Are White Antifa Mob the Dumbest Group of People in the History of Mankind?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Tucker Carlson makes some good points. How can a person who is concerned about civil rights and opposed to slavery, tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln, or US Grant?

These people are fracking idiots, and the Dimocrat city machines that allow this idiocy to continue are not much brighter either.

Tucker Carlson makes some good points. How can a person who is concerned about civil rights and opposed to slavery, tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln, or US Grant?

These people are fracking idiots, and the Dimocrat city machines that allow this idiocy to continue are not much brighter either.

A bunch of bored white trust fund brats. They don’t care about civil rights.
Tucker Carlson makes some good points. How can a person who is concerned about civil rights and opposed to slavery, tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln, or US Grant?

These people are fracking idiots, and the Dimocrat city machines that allow this idiocy to continue are not much brighter either.

I think a lot of them are just rent-a-mob useful idiots who work as fundraisers and "community organizers" for various leftist groups.

They're typically young, dumb, poorly educated and unskilled, and get paid very little. And although attending protests is not specifically required in their job description, if they don't do it, they simply will not have a job for very long.

I feel sorry for them. The way the leftist organizations manipulate them is unconscionable. The stuff they are encouraged to do is often criminal and may get them arrested. Then they have a criminal record that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
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It's about hatred of America. "Racism" is just a tool
It's hatred of what you on the right have done to this country by salad tossing Corporate America. You've shipped jobs out, you've stagnated pay, your calloused voting has caused four economic crashes since 1987, you've made retirement for those under 50 a real question. But on the plus side, you've given the wealthy a real solid. For that I say THANK YOU!
Tucker Carlson makes some good points. How can a person who is concerned about civil rights and opposed to slavery, tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln, or US Grant?

These people are fracking idiots, and the Dimocrat city machines that allow this idiocy to continue are not much brighter either.

While the individual BLM/Antifa foot soldiers are mindless shambling automatons by and large, their leaders know exactly what they're doing. It's YEAR ZERO of their revolution out there. They're going full for blown Tabula Rasa of our civilization.
It's about hatred of America. "Racism" is just a tool
It's hatred of what you on the right have done to this country by salad tossing Corporate America. You've shipped jobs out, you've stagnated pay, your calloused voting has caused four economic crashes since 1987, you've made retirement for those under 50 a real question. But on the plus side, you've given the wealthy a real solid. For that I say THANK YOU!
Funny how more jobs left under Obama...we had terrible levels of increased pay...and Barry oversaw the slowest recovery from a recession since FDR, 1%'er! The reason that so many people can't retire now isn't because of anything the right have's because 8 years of Obama Economics drained more life savings of Americans than any other Administration EVER!
While the individual BLM/Antifa foot soldiers are mindless shambling automatons by and large, their leaders know exactly what they're doing. It's YEAR ZERO of their revolution out there. They're going full for blown Tabula Rasa of our civilization.
We are facing our own French Revolution and the Jacobins seem more prepared for it, once again, than the Government is.

Trump needs to act NOW before it gets any further.
It's about hatred of America. "Racism" is just a tool
It's hatred of what you on the right have done to this country by salad tossing Corporate America. You've shipped jobs out, you've stagnated pay, your calloused voting has caused four economic crashes since 1987, you've made retirement for those under 50 a real question. But on the plus side, you've given the wealthy a real solid. For that I say THANK YOU!
Funny how more jobs left under Obama...we had terrible levels of increased pay...and Barry oversaw the slowest recovery from a recession since FDR, 1%'er! The reason that so many people can't retire now isn't because of anything the right have's because 8 years of Obama Economics drained more life savings of Americans than any other Administration EVER!
While the individual BLM/Antifa foot soldiers are mindless shambling automatons by and large, their leaders know exactly what they're doing. It's YEAR ZERO of their revolution out there. They're going full for blown Tabula Rasa of our civilization.
We are facing our own French Revolution and the Jacobins seem more prepared for it, once again, than the Government is.

Trump needs to act NOW before it gets any further.
Trump needs to act NOW before it gets any further.

With Napoleonism?

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