Are You Willing to Own Your Vote?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It appears that many members of this forum routinely justify their support for candidates as the lesser of evils, but then either disavow these candidates after they are elected or concoct some rationalization for their poor performance while in office.

This seems especially true for Obama/Clinton supporters. They have been excusing Obama's dismal record for almost eight years (while holding their noses) and are now supporting a potential successor who promises to continue our downward spiral. Will they still blame Bush for Hillary's misdeeds, or will they claim that Trump forced them to vote for her?

At this point, I intend to vote for Trump. If he screws up as much as Obama, I will be the first to criticize him (as I did Bush). But I will be willing to own up to my responsibility for electing him. Will Hillary supporters do the same?
It appears that many members of this forum routinely justify their support for candidates as the lesser of evils, but then either disavow these candidates after they are elected or concoct some rationalization for their poor performance while in office.

This seems especially true for Obama/Clinton supporters. They have been excusing Obama's dismal record for almost eight years (while holding their noses) and are now supporting a potential successor who promises to continue our downward spiral. Will they still blame Bush for Hillary's misdeeds, or will they claim that Trump forced them to vote for her?

At this point, I intend to vote for Trump. If he screws up as much as Obama, I will be the first to criticize him (as I did Bush). But I will be willing to own up to my responsibility for electing him. Will Hillary supporters do the same?
No, they won't. Everything good that happens will be thanks to Hitlery, and everything bad will still be President Bush's fault.
Righties make shit up all the time and pretend they are facts . Like the op saying "Obamas dismal record ." More vague made up shit . Cons can't start a thread without using a false premis .
There still is no candidate or party for the American working person.

Obama got votes because he was seen as the least damaging to working folks, not because he was viewed as their savior.

It would be odd if voters did not disavow their actions after the election. They were never the best choice. They were just the lesser evil the system gave us to choose from.

As long as the electorate remains dumbed down and ignorant we will have bad government. It's our fault.

The Trump supporters can't even state, in clear language, why they support him. The Hillary fans support her because of her gender, not because they know how she would govern.

We are a nation of idiots and get the government we deserve.

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