Armed Utah know, with a gun, stops man from kidnapping student, and trying to force way into building...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
But.....I thought these things never happened and that if you let teachers carry guns, they will just take them out and shoot students for fun...


Wait…we’ve been told by all of the smartest people that teachers carrying firearms is inherently dangerous and irresponsible. They’ve assured us that the very concept of a good guy with a gun is nothing but gun lobby propaganda and never plays out in real life.

Dateline: Ogden, Utah . . .

An armed school employee thwarted a kidnapping Tuesday after he confronted a man on a playground with his gun, according to police.

The situation started about 2:30 p.m. at an unidentified elementary school in Ogden.

Ira Cox-Berry, 41, approached and grabbed a student, an 11-year-old girl, who was playing on the playground, police said. Cox-Berry allegedly pulled the girl away as if he was trying to leave with her, but a school employee approached Cox-Berry and demanded that he leave the school.

The unidentified teacher stopped abduction and herded the rest of the kids into a classroom. But Cox-Berry was apparently determined to grab a kid.

Cox-Berry then approached the building and started punching a window in an apparent attempt to get inside, police said. The employee then produced a firearm and held off the man while calling 911.

Officers arrived shortly after and took Cox-Berry into custody after a short struggle, according to a statement from Ogden police.

According to the report, the unidentified “school employee” has a concealed carry permit and was “lawfully in possession of the gun.” Translation: he was authorized to carry it in the school in order to protect students.

Huh. It’s almost as if all the predictable agita from the usual suspects in opposition to teachers and other school employees being armed was just a bunch of hoplophobic hysteria aimed at demonizing gun use and delegitimizing armed self defense.

Be interesting how the national teachers union will react to this out in conservative republican Utah.
Probably call the teacher a racist

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