Because when you feed monsters, they grow. When you appease Hitler, he simply demands more. When you pay ransom to kidnappers, they simply kidnap more people.

So I bet you, this will simply inflame more hate and evil.

That's my prediction. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Is that yer excuse for why there was slaves to begin with?
I think if blacks keep pushing to get paid because some blacks were slaves, they will eventually get what's coming to them . Probably sooner then later.

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