Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Heaven Is 'Fantasy' And 'Nothing' Happens When We Die

He could have said it this way. As an agnostic atheist, I don't believe any organized religions are real. They're all made up. But I have no clue if God's exist. That's something humans will debate till the end. It's unknowable.

But Christians, Muslims and Jews claim to know. They don't know shit. Neither do Mormons, Hindu, Buddhists, Scientologists.

Regarding religions. I tell theists this. We are all Atheists. I just don't believe in one more god than you. LOL.

My indian buddy said he believes them all. God visits every 1200 years he said. Give or take.
As a Buddhist I can tell you WE KNOW!
We know what we don't know.
Don't claim to know what we cannot know.
He'll find out if it's a fantasy or not.
No he won't
He'll be dead
Death is the end of consciousness and memory
Whatever follows he will have no memory of this life.
Does a butterfly remember being a caterpillar?
Mormons know too. Muslims know too. Jews know too.

None of you know anything. You think. You believe. That's as much as you can say.
You should study Buddhist teachings before making such an ignorant remark.
Buddhists are just like all other religions that believe in some form of afterlife.
I've got no problem in people wanting to believe, however no one knows.
Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion.
We are taught to believe what we can see, feel, touch, prove.
Belief in an afterlife or not is not a requirement of Buddhism.
We believe, generally, that this is not the end and the we must use this life as preparation for whatever comes next
We believe that if you think you know what is next you are wrong.
Like the caterpillar can have no concept of what it is to be a butterfly we (humans) in our current state are incapable of understanding whatever is next.

Perhaps studying the philosophy might help your understanding.
He could have said it this way. As an agnostic atheist, I don't believe any organized religions are real. They're all made up. But I have no clue if God's exist. That's something humans will debate till the end. It's unknowable.

But Christians, Muslims and Jews claim to know. They don't know shit. Neither do Mormons, Hindu, Buddhists, Scientologists.

Regarding religions. I tell theists this. We are all Atheists. I just don't believe in one more god than you. LOL.

My indian buddy said he believes them all. God visits every 1200 years he said. Give or take.
bobo what the hell is an agnostic atheists?...........
I suppose we all will see. I wonder smetimes if there are lifetime sinners who want to comfort themselves with a.collective view of death. "Hey, we are all in the same boat, even you good people"! I have Faith. I hope I am right.. The universe is too massive and interesting to think otherwise. Really why is there can bend ones mind to try to figure it out...
Pitches of Those Who Sell Shoddy Gods

There may be life after death, but it is not like any of the fantasies that peddlers of religions tell us in order to scare us into doing what their bosses want from us.
I didn't state an undesired outcome .. no one living knows what happens in the after life .. including you. He will in fact .. find out.
"He'll find out if it's a fantasy or not."

Repeating, no, the Governator will not find out.
He will have no knowledge or memory of this life or his beliefs in this life.

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