Are we really in peril??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
"Sir - The Empire is in peril!"

"You're probably too young to realize, there's rarely a time in our history when we're not in some sort of peril"

This paraphrased quote from the Sean Connery film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, as the elder Allan Quatermain attempts to counsel an overly nervous young British official is too often forgotten these days, and highlights societies short attention span. Viewed through the lens of decades, rather than day to day, we often forget the many positive steps our world has made in the areas of medicine, technology, life expectancy, business opportunities, civil rights, and law. Yes - We have many problems, and yes, this is no time to become complacent, but let us not lose sight of the quality of life on our planet 100 - 200 years ago, and where we are now.

let us not lose sight of the quality of life on our planet 100 - 200 years ago, and where we are now.

We cannot assume that the progress achieved over the last 2 centuries will continue apace over the next 2 centuries. The freedoms and resulting opportunities that made most of those advances possible in the past might not be there in the future. Looking backward rarely helps one move forward.
"Sir - The Empire is in peril!"

"You're probably too young to realize, there's rarely a time in our history when we're not in some sort of peril"

This paraphrased quote from the Sean Connery film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, as the elder Allan Quatermain attempts to counsel an overly nervous young British official is too often forgotten these days, and highlights societies short attention span. Viewed through the lens of decades, rather than day to day, we often forget the many positive steps our world has made in the areas of medicine, technology, life expectancy, business opportunities, civil rights, and law. Yes - We have many problems, and yes, this is no time to become complacent, but let us not lose sight of the quality of life on our planet 100 - 200 years ago, and where we are now.

Calmer heads will prevail.
"In peril"?

If by that term, you mean that we are losing our ability to control our own fate, then yes. The seamless marriage between our media, the globalist interests they represent and a political party hell bent on one party rule is placing more and more control of our lives in the hands of young technocrats who are more interested in exercizing their political power than worrying about where that is taking is.
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"Sir - The Empire is in peril!" ... from the Sean Connery film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,
Didn't we declare independence from the Sirs and Gentlemen in America over 200 years ago?
I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; [Exodus 20:5]
The takeover of America will not be by military force. It will be by incremental creep taking away freedoms, rewriting laws and giving China whatever it wants.
They've been doing just that since the early 20th century. It's gone about as far as it can before the Army throws out the volumes and volumes of CFR and USC that have been passed by Congress.
In a little over two years the Republican majority House will impeach "president" Harris and the Republican majority senate will deliver the "guilty" verdict.

Then the hearings will begin on impeaching "president" Pelosi.

Whole process shouldn't take more than 3 working days.
"Sir - The Empire is in peril!"

"You're probably too young to realize, there's rarely a time in our history when we're not in some sort of peril"

This paraphrased quote from the Sean Connery film League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, as the elder Allan Quatermain attempts to counsel an overly nervous young British official is too often forgotten these days, and highlights societies short attention span. Viewed through the lens of decades, rather than day to day, we often forget the many positive steps our world has made in the areas of medicine, technology, life expectancy, business opportunities, civil rights, and law. Yes - We have many problems, and yes, this is no time to become complacent, but let us not lose sight of the quality of life on our planet 100 - 200 years ago, and where we are now.

Fortunately, most people who are elected to, or placed in, positions of high authority are able to (a) understand and appreciate the gravity of the position, and (b) grow into it based on their intelligence and temperament. The current occupant of the White House is a rare and tragic exception, but he will not be an issue in two months' time.

In other words, I think we're okay during this period.
Conservatives have fought every bit of progress ever by definition.

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