Article V Convention Of States

How the HELL do YOU know? YOU have no fucking idea. Get lost troll.
Actually I do know based on your post count, and reading your thoughts on any given issue. You loved Bush's big government patriotic hoo-rah gung-ho PATRIOT Act bullshit. All of you Conservative Republicans did. You LOVED it. You hated anyone who questioned it. You said that it was necessary to fight terrorists. You said, "There hasn't been another 9/11 since 9/11. Derp."

But now a black man is in charge and it's TYRANNY! Right, right-wing muppet? The NSA is evil now because a black man is in the White House. Ooooh! And he was born in Kenya! He hates America and he's going to take your guns any second now.

Or did you mean how I knew that there weren't any WMD in Iraq? That was on the news. Pretty much every channel including FOX. You should have heard about that by now.

Wmd's were never found. The whole reason for going into Iraq. How soon they forget.

1) Components crucial to WMD's (and against the terms of cease fire) were found
2) It was not the whole reason to go to Iraq, just the one that your progs love to cling to. Perhaps you should read the whole resolution...

Here is the full text of the resolution passed by Alabama’s House...

And each member who voted for this nonsense should be embarrassed.

It was the original intent of the Framers that the Federal Constitution, Federal laws, and the Federal courts be supreme. Residents of each state are first and foremost citizens of the United States, where a citizen’s relationship to his state of residence is secondary.

And it is the states that are more likely to violate the civil liberties of the American citizens who reside within them. Consequently, it’s a tragic irony to have one of the most repressive states in the Union, Alabama, with a long and shameful history of violating the civil rights of the citizens living in that state, to make reference to protecting “the liberty of our people,” when Alabama has in fact done no such thing.
Supreme ONLY in areas where they were given SPECIFIC power.. all other powers were reserved for the States and/or the individuals

The sovereignty of the states was not to be usurped by the fed...

Here is the full text of the resolution passed by Alabama’s House...

And each member who voted for this nonsense should be embarrassed.

It was the original intent of the Framers that the Federal Constitution, Federal laws, and the Federal courts be supreme. Residents of each state are first and foremost citizens of the United States, where a citizen’s relationship to his state of residence is secondary.

And it is the states that are more likely to violate the civil liberties of the American citizens who reside within them. Consequently, it’s a tragic irony to have one of the most repressive states in the Union, Alabama, with a long and shameful history of violating the civil rights of the citizens living in that state, to make reference to protecting “the liberty of our people,” when Alabama has in fact done no such thing.
Supreme ONLY in areas where they were given SPECIFIC power.. all other powers were reserved for the States and/or the individuals

The sovereignty of the states was not to be usurped by the fed...


True. The States were the bedrock of the original constitution. The senators originally represented the states, not the people in them. This is why state legislatures picked them.
Now the feds lean on states all the time. The current debacle of federal judges overturning referenda on gay marriage is a good example. I am waiting for TN's amendment to be ruled unconstitutional, and for the state to tell the feds to shove it, we ain't listening.
The AL convention is an excellent idea. There are many more conservative states than liberal ones.
This may be the last chance to avert civil war, not North against South, but a real civil war that spreads all across the Country, Patriots against Tyrants.

Alabama Calls for "Convention of the States" to Stop Obama

what do you think?

I think you're an alarmist.

So was Thomas Pain, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and the rest of our Founding Fathers.

This isn't the 18th century

The Alarm is begging to be sounded. Anyone who is against an article V Convention is for the Tyranny our Government has become.

The Article V Convention isn't going to materialize into anything.
You didn't oppose NSA spying during Bush's term. Also, there weren't any WMD in Iraq.

Not sure who you aimed this at, but I adamantly opposed the spying during Bush's terms.

Also, I am opposed to our federal gov't ignoring what is best for the people and continuing to pile on huge amounts of debt.

Regardless of whether you are a liberal or a conservative, a democrat or republican, you cannot possibly think increasing our debt is a good thing for this country.
This may be the last chance to avert civil war, not North against South, but a real civil war that spreads all across the Country, Patriots against Tyrants.

Alabama Calls for "Convention of the States" to Stop Obama

what do you think?

I think it's weird how conservatives always want to change the constitution they say they love.

I think it's equally weird that the self-proclaimed uber patriots in this country are always threatening insurrection, secession,and/or a civil war unless they can get their way.

It's only slightly less weird that they embrace impeachment whenever a Democrat is in office, but the extraordinary measures inacted into law (like the Patriot Act) and the genearal expansion of presidential powers during the Bush years never raised much of an eyebrow except in small quarters of the Republican Party which were mostly ignored by most everyone else on the right who thought strong leadership was just swell as long as it was one of their own running the show.


This is yet another manifestation of the conservative misery offensive, the right’s moronic effort to contrive a ‘gloom and doom’ America for some perceived political advantage.

There is no impending ‘civil war,’ it is partisan idiocy to refer to ‘stopping Obama,’ and there’s no justification for a ‘constitutional convention’ or to ‘rewrite’ the Constitution.

Yes, there are those idiots who maintain we are one step away from a civil war. This Article 5 convention is not about those delusional fools.

It is about 2 things. It is about a balanced budget amendment and about limitations of federal political terms. No federal politicians will ever push for these things. They thrive on the ability to run the debt higher and higher, and none want to have limits on their terms.
I think it's weird how conservatives always want to change the constitution they say they love.

I think it's equally weird that the self-proclaimed uber patriots in this country are always threatening insurrection, secession,and/or a civil war unless they can get their way.

It's only slightly less weird that they embrace impeachment whenever a Democrat is in office, but the extraordinary measures inacted into law (like the Patriot Act) and the genearal expansion of presidential powers during the Bush years never raised much of an eyebrow except in small quarters of the Republican Party which were mostly ignored by most everyone else on the right who thought strong leadership was just swell as long as it was one of their own running the show.


This is yet another manifestation of the conservative misery offensive, the right’s moronic effort to contrive a ‘gloom and doom’ America for some perceived political advantage.

There is no impending ‘civil war,’ it is partisan idiocy to refer to ‘stopping Obama,’ and there’s no justification for a ‘constitutional convention’ or to ‘rewrite’ the Constitution.

Yes, there are those idiots who maintain we are one step away from a civil war. This Article 5 convention is not about those delusional fools.

It is about 2 things. It is about a balanced budget amendment and about limitations of federal political terms. No federal politicians will ever push for these things. They thrive on the ability to run the debt higher and higher, and none want to have limits on their terms.

A ‘balanced budget amendment’ is naïve, as are ‘term limits,’ and would prove to be ineffective as long as citizens refuse to get involved in the political process.

Real reform can’t happen with top-down, quick fixes, but can only be brought about at the very local level.
A fresh Constitutional Convention?

An idea whose time has come?

Not so much to stop Obumble...

But to flush some of the filth down the Constitutional toilet.

Tea bags would clog the drain.
Actually I do know based on your post count, and reading your thoughts on any given issue. You loved Bush's big government patriotic hoo-rah gung-ho PATRIOT Act bullshit. All of you Conservative Republicans did. You LOVED it. You hated anyone who questioned it. You said that it was necessary to fight terrorists. You said, "There hasn't been another 9/11 since 9/11. Derp."

But now a black man is in charge and it's TYRANNY! Right, right-wing muppet? The NSA is evil now because a black man is in the White House. Ooooh! And he was born in Kenya! He hates America and he's going to take your guns any second now.

Or did you mean how I knew that there weren't any WMD in Iraq? That was on the news. Pretty much every channel including FOX. You should have heard about that by now.

Wmd's were never found. The whole reason for going into Iraq. How soon they forget.
There WERE some found...but not in the quantities even DEMOCRATS said existed...went along with...WHERE did they go? SYRIA...Bekaa Valley before WE arrived...


For all the rightwing nuts who insist that (lol) Syria got Iraq's WMD's, why is it we never hear any of these same nuts demanding we invade Syria?
This may be the last chance to avert civil war, not North against South, but a real civil war that spreads all across the Country, Patriots against Tyrants.

Alabama Calls for "Convention of the States" to Stop Obama

what do you think?

I'm all for it.

It is the Constitutional equivalent of "Break Glass in Case of Emergency" mechanism to help us out of the pickle we are in right now.

Mind you, it is NOT a Constitutional Convention but a convention by the states to amend the Constitution.

It bypasses the jerks in Congress and gives the power back to the States to do what they believe is in the best interest of their constituents and the nation.

But don't expect it to happen quickly enough to remove him any sooner than 2016.

Here's what Rush says about it.

"What do we do?" We've never encountered this kind of lawlessness before. We've never encountered a president who just makes the law up as he goes, and specifically for his own political benefit, ignoring Congress, ignoring the Constitution. Nobody knows what to do. I mean, we haven't been confronted with this.

I mean, there are people, like Levin has his idea of the Article V Convention with the state legislatures convening a constitutional convention.

It's a great idea, but that's not gonna stop Obama next week from doing what he's doing. It's a great long-term solution, but I'm looking at it in the context of how do you stop this? This guy's got three years here and he's openly taunting everybody.

He's making the law up as he goes, whatever he wants it to be is what it is. The Democrats in Congress are in total support. Our Constitution doesn't matter. Anyway, they play this sound bite then they bring in Juan Williams to respond to it. And Martha MacCallum said, "So, Juan, what do you think of that?"

It's Obama's Lawlessness That Matters, Not His Motivation - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Wmd's were never found. The whole reason for going into Iraq. How soon they forget.
There WERE some found...but not in the quantities even DEMOCRATS said existed...went along with...WHERE did they go? SYRIA...Bekaa Valley before WE arrived...


For all the rightwing nuts who insist that (lol) Syria got Iraq's WMD's, why is it we never hear any of these same nuts demanding we invade Syria?

How soon one forgets..,

Syria chemical arms plan promising 'if it's real,' Obama says -
Wmd's were never found. The whole reason for going into Iraq. How soon they forget.
There WERE some found...but not in the quantities even DEMOCRATS said existed...went along with...WHERE did they go? SYRIA...Bekaa Valley before WE arrived...


For all the rightwing nuts who insist that (lol) Syria got Iraq's WMD's, why is it we never hear any of these same nuts demanding we invade Syria?

Because Syria can't send WMD's to Tel Aviv.

Because President al Assad isn't an unpredictable loose cannon like Saddam was.

Because Assad did not sign a cease fire agreement prohibiting certain military actions which he violated and thus triggered a predictable U.N. resumption of hostilities like Saddam did.

And because Assad isn't boasting (and bluffing) about having WMD's to keep Iran from invading, like Saddam did.

You guys seldom get things right.

It's not that you don't MEAN well, it's just that your brains are not hard wired to think rationally and logically and you aren't able to anticipate the possible unintended consequences of your actions before you act.
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This convention is a good thing


Agreed. The Ninth and Tenth have been ignored long enough by the Imperial FED. It's either got to be this, let the status quo continue until the FED can never be stopped and ALL rights gone, or armed insurrection.

WE live in tyranny now.
This may be the last chance to avert civil war, not North against South, but a real civil war that spreads all across the Country, Patriots against Tyrants.

Alabama Calls for "Convention of the States" to Stop Obama

what do you think?

I didn't read the rest of the comments in this thread, so if this has already been said... My apologies.

Here it is guys and gals.....

People go to War for one reason.... Economics.

It's been that way since the beginning of time and it will always be that way.

If the socialist elites in the scum of the Earth dimocrap party can keep the economy going, they're safe as safe can be.

If they can keep the average person happy in their suburban home with 2.4 kids and a recreational vehicle and 3 weeks in Pensacola every year....?

Ain't nothing ever gonna happen. Ever.

We could become virtual slaves to the socialist elites and as long as people get to watch the scum in the Pop Culture on TV every night, get to drive their kids in their Minivans to Soccer Practice, take them to the completely worthless Public School in the morning and Dad gets to work his life away in some dreary, dead end job in some dreary building or office until he dies just to get away from the tedium and futility.....

Ain't nothing going to happen.

dimocraps accuse us of being Conservative, but dimocrap scum are just simply regressive.

The problem is, they're too stupid to see it.

At some point, their programs and their forced dependency will cause society to break down and the whole Country will become one big Dee-Troit.

At that point, something will give, something will break.

But that could take decades. And few of us, if any, will be around to see it.

I wish I could. It will be glorious!! Millions will die in the holocaust. Probably tens of Millions. And dimocrap scum (or their descendants) will be defeated and we'll get to start over.....

And then, it will start all again.... few centuries of Independence followed by dependence , followed by collapse and War and.... Lather, rinse, repeat.

dimocraps are too stupid to see it. But that's why they're dimocraps.... They're stupid
This "and as long as people get to watch the scum in the Pop Culture on TV every night, get to drive their kids in their Minivans to Soccer Practice, take them to the completely worthless Public School in the morning and Dad gets to work his life away in some dreary, dead end job in some dreary building or office until he dies just to get away from the tedium and futility....." is what the far right reactionaries and libertarians want for the average American, so they can live off of them.

Particularly those like Ernie S.
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This "and as long as people get to watch the scum in the Pop Culture on TV every night, get to drive their kids in their Minivans to Soccer Practice, take them to the completely worthless Public School in the morning and Dad gets to work his life away in some dreary, dead end job in some dreary building or office until he dies just to get away from the tedium and futility....." is what the far right reactionaries and libertarians want for the average American, so they can live off of them.

Truth is there is only so much cake if you will to pass around. There is just not enough to go around for everyone to have a seat that the table of plenty.

an article V convention has been used in the past. usually, the congress is forced to make the concessions demanded without calling a convention (that is the only option they have in this matter). other than that option, they have no other constitutional say in it. also the president and the supreme court are not involved. we need 2/3 of the state legislatures to ratify this demand for the people to force the issue. the founders of the constitution did not want this method to be used for nuisance ideas, but as a safeguard for the individual citizens protection.
There WERE some found...but not in the quantities even DEMOCRATS said existed...went along with...WHERE did they go? SYRIA...Bekaa Valley before WE arrived...


For all the rightwing nuts who insist that (lol) Syria got Iraq's WMD's, why is it we never hear any of these same nuts demanding we invade Syria?

Because Syria can't send WMD's to Tel Aviv.

Because President al Assad isn't an unpredictable loose cannon like Saddam was.

Because Assad did not sign a cease fire agreement prohibiting certain military actions which he violated and thus triggered a predictable U.N. resumption of hostilities like Saddam did.

And because Assad isn't boasting (and bluffing) about having WMD's to keep Iran from invading, like Saddam did.

You guys seldom get things right.

It's not that you don't MEAN well, it's just that your brains are not hard wired to think rationally and logically and you aren't able to anticipate the possible unintended consequences of your actions before you act.

Are you being sarcastic or stupid?

We were told war was necessary with Iraq because Saddam had WMD's that were an imminent threat to our national security.

If Syria has the same (albeit imaginary) WMD's, then war must be necessary with Syria.

Why aren't the people who insisted the former was necessary doing the same now, for the latter?

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