As a Black man, I don't think CRT is true

Racist policies have adirect bearing on the economic status of black and white people today.
Its ridiculous to deny it.

It might not be your fault personally but you would be the beneficiary.
Yet, when it comes to white south african poverty, they 100% connect it to "black racism". Just goes to show you how full of shit most white people are. As soon as something affects them, all of sudden victimhood is ok.
CRT is learned self-hatred.
No. But if it was, that would be ok because you do have a reason to hate yourself. Is it self hatred for a drunk to admit he is a drunk? It's just a fact. But I can see how that would be antithetical to your white supremacist paradigm.
So affirmative action is racism? We should all condemn affirmative action then
Nah, Affirmative action only exist becuase of white privilege. It's like calling the fire department discriminatory because they aren't putting your house fire out(that doens't exist) in favor of your neighbor, whose house is on fire. Stop being racist and we won't need AA. Until I see a change in the fuckin' house, I support it. Actually, we need to do WAY WAY more. Affirmative Action is the bare minimum.
And I don't give a fuck about your black nationalist rhetoric based on racist delusions & lies.
You want some facts?
Every year, in over 85% of violent interactions between blacks & white, the black is the perp. Same for blacks with other races.

  • When white offenders committed crimes of violence against either whites or blacks in 2018, they targeted white victims 97.3 percent of the time, and they went after black victims 2.6 percent of the time.
  • By contrast, when black offenders committed crimes of violence against either whites or blacks during that same year, they targeted white victims 58 percent of the time, and they went after black victims 42 percent of the time.[3]
City Journal also reports that according to Justice Department data, blacks in 2018 were overrepresented among the perpetrators of offenses classified as “hate crimes” by a whopping 50 percent—while whites were underrepresented by 24 percent.

On average, black Americans commit hate crimes at a rate that is three times higher than whites per 100,000 according to FBI crime data from the five previous years.
Furthermore, despite making up only 13.4% of the American population, black Americans commit more than double the amount of interracial homicides on white Americans, who make up 60.4% of the American population.

I don't care what you think but truth matters & your delusions of systemic racism against blacks is a complete fallacy, unless you are talking about affirmative action. I agree that is an actual racist policy but it has nothing to do with "white privilege".
You are either a liar or just ignorant of actual facts. Take your racist rhetoric to an inner city where fellow brainwashed sheeple will buy your BS
All Lives Matter
You must care because you commented on this thread lol. Now get muted and get replaced by 2050 Mayo mane.
No. But if it was, that would be ok because you do have a reason to hate yourself. Is it self hatred for a drunk to admit he is a drunk? It's just a fact. But I can see how that would be antithetical to your white supremacist paradigm.
So what is the antithesis of a white supremacist?
= not a black guy.... = yes a white, socialist, snowflake troll.....

You guys are obsessed with race and can't get behind King's dream. What's your next excuse??


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Yet, when it comes to white south african poverty, they 100% connect it to "black racism". Just goes to show you how full of shit most white people are. As soon as something affects them, all of sudden victimhood is ok.

Nah, Affirmative action only exist becuase of white privilege. It's like calling the fire department discriminatory because they aren't putting your house fire out(that doens't exist) in favor of your neighbor, whose house is on fire. Stop being racist and we won't need AA. Until I see a change in the fuckin' house, I support it. Actually, we need to do WAY WAY more. Affirmative Action is the bare minimum.
AA is racial discrimination against whites, that is called black privilege.
In order to be a racist you have to be a racist in order to accuse another of being racist. When you are not racist accusing someone of being a racist IT doesn’t happen because non racist ppl DONT USE THAT IS THEIR FUCKING VICTIM CARD!
These string of words in sequence don't mean anything.
Your logic is flawed. Just because racism existed during those times does not mean America was founded upon it.
Ubiquitous, widespread racism, on top of codified racialist law and policies= America was founded on racism. It has been the fiber of our society since its birth.
Ubiquitous, widespread racism, on top of codified racialist law and policies= America was founded on racism. It has been the fiber of our society since its birth.
Wrong again. USA was founded by men of British ancestry for people of British ancestry or some who would have no issue assimilating into Anglo society. At that time Greeks, Italians, Irish in no manner would have been considered white or Anglo British. It was Ethnic not Racial.
I dont have time to look it up now but i will do.
The US govt made grants available to enable folk tobuy their homes. I think it was $10k. That 10k is now worth $500k and oddly enough the money was not available to black folk. That is the economic disparity between the races today.

Black folk were also excluded from better housing and better schools.

This is the history of the US and was the case until recently. It still goes on in policing and the justce system.

That is affirmative action and goes back to 1619.
I sure think you had better look that up. As far as I know the government never gave anyone grants for home purchases. You might be thinking about VA or FHA LOANS, but those came from private sources with the government guaranteeing repayment. In SOME places (the Deep South) local prejudices got in the way of blacks receiving those loans.
Wrong again. USA was founded by men of British ancestry for people of British ancestry or some who would have no issue assimilating into Anglo society. At that time Greeks, Italians, Irish in no manner would have been considered white or Anglo British. It was Ethnic not Racial.
It was not the land of the free was it ?
If you really think I think anyone believes that "racism doesn't exist", and interpreting that statement that literally no one is racist, you are either an idiot, or just another racist trolling and arguing in bad faith. Either way you're screwed.
I would reply to your comment if I has any idea what the hell you were talking about.
Most people in Black society understand the prevalence of racism in society. Not sure what you're on about.
What I'm "on about" is your apparent hypocrisy regarding racism. It exists in many individuals of all skin colors, dumbass.

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